django.po 252 KB

  1. msgid ""
  2. msgstr ""
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  4. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
  5. "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-10-02 16:40+0000\n"
  6. "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-10-02 18:13\n"
  7. "Last-Translator: Mouse Reeve <>\n"
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  19. #: bookwyrm/forms/
  20. msgid "One Day"
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  22. #: bookwyrm/forms/
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  25. #: bookwyrm/forms/
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  28. #: bookwyrm/forms/
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  30. msgstr "Ez da iraungitzen"
  31. #: bookwyrm/forms/
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  35. #: bookwyrm/forms/
  36. msgid "Unlimited"
  37. msgstr "Mugagabea"
  38. #: bookwyrm/forms/
  39. msgid "Incorrect password"
  40. msgstr "Pasahitz okerra"
  41. #: bookwyrm/forms/ bookwyrm/forms/
  42. msgid "Password does not match"
  43. msgstr "Pasahitzak ez datoz bat"
  44. #: bookwyrm/forms/
  45. msgid "Incorrect Password"
  46. msgstr "Pasahitz okerra"
  47. #: bookwyrm/forms/
  48. msgid "Reading finish date cannot be before start date."
  49. msgstr "Irakurketaren amaiera-data ezin da izan hasiera-data baino lehenagokoa."
  50. #: bookwyrm/forms/
  51. msgid "Reading stopped date cannot be before start date."
  52. msgstr "Irakurketaren geldiera-data ezin da izan hasiera-data baino lehenagokoa."
  53. #: bookwyrm/forms/
  54. msgid "Reading stopped date cannot be in the future."
  55. msgstr "Irakurketaren geldiera-data ezin da etorkizunekoa izan."
  56. #: bookwyrm/forms/
  57. msgid "Reading finished date cannot be in the future."
  58. msgstr "Irakurketaren amaiera-data ezin da etorkizunekoa izan."
  59. #: bookwyrm/forms/
  60. msgid "Username or password are incorrect"
  61. msgstr "Erabiltzaile-izena edo pasahitza okerra da"
  62. #: bookwyrm/forms/
  63. msgid "User with this username already exists"
  64. msgstr "Bada dagoeneko erabiltzaile bat erabiltzaile-izen horrekin"
  65. #: bookwyrm/forms/
  66. msgid "A user with this email already exists."
  67. msgstr "Mezu elektroniko hau duen erabiltzailea dagoeneko badago."
  68. #: bookwyrm/forms/ bookwyrm/forms/
  69. msgid "Incorrect code"
  70. msgstr "Kode okerra"
  71. #: bookwyrm/forms/
  72. msgid "This domain is blocked. Please contact your administrator if you think this is an error."
  73. msgstr "Domeinu hau blokeatuta dago. Mesedez, hau akatsa badela uste baduzu, jar zaitez harremanetan zure administratzailearekin."
  74. #: bookwyrm/forms/
  75. msgid "This link with file type has already been added for this book. If it is not visible, the domain is still pending."
  76. msgstr "Fitxategi-mota horrekiko esteka hori jadanik erantsia izan zaio liburu honi. Agertzen ez bada, domeinua oraindik zintzilik dagoelako da."
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  113. #: bookwyrm/models/ bookwyrm/models/
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  124. #: bookwyrm/models/
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  127. #: bookwyrm/models/
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  130. #: bookwyrm/models/
  131. msgid "Moderator deletion"
  132. msgstr "Moderatzaile ezabatzea"
  133. #: bookwyrm/models/
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  136. #: bookwyrm/models/
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  139. #: bookwyrm/models/
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  145. #: bookwyrm/models/
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  148. #: bookwyrm/models/
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  151. #: bookwyrm/models/
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  158. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:10
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  167. #: bookwyrm/models/ bookwyrm/models/
  168. #, python-format
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  171. #: bookwyrm/models/ bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:128
  172. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/error.html:29
  173. msgid "username"
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  175. #: bookwyrm/models/
  176. msgid "A user with that username already exists."
  177. msgstr "Erabiltzaile-izen hori duen erabiltzailea dagoeneko existitzen da."
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  214. #: bookwyrm/models/ bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:172
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  217. #: bookwyrm/models/
  218. msgid "Stopped"
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  220. #: bookwyrm/models/ bookwyrm/models/
  221. msgid "Import stopped"
  222. msgstr "Inportazioa gelditu da"
  223. #: bookwyrm/models/ bookwyrm/models/
  224. msgid "Error loading book"
  225. msgstr "Errorea liburua kargatzean"
  226. #: bookwyrm/models/
  227. msgid "Could not find a match for book"
  228. msgstr "Ezin izan da libururako parekorik aurkitu"
  229. #: bookwyrm/models/
  230. msgid "Free"
  231. msgstr "Dohainik"
  232. #: bookwyrm/models/
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  234. msgstr "Erosgarria"
  235. #: bookwyrm/models/
  236. msgid "Available for loan"
  237. msgstr "Mailegatzeko eskuragarri"
  238. #: bookwyrm/models/
  239. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/link_domains/link_domains.html:23
  240. msgid "Approved"
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  242. #: bookwyrm/models/
  243. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report.html:115
  244. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/create_status.html:26
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  246. msgstr "Iruzkina"
  247. #: bookwyrm/models/
  248. msgid "Resolved report"
  249. msgstr ""
  250. #: bookwyrm/models/
  251. msgid "Re-opened report"
  252. msgstr ""
  253. #: bookwyrm/models/
  254. msgid "Messaged reporter"
  255. msgstr ""
  256. #: bookwyrm/models/
  257. msgid "Messaged reported user"
  258. msgstr ""
  259. #: bookwyrm/models/
  260. msgid "Suspended user"
  261. msgstr ""
  262. #: bookwyrm/models/
  263. msgid "Un-suspended user"
  264. msgstr ""
  265. #: bookwyrm/models/
  266. msgid "Changed user permission level"
  267. msgstr ""
  268. #: bookwyrm/models/
  269. msgid "Deleted user account"
  270. msgstr ""
  271. #: bookwyrm/models/
  272. msgid "Blocked domain"
  273. msgstr ""
  274. #: bookwyrm/models/
  275. msgid "Approved domain"
  276. msgstr ""
  277. #: bookwyrm/models/
  278. msgid "Deleted item"
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  280. #: bookwyrm/models/ bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:307
  281. msgid "Reviews"
  282. msgstr "Kritikak"
  283. #: bookwyrm/models/
  284. msgid "Comments"
  285. msgstr "Iruzkinak"
  286. #: bookwyrm/models/
  287. msgid "Quotations"
  288. msgstr "Aipuak"
  289. #: bookwyrm/models/
  290. msgid "Everything else"
  291. msgstr "Gainerako guztia"
  292. #: bookwyrm/
  293. msgid "Home Timeline"
  294. msgstr "Hasierako denbora-lerroa"
  295. #: bookwyrm/
  296. msgid "Home"
  297. msgstr "Hasiera"
  298. #: bookwyrm/
  299. msgid "Books Timeline"
  300. msgstr "Liburuen denbora-lerroa"
  301. #: bookwyrm/
  302. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:101
  303. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/layout.html:22
  304. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/layout.html:43
  305. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/layout.html:97
  306. msgid "Books"
  307. msgstr "Liburuak"
  308. #: bookwyrm/
  309. msgid "English"
  310. msgstr "English (Ingelesa)"
  311. #: bookwyrm/
  312. msgid "Català (Catalan)"
  313. msgstr "Català (katalana)"
  314. #: bookwyrm/
  315. msgid "Deutsch (German)"
  316. msgstr "Deutsch (alemana)"
  317. #: bookwyrm/
  318. msgid "Esperanto (Esperanto)"
  319. msgstr "Esperantoa"
  320. #: bookwyrm/
  321. msgid "Español (Spanish)"
  322. msgstr "Español (espainiera)"
  323. #: bookwyrm/
  324. msgid "Euskara (Basque)"
  325. msgstr "Euskara"
  326. #: bookwyrm/
  327. msgid "Galego (Galician)"
  328. msgstr "Galego (Galiziera)"
  329. #: bookwyrm/
  330. msgid "Italiano (Italian)"
  331. msgstr "Italiano (Italiera)"
  332. #: bookwyrm/
  333. msgid "Suomi (Finnish)"
  334. msgstr "Suomi (finlandiera)"
  335. #: bookwyrm/
  336. msgid "Français (French)"
  337. msgstr "Français (frantses)"
  338. #: bookwyrm/
  339. msgid "Lietuvių (Lithuanian)"
  340. msgstr "Lituano (lituaniera)"
  341. #: bookwyrm/
  342. msgid "Nederlands (Dutch)"
  343. msgstr ""
  344. #: bookwyrm/
  345. msgid "Norsk (Norwegian)"
  346. msgstr "Norsk (Norvegiera)"
  347. #: bookwyrm/
  348. msgid "Polski (Polish)"
  349. msgstr "Polski (poloniera)"
  350. #: bookwyrm/
  351. msgid "Português do Brasil (Brazilian Portuguese)"
  352. msgstr "Português do Brasil (Brasilgo Portugesa)"
  353. #: bookwyrm/
  354. msgid "Português Europeu (European Portuguese)"
  355. msgstr "Português Europeu (Europako Portugesa)"
  356. #: bookwyrm/
  357. msgid "Română (Romanian)"
  358. msgstr "Română (errumaniera)"
  359. #: bookwyrm/
  360. msgid "Svenska (Swedish)"
  361. msgstr "Svenska (suediera)"
  362. #: bookwyrm/
  363. msgid "简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)"
  364. msgstr "简体中文 (Txinera soildua)"
  365. #: bookwyrm/
  366. msgid "繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)"
  367. msgstr "繁體中文 (Txinera tradizionala)"
  368. #: bookwyrm/templates/404.html:4 bookwyrm/templates/404.html:8
  369. msgid "Not Found"
  370. msgstr "Ez da aurkitu"
  371. #: bookwyrm/templates/404.html:9
  372. msgid "The page you requested doesn't seem to exist!"
  373. msgstr "Badirudi eskatu duzun orrialdea ez dela existitzen!"
  374. #: bookwyrm/templates/500.html:4
  375. msgid "Oops!"
  376. msgstr "Hara!"
  377. #: bookwyrm/templates/500.html:8
  378. msgid "Server Error"
  379. msgstr "Zerbitzariaren errorea"
  380. #: bookwyrm/templates/500.html:9
  381. msgid "Something went wrong! Sorry about that."
  382. msgstr "Arazoren bat izan da! Barkatu eragozpenak."
  383. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/about.html:9
  384. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/layout.html:35
  385. msgid "About"
  386. msgstr "Honi buruz"
  387. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/about.html:21
  388. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/layout.html:22
  389. #, python-format
  390. msgid "Welcome to %(site_name)s!"
  391. msgstr "Ongi etorri %(site_name)s(e)ra!"
  392. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/about.html:25
  393. #, python-format
  394. msgid "%(site_name)s is part of <em>BookWyrm</em>, a network of independent, self-directed communities for readers. While you can interact seamlessly with users anywhere in the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">BookWyrm network</a>, this community is unique."
  395. msgstr "%(site_name)s <em>BookWyrm</em>en parte da, irakurleentzako komunitate independente eta auto-kudeatuen sarea. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">BookWyrm sareko</a> edozein instantziako kideekin egin dezakezu harremana, baina gure komunitate honek bere ezaugarri propioak ditu."
  396. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/about.html:45
  397. #, python-format
  398. msgid "<a href=\"%(book_path)s\"><em>%(title)s</em></a> is %(site_name)s's most beloved book, with an average rating of %(rating)s out of 5."
  399. msgstr "<a href=\"%(book_path)s\"><em>%(title)s</em></a> da %(site_name)sko libururik gogokonea, bere batezbesteko balorazioa %(rating)s izanik, 5eko eskalan."
  400. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/about.html:64
  401. #, python-format
  402. msgid "More %(site_name)s users want to read <a href=\"%(book_path)s\"><em>%(title)s</em></a> than any other book."
  403. msgstr "<a href=\"%(book_path)s\"><em>%(title)s</em></a> irakurri nahian dabiltzan %(site_name)s(e)ko erabiltzaile gehien dituen liburua da."
  404. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/about.html:83
  405. #, python-format
  406. msgid "<a href=\"%(book_path)s\"><em>%(title)s</em></a> has the most divisive ratings of any book on %(site_name)s."
  407. msgstr "<a href=\"%(book_path)s\"><em>%(title)s</em></a> da %(site_name)s(e)n balorazio zatituenak dituen liburua."
  408. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/about.html:94
  409. msgid "Track your reading, talk about books, write reviews, and discover what to read next. Always ad-free, anti-corporate, and community-oriented, BookWyrm is human-scale software, designed to stay small and personal. If you have feature requests, bug reports, or grand dreams, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">reach out</a> and make yourself heard."
  410. msgstr "Erakutsi zure irakurketak, hitz egin liburuei buruz, idatzi iritzi eta balorazioak eta deskubritu zer ikurri hurrengo. Publizitaterik gabe, korporazio handien aurka eta komunitatera bideratuta, BookWyrm giza mailako softwarea da, txikia eta pertsonala izateko diseinatua. Funtzionalitateen eskaerak, akatsen txostenak edo amets handiak badituzu, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan</a> eta partekatu gurekin zure ikuspegia."
  411. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/about.html:105
  412. msgid "Meet your admins"
  413. msgstr "Ezagutu zure administratzaileak"
  414. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/about.html:108
  415. #, python-format
  416. msgid "%(site_name)s's moderators and administrators keep the site up and running, enforce the <a href=\"%(coc_path)s\">code of conduct</a>, and respond when users report spam and bad behavior."
  417. msgstr "%(site_name)s(e)ko moderatzaileek eta administratzaileek webgunea martxan mantentzen dute, <a href=\"%(coc_path)s\">jokabide-kodea</a> betearazi eta erabiltzaileek spama eta portaera txarra salatzen dutenean erantzuna ematen dute."
  418. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/about.html:122
  419. msgid "Moderator"
  420. msgstr "Moderatzailea"
  421. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/about.html:124 bookwyrm/templates/user_menu.html:67
  422. msgid "Admin"
  423. msgstr "Administratzailea"
  424. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/about.html:140
  425. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_moderation_actions.html:14
  426. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/status_options.html:35
  427. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/user_options.html:14
  428. msgid "Send direct message"
  429. msgstr "Bidali mezu zuzena"
  430. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/conduct.html:4
  431. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/conduct.html:9
  432. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/layout.html:41
  433. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/footer.html:27
  434. msgid "Code of Conduct"
  435. msgstr "Jokabide-kodea"
  436. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/impressum.html:4
  437. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/impressum.html:9
  438. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/layout.html:54
  439. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/footer.html:34
  440. msgid "Impressum"
  441. msgstr "Lege oharrak"
  442. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/layout.html:11
  443. msgid "Active users:"
  444. msgstr "Erabiltzaile aktiboak:"
  445. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/layout.html:15
  446. msgid "Statuses posted:"
  447. msgstr "Bidalitako egoerak:"
  448. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/layout.html:19
  449. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/config.html:74
  450. msgid "Software version:"
  451. msgstr "Softwarearen bertsioa:"
  452. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/layout.html:30
  453. #: bookwyrm/templates/embed-layout.html:33
  454. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/footer.html:8
  455. #, python-format
  456. msgid "About %(site_name)s"
  457. msgstr "%(site_name)s(r)i buruz"
  458. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/layout.html:47
  459. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/privacy.html:4
  460. #: bookwyrm/templates/about/privacy.html:9
  461. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/footer.html:30
  462. msgid "Privacy Policy"
  463. msgstr "Pribatutasun-politika"
  464. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:7
  465. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/summary_card.html:8
  466. #, python-format
  467. msgid "%(year)s in the books"
  468. msgstr "%(year)s liburutan"
  469. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:43
  470. #, python-format
  471. msgid "%(year)s <em>in the books</em>"
  472. msgstr "%(year)s <em>liburuetan</em>"
  473. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:47
  474. #, python-format
  475. msgid "<em>%(display_name)s’s</em> year of reading"
  476. msgstr "<em>%(display_name)s(r)en</em> irakurketa-urtea"
  477. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:53
  478. msgid "Share this page"
  479. msgstr "Partekatu orrialde hau"
  480. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:67
  481. msgid "Copy address"
  482. msgstr "Helbidea kopiatu"
  483. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:68
  484. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:277
  485. msgid "Copied!"
  486. msgstr "Kopiatuta!"
  487. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:77
  488. msgid "Sharing status: <strong>public with key</strong>"
  489. msgstr "Egoeraren partekatzea: <strong>publikoa klabearekin</strong>"
  490. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:78
  491. msgid "The page can be seen by anyone with the complete address."
  492. msgstr "Helbide osoa duen edonork ikus dezake orrialdea."
  493. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:83
  494. msgid "Make page private"
  495. msgstr "Pribatua bihurtu orrialdea"
  496. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:89
  497. msgid "Sharing status: <strong>private</strong>"
  498. msgstr "Egoeraren partekatzea: <strong>pribatua</strong>"
  499. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:90
  500. msgid "The page is private, only you can see it."
  501. msgstr "Orria pribatua da, zuk bakarrik ikus dezakezu."
  502. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:95
  503. msgid "Make page public"
  504. msgstr "Publikoa bihurtu orrialdea"
  505. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:99
  506. msgid "When you make your page private, the old key won’t give access to the page anymore. A new key will be created if the page is once again made public."
  507. msgstr "Zure orrialdea pribatua bihurtzen duzunean, gako zaharrak orrialdera sarbidea emateari utziko dio. Orrialdea berriz publiko bihurtuz gero gako berri bat sortuko da."
  508. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:112
  509. #, python-format
  510. msgid "Sadly %(display_name)s didn’t finish any books in %(year)s"
  511. msgstr "Zoritxarrez %(display_name)s(e)k ez zuen libururik amaitu %(year)s urtean"
  512. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:118
  513. #, python-format
  514. msgid "In %(year)s, %(display_name)s read %(books_total)s book<br />for a total of %(pages_total)s pages!"
  515. msgid_plural "In %(year)s, %(display_name)s read %(books_total)s books<br />for a total of %(pages_total)s pages!"
  516. msgstr[0] "%(year)s urtean, %(display_name)s(e)k liburu %(books_total)s<br />irakurri zuen, %(pages_total)s orrialde guztira!"
  517. msgstr[1] "%(year)s urtean, %(display_name)s(e)k %(books_total)s liburu<br />irakurri zituen, eta %(pages_total)s orrialde guztira!"
  518. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:124
  519. msgid "That’s great!"
  520. msgstr "Hori zoragarria da!"
  521. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:128
  522. #, python-format
  523. msgid "That makes an average of %(pages)s pages per book."
  524. msgstr "Liburu bakoitzeko %(pages)s orrialdeko batezbestekoa da."
  525. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:134
  526. #, python-format
  527. msgid "(No page data was available for %(no_page_number)s book)"
  528. msgid_plural "(No page data was available for %(no_page_number)s books)"
  529. msgstr[0] "(%(no_page_number)s libururen orrialde-kopuruari buruzko daturik ez da aurkitu)"
  530. msgstr[1] "(Ez zegoen %(no_page_number)s liburuetarako orrialdeen daturik)"
  531. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:150
  532. msgid "Their shortest read this year…"
  533. msgstr "Aurtengo irakurketarik laburrena…"
  534. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:157
  535. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:178
  536. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:247
  537. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:63
  538. #: bookwyrm/templates/discover/large-book.html:22
  539. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/large-book.html:26
  540. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/small-book.html:18
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  542. msgstr " , "
  543. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:163
  544. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:184
  545. #, python-format
  546. msgid "<strong>%(pages)s</strong> pages"
  547. msgstr "<strong>%(pages)s</strong> orrialde"
  548. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:171
  549. msgid "…and the longest"
  550. msgstr "... eta luzeena"
  551. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:202
  552. #, python-format
  553. msgid "%(display_name)s set a goal of reading %(goal)s book in %(year)s,<br /> and achieved %(goal_percent)s%% of that goal"
  554. msgid_plural "%(display_name)s set a goal of reading %(goal)s books in %(year)s,<br /> and achieved %(goal_percent)s%% of that goal"
  555. msgstr[0] "%(display_name)s(e)k %(year)s urtean liburu %(goal)s irakurtzeko helburua<br /> ezarri zuen, eta helburu horren %(goal_percent)s%% lortu du"
  556. msgstr[1] "%(display_name)s(e)k %(year)s urtean %(goal)s liburu irakurtzeko helburua<br /> ezarri zuen, eta helburu horren %(goal_percent)s%% lortu du"
  557. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:211
  558. msgid "Way to go!"
  559. msgstr "Hori da bidea!"
  560. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:226
  561. #, python-format
  562. msgid "%(display_name)s left %(ratings_total)s rating, <br />their average rating is %(rating_average)s"
  563. msgid_plural "%(display_name)s left %(ratings_total)s ratings, <br />their average rating is %(rating_average)s"
  564. msgstr[0] "%(display_name)s(e)k %(ratings_total)s puntuazio utzi ditu, <br />eta bere batezbesteko puntuazioa %(rating_average)s da"
  565. msgstr[1] "%(display_name)s(e)k %(ratings_total)s puntuazio utzi ditu, <br />bere batezbesteko puntuazioa %(rating_average)s da"
  566. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:240
  567. msgid "Their best rated review"
  568. msgstr "Bere baloraziorik onena"
  569. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:253
  570. #, python-format
  571. msgid "Their rating: <strong>%(rating)s</strong>"
  572. msgstr "Bere puntuazioa: <strong>%(rating)s</strong>"
  573. #: bookwyrm/templates/annual_summary/layout.html:270
  574. #, python-format
  575. msgid "All the books %(display_name)s read in %(year)s"
  576. msgstr "%(display_name)s(e)k %(year)s urtean irakurritako liburu guztiak"
  577. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/author.html:19
  578. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/author.html:20
  579. msgid "Edit Author"
  580. msgstr "Editatu egilea"
  581. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/author.html:36
  582. msgid "Author details"
  583. msgstr "Autorearen xehetasunak"
  584. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/author.html:40
  585. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:42
  586. msgid "Aliases:"
  587. msgstr "Ezizenak:"
  588. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/author.html:49
  589. msgid "Born:"
  590. msgstr "Jaiotza:"
  591. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/author.html:56
  592. msgid "Died:"
  593. msgstr "Heriotza:"
  594. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/author.html:66
  595. msgid "External links"
  596. msgstr "Kanpoko estekak"
  597. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/author.html:71
  598. msgid "Wikipedia"
  599. msgstr "Wikipedia"
  600. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/author.html:79
  601. msgid "Website"
  602. msgstr "Webgunea"
  603. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/author.html:87
  604. msgid "View ISNI record"
  605. msgstr "Ikusi ISNI erregistroa"
  606. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/author.html:95
  607. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:173
  608. msgid "View on ISFDB"
  609. msgstr "Ikus ISFDB webgunean"
  610. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/author.html:100
  611. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/sync_modal.html:5
  612. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:140
  613. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/sync_modal.html:5
  614. msgid "Load data"
  615. msgstr "Kargatu datuak"
  616. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/author.html:104
  617. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:144
  618. msgid "View on OpenLibrary"
  619. msgstr "OpenLibraryn ikusi"
  620. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/author.html:119
  621. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:158
  622. msgid "View on Inventaire"
  623. msgstr "Inventairen ikusi"
  624. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/author.html:135
  625. msgid "View on LibraryThing"
  626. msgstr "LibraryThing-en ikusi"
  627. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/author.html:143
  628. msgid "View on Goodreads"
  629. msgstr "Goodreads-en ikusi"
  630. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/author.html:151
  631. msgid "View ISFDB entry"
  632. msgstr "Ikus ISFDB atala"
  633. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/author.html:166
  634. #, python-format
  635. msgid "Books by %(name)s"
  636. msgstr "%(name)s(e)k idatzitako liburuak"
  637. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:5
  638. msgid "Edit Author:"
  639. msgstr "Egilea editatu:"
  640. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:13
  641. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:25
  642. msgid "Added:"
  643. msgstr "Gehituta:"
  644. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:14
  645. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:28
  646. msgid "Updated:"
  647. msgstr "Eguneratua:"
  648. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:16
  649. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:32
  650. msgid "Last edited by:"
  651. msgstr "Azkena editatzen:"
  652. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:33
  653. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:21
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  655. msgstr "Metadatuak"
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  659. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/form.html:9
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  662. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:44
  663. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:89
  664. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:159
  665. msgid "Separate multiple values with commas."
  666. msgstr "Bereizi balio anitzak komaz."
  667. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:50
  668. msgid "Bio:"
  669. msgstr "Bio:"
  670. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:56
  671. msgid "Wikipedia link:"
  672. msgstr "Wikipedia esteka:"
  673. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:60
  674. msgid "Website:"
  675. msgstr "Webgunea:"
  676. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:65
  677. msgid "Birth date:"
  678. msgstr "Jaiotze data:"
  679. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:72
  680. msgid "Death date:"
  681. msgstr "Heriotza data:"
  682. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:79
  683. msgid "Author Identifiers"
  684. msgstr "Egile identifikatzaileak"
  685. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:81
  686. msgid "Openlibrary key:"
  687. msgstr "Openlibrary-ren giltza:"
  688. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:88
  689. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:334
  690. msgid "Inventaire ID:"
  691. msgstr "Inventaire IDa:"
  692. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:95
  693. msgid "Librarything key:"
  694. msgstr "Librarything-ren giltza:"
  695. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:102
  696. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:343
  697. msgid "Goodreads key:"
  698. msgstr "Goodreads-ren giltza:"
  699. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:109
  700. msgid "ISFDB:"
  701. msgstr "ISFDB:"
  702. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:116
  703. msgid "ISNI:"
  704. msgstr "ISNI:"
  705. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:126
  706. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:220
  707. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:150
  708. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/add_link_modal.html:60
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  713. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/form.html:130
  714. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:140
  715. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/readthrough_modal.html:81
  716. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/edit_announcement.html:120
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  721. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:144
  722. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_moderation_actions.html:75
  723. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/form.html:25
  724. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/reading_modals/layout.html:18
  725. msgid "Save"
  726. msgstr "Gorde"
  727. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/edit_author.html:127
  728. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/sync_modal.html:23
  729. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:221
  730. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/cover_add_modal.html:33
  731. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:152
  732. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:155
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  735. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/sync_modal.html:23
  736. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/delete_group_modal.html:15
  737. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/add_item_modal.html:36
  738. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/delete_list_modal.html:16
  739. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/disable-2fa.html:19
  740. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/delete_readthrough_modal.html:27
  741. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/readthrough_modal.html:80
  742. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/barcode_modal.html:43
  743. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:106
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  745. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/link_domains/edit_domain_modal.html:22
  746. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/report_modal.html:52
  747. msgid "Cancel"
  748. msgstr "Ezeztatu"
  749. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/sync_modal.html:15
  750. #, python-format
  751. msgid "Loading data will connect to <strong>%(source_name)s</strong> and check for any metadata about this author which aren't present here. Existing metadata will not be overwritten."
  752. msgstr "Datuak kargatzean <strong>%(source_name)s</strong>(e)ra konektatu eta hemen aurkitzen ez diren autore honi buruzko metadatuak arakatuko dira. Dauden datuak ez dira ordezkatuko."
  753. #: bookwyrm/templates/author/sync_modal.html:24
  754. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:137
  755. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/sync_modal.html:24
  756. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/members.html:29
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  758. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/2fa.html:77
  759. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/complete_import_modal.html:19
  760. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/remove_from_group_button.html:17
  761. msgid "Confirm"
  762. msgstr "Berretsi"
  763. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:20
  764. msgid "Unable to connect to remote source."
  765. msgstr "Ezin izan da urruneko edukira konektatu."
  766. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:71 bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:72
  767. msgid "Edit Book"
  768. msgstr "Editatu liburua"
  769. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:97 bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:100
  770. msgid "Click to add cover"
  771. msgstr "Egin klik azala gehitzeko"
  772. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:106
  773. msgid "Failed to load cover"
  774. msgstr "Ezin izan da azala kargatu"
  775. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:117
  776. msgid "Click to enlarge"
  777. msgstr "Egin click handitzeko"
  778. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:196
  779. #, python-format
  780. msgid "(%(review_count)s review)"
  781. msgid_plural "(%(review_count)s reviews)"
  782. msgstr[0] "(berrikuspen %(review_count)s)"
  783. msgstr[1] "(%(review_count)s berrikuspen)"
  784. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:209
  785. msgid "Add Description"
  786. msgstr "Gehitu deskribapena"
  787. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:216
  788. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:53
  789. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/form.html:13 bookwyrm/templates/shelf/form.html:17
  790. msgid "Description:"
  791. msgstr "Deskribapena:"
  792. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:232
  793. #, python-format
  794. msgid "%(count)s edition"
  795. msgid_plural "%(count)s editions"
  796. msgstr[0] "Edizio %(count)s"
  797. msgstr[1] "%(count)s edizio"
  798. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:246
  799. msgid "You have shelved this edition in:"
  800. msgstr "Edizio hau gorde duzu:"
  801. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:261
  802. #, python-format
  803. msgid "A <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">different edition</a> of this book is on your <a href=\"%(shelf_path)s\">%(shelf_name)s</a> shelf."
  804. msgstr "Liburu honen <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">edizio desberdinak</a> <a href=\"%(shelf_path)s\">%(shelf_name)s</a> apalean dituzu."
  805. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:272
  806. msgid "Your reading activity"
  807. msgstr "Zure irakurketa jarduera"
  808. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:278
  809. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:56
  810. msgid "Add read dates"
  811. msgstr "Gehitu irakurketa datak"
  812. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:286
  813. msgid "You don't have any reading activity for this book."
  814. msgstr "Ez duzu liburu honetarako irakurketa jarduerarik."
  815. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:312
  816. msgid "Your reviews"
  817. msgstr "Zure kritikak"
  818. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:318
  819. msgid "Your comments"
  820. msgstr "Zure iruzkinak"
  821. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:324
  822. msgid "Your quotes"
  823. msgstr "Zure aipuak"
  824. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:360
  825. msgid "Subjects"
  826. msgstr "Gaiak"
  827. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:372
  828. msgid "Places"
  829. msgstr "Lekuak"
  830. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:383
  831. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/group.html:19
  832. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:14
  833. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:102
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  840. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:77
  841. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/layout.html:91 bookwyrm/templates/user/lists.html:6
  842. msgid "Lists"
  843. msgstr "Zerrendak"
  844. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:395
  845. msgid "Add to list"
  846. msgstr "Gehitu zerrendara"
  847. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book.html:405
  848. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/cover_add_modal.html:32
  849. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/add_item_modal.html:39
  850. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:255
  851. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_blocklist/domain_form.html:24
  852. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/ip_blocklist/ip_address_form.html:32
  853. msgid "Add"
  854. msgstr "Gehitu"
  855. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book_identifiers.html:8
  856. msgid "ISBN:"
  857. msgstr "ISBN:"
  858. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book_identifiers.html:12
  859. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book_identifiers.html:13
  860. msgid "Copy ISBN"
  861. msgstr ""
  862. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book_identifiers.html:16
  863. msgid "Copied ISBN!"
  864. msgstr ""
  865. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book_identifiers.html:23
  866. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:352
  867. msgid "OCLC Number:"
  868. msgstr "OCLC zenbakia:"
  869. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book_identifiers.html:30
  870. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:361
  871. msgid "ASIN:"
  872. msgstr "ASIN:"
  873. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book_identifiers.html:37
  874. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:370
  875. msgid "Audible ASIN:"
  876. msgstr "Audible ASIN:"
  877. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book_identifiers.html:44
  878. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:379
  879. msgid "ISFDB ID:"
  880. msgstr "ISFDB ID:"
  881. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/book_identifiers.html:51
  882. msgid "Goodreads:"
  883. msgstr "Goodreads-en giltza:"
  884. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/cover_add_modal.html:5
  885. msgid "Add cover"
  886. msgstr "Gehitu azala"
  887. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/cover_add_modal.html:17
  888. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:244
  889. msgid "Upload cover:"
  890. msgstr "Kargatu azala:"
  891. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/cover_add_modal.html:23
  892. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:250
  893. msgid "Load cover from url:"
  894. msgstr "Kargatu azala URLtik:"
  895. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/cover_show_modal.html:6
  896. msgid "Book cover preview"
  897. msgstr "Liburu azalaren aurrebista"
  898. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/cover_show_modal.html:11
  899. #: bookwyrm/templates/components/inline_form.html:8
  900. #: bookwyrm/templates/components/modal.html:13
  901. #: bookwyrm/templates/components/modal.html:30
  902. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/suggested_books.html:67
  903. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/layout.html:27
  904. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/layout.html:60
  905. msgid "Close"
  906. msgstr "Itxi"
  907. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:8
  908. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:18
  909. #, python-format
  910. msgid "Edit \"%(book_title)s\""
  911. msgstr "Editatu \"%(book_title)s\""
  912. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:10
  913. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:20
  914. msgid "Add Book"
  915. msgstr "Gehitu liburua"
  916. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:43
  917. msgid "Failed to save book, see errors below for more information."
  918. msgstr "Liburua gordetzeak huts egin du, ikus behean agertzen diren erroreak informazio gehiagorako."
  919. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:70
  920. msgid "Confirm Book Info"
  921. msgstr "Liburuaren informazioa berretsi"
  922. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:78
  923. #, python-format
  924. msgid "Is \"%(name)s\" one of these authors?"
  925. msgstr "\"%(name)s\" da autore horietako bat?"
  926. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:89
  927. #, python-format
  928. msgid "Author of <em>%(book_title)s</em>"
  929. msgstr "<em>%(book_title)s</em>(r)en autorea"
  930. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:93
  931. #, python-format
  932. msgid "Author of <em>%(alt_title)s</em>"
  933. msgstr "<em>%(alt_title)s</em>(r)en autorea"
  934. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:95
  935. msgid "Find more information at"
  936. msgstr "Informazio gehiagorako:"
  937. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:105
  938. msgid "This is a new author"
  939. msgstr "Egile berria da"
  940. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:115
  941. #, python-format
  942. msgid "Creating a new author: %(name)s"
  943. msgstr "Egile berria sortzen: %(name)s"
  944. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:122
  945. msgid "Is this an edition of an existing work?"
  946. msgstr "Lehendik dagoen lan baten edizioa al da hau?"
  947. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:130
  948. msgid "This is a new work"
  949. msgstr "Lan berria da hau"
  950. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book.html:139
  951. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/status.html:19
  952. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:44
  953. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:68
  954. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:91
  955. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:116
  956. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:140
  957. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:164
  958. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:188
  959. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:213
  960. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:237
  961. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:262
  962. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:290
  963. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:43
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  966. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:108
  967. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:91
  968. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:115
  969. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:140
  970. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:165
  971. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:189
  972. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:212
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  974. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:70
  975. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:94
  976. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:117
  977. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:136
  978. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:83
  979. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:110
  980. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:134
  981. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:155
  982. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:44
  983. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:67
  984. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:90
  985. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:118
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  987. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:67
  988. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:91
  989. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:110
  990. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:43
  991. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:66
  992. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:89
  993. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:112
  994. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:135
  995. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:93 bookwyrm/templates/user_menu.html:18
  996. msgid "Back"
  997. msgstr "Itzuli"
  998. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:26
  999. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/create_status/review.html:15
  1000. msgid "Title:"
  1001. msgstr "Izenburua:"
  1002. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:35
  1003. msgid "Sort Title:"
  1004. msgstr ""
  1005. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:44
  1006. msgid "Subtitle:"
  1007. msgstr "Azpititulua:"
  1008. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:64
  1009. msgid "Series:"
  1010. msgstr "Seriea:"
  1011. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:74
  1012. msgid "Series number:"
  1013. msgstr "Serie zenbakia:"
  1014. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:85
  1015. msgid "Languages:"
  1016. msgstr "Hizkuntzak:"
  1017. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:97
  1018. msgid "Subjects:"
  1019. msgstr "Gaiak:"
  1020. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:101
  1021. msgid "Add subject"
  1022. msgstr "Gehitu gaia"
  1023. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:119
  1024. msgid "Remove subject"
  1025. msgstr "Ezabatu gaia"
  1026. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:142
  1027. msgid "Add Another Subject"
  1028. msgstr "Gehitu beste gai bat"
  1029. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:150
  1030. msgid "Publication"
  1031. msgstr "Argitalpena"
  1032. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:155
  1033. msgid "Publisher:"
  1034. msgstr "Argitaletxea:"
  1035. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:167
  1036. msgid "First published date:"
  1037. msgstr "Argitaratutako lehen data:"
  1038. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:175
  1039. msgid "Published date:"
  1040. msgstr "Argitaratze data:"
  1041. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:186
  1042. msgid "Authors"
  1043. msgstr "Egilea(k)"
  1044. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:197
  1045. #, python-format
  1046. msgid "Remove %(name)s"
  1047. msgstr "Kendu %(name)s"
  1048. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:200
  1049. #, python-format
  1050. msgid "Author page for %(name)s"
  1051. msgstr "%(name)s egilearen orria"
  1052. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:208
  1053. msgid "Add Authors:"
  1054. msgstr "Gehitu egilea(k):"
  1055. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:211
  1056. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:214
  1057. msgid "Add Author"
  1058. msgstr "Gehitu egilea"
  1059. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:212
  1060. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:215
  1061. msgid "Jane Doe"
  1062. msgstr "Egilearen Izen-Abizenak"
  1063. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:221
  1064. msgid "Add Another Author"
  1065. msgstr "Gehitu beste egile bat"
  1066. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:231
  1067. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:147
  1068. msgid "Cover"
  1069. msgstr "Azala"
  1070. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:263
  1071. msgid "Physical Properties"
  1072. msgstr "Ezaugarri fisikoak"
  1073. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:270
  1074. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/editions/format_filter.html:6
  1075. msgid "Format:"
  1076. msgstr "Formatua:"
  1077. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:280
  1078. msgid "Format details:"
  1079. msgstr "Formatuaren xehetasunak:"
  1080. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:291
  1081. msgid "Pages:"
  1082. msgstr "Orrialdeak:"
  1083. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:302
  1084. msgid "Book Identifiers"
  1085. msgstr "Liburuen identifikatzaileak"
  1086. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:307
  1087. msgid "ISBN 13:"
  1088. msgstr "ISBN 13:"
  1089. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:316
  1090. msgid "ISBN 10:"
  1091. msgstr "ISBN 10:"
  1092. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/edit/edit_book_form.html:325
  1093. msgid "Openlibrary ID:"
  1094. msgstr "Openlibrary-ren IDa:"
  1095. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/editions/editions.html:4
  1096. #, python-format
  1097. msgid "Editions of %(book_title)s"
  1098. msgstr "%(book_title)s(r)en edizioak"
  1099. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/editions/editions.html:8
  1100. #, python-format
  1101. msgid "Editions of <a href=\"%(work_path)s\"><i>%(work_title)s</i></a>"
  1102. msgstr ""
  1103. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/editions/editions.html:55
  1104. msgid "Can't find the edition you're looking for?"
  1105. msgstr "Ez al duzu bilatzen ari zaren edizioa aurkitzen?"
  1106. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/editions/editions.html:76
  1107. msgid "Add another edition"
  1108. msgstr "Gehitu beste edizio bat"
  1109. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/editions/format_filter.html:9
  1110. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/editions/language_filter.html:9
  1111. msgid "Any"
  1112. msgstr "Edozein"
  1113. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/editions/language_filter.html:6
  1114. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:95
  1115. msgid "Language:"
  1116. msgstr "Hizkuntza:"
  1117. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/editions/search_filter.html:6
  1118. msgid "Search editions"
  1119. msgstr "Edizioak bilatu"
  1120. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/add_link_modal.html:6
  1121. msgid "Add file link"
  1122. msgstr "Erantsi fitxategi-lotura"
  1123. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/add_link_modal.html:19
  1124. msgid "Links from unknown domains will need to be approved by a moderator before they are added."
  1125. msgstr "Domeinu ezezagunetako estekak moderatzaile batek onetsi beharko ditu gehitu aurretik."
  1126. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/add_link_modal.html:24
  1127. msgid "URL:"
  1128. msgstr "URLa:"
  1129. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/add_link_modal.html:29
  1130. msgid "File type:"
  1131. msgstr "Fitxategi mota:"
  1132. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/add_link_modal.html:48
  1133. msgid "Availability:"
  1134. msgstr "Eskuragarritasuna:"
  1135. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/edit_links.html:5
  1136. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/edit_links.html:21
  1137. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/links.html:53
  1138. msgid "Edit links"
  1139. msgstr "Editatu esteka"
  1140. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/edit_links.html:11
  1141. #, python-format
  1142. msgid "Links for \"<em>%(title)s</em>\""
  1143. msgstr "\"<em>%(title)s</em>\" bilaketarako estekak"
  1144. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/edit_links.html:32
  1145. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/link_domains/link_table.html:6
  1146. msgid "URL"
  1147. msgstr "URLa"
  1148. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/edit_links.html:33
  1149. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/link_domains/link_table.html:7
  1150. msgid "Added by"
  1151. msgstr "Honek gehitua"
  1152. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/edit_links.html:34
  1153. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/link_domains/link_table.html:8
  1154. msgid "Filetype"
  1155. msgstr "Fitxategi mota"
  1156. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/edit_links.html:35
  1157. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_blocklist/email_blocklist.html:25
  1158. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report_links_table.html:5
  1159. msgid "Domain"
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  1161. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/edit_links.html:36
  1162. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:139
  1163. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:134
  1164. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcements.html:37
  1165. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:48
  1166. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/status_filter.html:5
  1167. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_admin.html:56
  1168. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:24
  1169. msgid "Status"
  1170. msgstr "Egoera"
  1171. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/edit_links.html:37
  1172. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcements.html:41
  1173. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:112
  1174. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:141
  1175. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report_links_table.html:6
  1176. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/themes.html:99
  1177. msgid "Actions"
  1178. msgstr "Ekintzak"
  1179. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/edit_links.html:48
  1180. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/link_domains/link_table.html:21
  1181. msgid "Unknown user"
  1182. msgstr "Erabiltzaile ezezaguna"
  1183. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/edit_links.html:57
  1184. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/verification_modal.html:22
  1185. msgid "Report spam"
  1186. msgstr "Spam-a salatu"
  1187. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/edit_links.html:102
  1188. msgid "No links available for this book."
  1189. msgstr "Ez dago estekarik eskuragarri liburu honetarako."
  1190. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/edit_links.html:113
  1191. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/links.html:18
  1192. msgid "Add link to file"
  1193. msgstr "Gehitu lotura fitxategiari"
  1194. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/file_link_page.html:6
  1195. msgid "File Links"
  1196. msgstr "Fitxategi estekak"
  1197. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/links.html:9
  1198. msgid "Get a copy"
  1199. msgstr "Lortu kopia bat"
  1200. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/links.html:47
  1201. msgid "No links available"
  1202. msgstr "Ez dago lotura erabilgarririk"
  1203. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/verification_modal.html:5
  1204. msgid "Leaving BookWyrm"
  1205. msgstr "Utzi BookWyrm"
  1206. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/verification_modal.html:11
  1207. #, python-format
  1208. msgid "This link is taking you to: <code>%(link_url)s</code>.<br> Is that where you'd like to go?"
  1209. msgstr "Esteka honek: <code>%(link_url)s</code>-ra eramaten zaitu.<br> Hori al da jarraitu nahi duzun esteka?"
  1210. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/file_links/verification_modal.html:26
  1211. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/config.html:139
  1212. msgid "Continue"
  1213. msgstr "Jarraitu"
  1214. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/publisher_info.html:23
  1215. #, python-format
  1216. msgid "%(format)s, %(pages)s pages"
  1217. msgstr "%(format)s, %(pages)s orrialde"
  1218. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/publisher_info.html:25
  1219. #, python-format
  1220. msgid "%(pages)s pages"
  1221. msgstr "%(pages)s orrialde"
  1222. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/publisher_info.html:38
  1223. #, python-format
  1224. msgid "%(languages)s language"
  1225. msgstr "%(languages)s hizkuntza"
  1226. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/publisher_info.html:65
  1227. #, python-format
  1228. msgid "Published %(date)s by %(publisher)s."
  1229. msgstr "%(date)s(e)an %(publisher)s(e)n argitaratua."
  1230. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/publisher_info.html:67
  1231. #, python-format
  1232. msgid "Published %(date)s"
  1233. msgstr "%(date)s(e)an argitaratua"
  1234. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/publisher_info.html:69
  1235. #, python-format
  1236. msgid "Published by %(publisher)s."
  1237. msgstr "%(publisher)s(e)k argitaratua."
  1238. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/rating.html:13
  1239. msgid "rated it"
  1240. msgstr "baloratu du"
  1241. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/series.html:11
  1242. msgid "Series by"
  1243. msgstr "Seriearen sortzailea: "
  1244. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/series.html:27
  1245. #, python-format
  1246. msgid "Book %(series_number)s"
  1247. msgstr "%(series_number)s. liburua"
  1248. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/series.html:27
  1249. msgid "Unsorted Book"
  1250. msgstr "Sailkatu gabeko liburua"
  1251. #: bookwyrm/templates/book/sync_modal.html:15
  1252. #, python-format
  1253. msgid "Loading data will connect to <strong>%(source_name)s</strong> and check for any metadata about this book which aren't present here. Existing metadata will not be overwritten."
  1254. msgstr "Datuak kargatzean <strong>%(source_name)s</strong>(e)ra konektatu eta hemen aurkitzen ez diren autore honi buruzko metadatuak arakatuko dira. Dauden datuak ez dira ordezkatuko."
  1255. #: bookwyrm/templates/compose.html:5 bookwyrm/templates/compose.html:8
  1256. msgid "Edit status"
  1257. msgstr "Editatu egoera"
  1258. #: bookwyrm/templates/confirm_email/confirm_email.html:4
  1259. msgid "Confirm email"
  1260. msgstr "Berretsi eposta"
  1261. #: bookwyrm/templates/confirm_email/confirm_email.html:7
  1262. msgid "Confirm your email address"
  1263. msgstr "Egiaztatu zure helbide elektronikoa"
  1264. #: bookwyrm/templates/confirm_email/confirm_email.html:13
  1265. msgid "A confirmation code has been sent to the email address you used to register your account."
  1266. msgstr "Zure kontua erregistratzeko erabili zenuen epostara berrespen kodea bidali da."
  1267. #: bookwyrm/templates/confirm_email/confirm_email.html:15
  1268. msgid "Sorry! We couldn't find that code."
  1269. msgstr "Barkatu! Ezin izan dugu kode hori aurkitu."
  1270. #: bookwyrm/templates/confirm_email/confirm_email.html:19
  1271. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:92
  1272. msgid "Confirmation code:"
  1273. msgstr "Berrespen kodea:"
  1274. #: bookwyrm/templates/confirm_email/confirm_email.html:25
  1275. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/layout.html:81
  1276. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/dashboard.html:102
  1277. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/report_modal.html:53
  1278. msgid "Submit"
  1279. msgstr "Bidali"
  1280. #: bookwyrm/templates/confirm_email/confirm_email.html:38
  1281. msgid "Can't find your code?"
  1282. msgstr "Ezin duzu zure kodea aurkitu?"
  1283. #: bookwyrm/templates/confirm_email/resend.html:5
  1284. #: bookwyrm/templates/confirm_email/resend_modal.html:5
  1285. msgid "Resend confirmation link"
  1286. msgstr "Birbidali baieztapen esteka"
  1287. #: bookwyrm/templates/confirm_email/resend_modal.html:15
  1288. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/layout.html:68
  1289. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/password_reset_request.html:24
  1290. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:53
  1291. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/register_form.html:27
  1292. msgid "Email address:"
  1293. msgstr "Eposta helbidea:"
  1294. #: bookwyrm/templates/confirm_email/resend_modal.html:30
  1295. msgid "Resend link"
  1296. msgstr "Birbidali esteka"
  1297. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/community_filter.html:5
  1298. msgid "Community"
  1299. msgstr "Komunitatea"
  1300. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/community_filter.html:8
  1301. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_admin.html:25
  1302. msgid "Local users"
  1303. msgstr "Tokiko erabiltzaileak"
  1304. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/community_filter.html:12
  1305. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_admin.html:33
  1306. msgid "Federated community"
  1307. msgstr "Komunitate federatua"
  1308. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/directory.html:4
  1309. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/directory.html:9
  1310. #: bookwyrm/templates/user_menu.html:34
  1311. msgid "Directory"
  1312. msgstr "Direktorioa"
  1313. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/directory.html:17
  1314. msgid "Make your profile discoverable to other BookWyrm users."
  1315. msgstr "Egin zure profila ikusgai BookWyrm-eko beste erabiltzaileentzat."
  1316. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/directory.html:21
  1317. msgid "Join Directory"
  1318. msgstr "Elkartu direktoriora"
  1319. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/directory.html:24
  1320. #, python-format
  1321. msgid "You can opt-out at any time in your <a href=\"%(path)s\">profile settings.</a>"
  1322. msgstr "Edozein unetan ezeztatu dezakezu zure <a href=\"%(path)s\">profilaren ezarpenetan.</a>"
  1323. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/directory.html:29
  1324. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/directory.html:31
  1325. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/goal_card.html:17
  1326. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/summary_card.html:12
  1327. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/summary_card.html:14
  1328. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/announcement.html:31
  1329. msgid "Dismiss message"
  1330. msgstr "Baztertu mezua"
  1331. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/sort_filter.html:5
  1332. msgid "Order by"
  1333. msgstr "Ordenatzeko irizpidea"
  1334. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/sort_filter.html:9
  1335. msgid "Recently active"
  1336. msgstr "Duela gutxi aktibo"
  1337. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/sort_filter.html:10
  1338. msgid "Suggested"
  1339. msgstr "Iradokizunak"
  1340. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/user_card.html:17
  1341. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/user_card.html:18
  1342. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/remote_follow.html:21
  1343. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/remote_follow.html:22
  1344. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/subscribe.html:41
  1345. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/subscribe.html:42
  1346. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/success.html:17
  1347. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/success.html:18
  1348. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user_preview.html:16
  1349. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user_preview.html:17
  1350. msgid "Locked account"
  1351. msgstr "Blokeatutako kontua"
  1352. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/user_card.html:40
  1353. msgid "follower you follow"
  1354. msgid_plural "followers you follow"
  1355. msgstr[0] "jarraitzen duzun jarraitzailea"
  1356. msgstr[1] "jarraitzen dituzun jarraitzaileak"
  1357. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/user_card.html:47
  1358. msgid "book on your shelves"
  1359. msgid_plural "books on your shelves"
  1360. msgstr[0] "liburua zure apaletan"
  1361. msgstr[1] "liburuak zure apaletan"
  1362. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/user_card.html:55
  1363. msgid "posts"
  1364. msgstr "bidalketa"
  1365. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/user_card.html:61
  1366. msgid "last active"
  1367. msgstr "azken jarduera"
  1368. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/user_type_filter.html:5
  1369. msgid "User type"
  1370. msgstr "Erabiltzaile mota"
  1371. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/user_type_filter.html:8
  1372. msgid "BookWyrm users"
  1373. msgstr "BookWyrm-en erabiltzaileak"
  1374. #: bookwyrm/templates/directory/user_type_filter.html:12
  1375. msgid "All known users"
  1376. msgstr "Erabiltzaile ezagun guztiak"
  1377. #: bookwyrm/templates/discover/card-header.html:8
  1378. #, python-format
  1379. msgid "<a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a> wants to read <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a>"
  1380. msgstr "<a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a>(e)k <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a> irakurri nahi du"
  1381. #: bookwyrm/templates/discover/card-header.html:13
  1382. #, python-format
  1383. msgid "<a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a> finished reading <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a>"
  1384. msgstr "<a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a>(e)k <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a> irakurtzen bukatu du"
  1385. #: bookwyrm/templates/discover/card-header.html:18
  1386. #, python-format
  1387. msgid "<a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a> started reading <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a>"
  1388. msgstr ", <a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a> orain <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a> irakurtzen hasi da"
  1389. #: bookwyrm/templates/discover/card-header.html:23
  1390. #, python-format
  1391. msgid "<a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a> rated <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a>"
  1392. msgstr "<a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a>(e)k <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a> baloratu du"
  1393. #: bookwyrm/templates/discover/card-header.html:27
  1394. #, python-format
  1395. msgid "<a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a> reviewed <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a>"
  1396. msgstr "<a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a>(e)k <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a>(r)en kritika egin du"
  1397. #: bookwyrm/templates/discover/card-header.html:31
  1398. #, python-format
  1399. msgid "<a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a> commented on <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a>"
  1400. msgstr "<a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a>(e)k <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a>(e)ri buruzko iruzkina egin du"
  1401. #: bookwyrm/templates/discover/card-header.html:35
  1402. #, python-format
  1403. msgid "<a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a> quoted <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a>"
  1404. msgstr "<a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a>(e)k <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a>(r)en aipua egin du"
  1405. #: bookwyrm/templates/discover/discover.html:4
  1406. #: bookwyrm/templates/discover/discover.html:10
  1407. #: bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:93
  1408. msgid "Discover"
  1409. msgstr "Deskubritu"
  1410. #: bookwyrm/templates/discover/discover.html:12
  1411. #, python-format
  1412. msgid "See what's new in the local %(site_name)s community"
  1413. msgstr "Ikusi zer dagoen berri %(site_name)s komunitate lokalean"
  1414. #: bookwyrm/templates/discover/large-book.html:52
  1415. #: bookwyrm/templates/discover/small-book.html:36
  1416. msgid "View status"
  1417. msgstr "Ikusi egoera"
  1418. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/confirm/html_content.html:6
  1419. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/confirm/text_content.html:4
  1420. #, python-format
  1421. msgid "One last step before you join %(site_name)s! Please confirm your email address by clicking the link below:"
  1422. msgstr "Azken urrats bat %(site_name)s-ra sartu aurretik! Mesedez, berretsi zure helbide elektronikoa beheko estekan klik eginez:"
  1423. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/confirm/html_content.html:11
  1424. msgid "Confirm Email"
  1425. msgstr "Berretsi eposta"
  1426. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/confirm/html_content.html:15
  1427. #, python-format
  1428. msgid "Or enter the code \"<code>%(confirmation_code)s</code>\" at login."
  1429. msgstr "Edo idatzi \"<code>%(confirmation_code)s</code>\" kodea saioa hastean."
  1430. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/confirm/subject.html:2
  1431. msgid "Please confirm your email"
  1432. msgstr "Mesedez, berretsi zure eposta"
  1433. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/confirm/text_content.html:10
  1434. #, python-format
  1435. msgid "Or enter the code \"%(confirmation_code)s\" at login."
  1436. msgstr "Edo idatzi \"%(confirmation_code)s\" kodea saioa hastean."
  1437. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/html_layout.html:15
  1438. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/text_layout.html:2
  1439. msgid "Hi there,"
  1440. msgstr "Kaixo,"
  1441. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/html_layout.html:21
  1442. #, python-format
  1443. msgid "BookWyrm hosted on <a style=\"color: #3273dc;\" href=\"https://%(domain)s\">%(site_name)s</a>"
  1444. msgstr "BookWyrm <a style=\"color: #3273dc;\" href=\"https://%(domain)s\">%(site_name)s</a>-en ostatatua"
  1445. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/html_layout.html:23
  1446. msgid "Email preference"
  1447. msgstr "Eposta hobespena"
  1448. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/invite/html_content.html:6
  1449. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/invite/subject.html:2
  1450. #, python-format
  1451. msgid "You're invited to join %(site_name)s!"
  1452. msgstr "%(site_name)s-ra sartzera gonbidatuta zaude!"
  1453. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/invite/html_content.html:9
  1454. msgid "Join Now"
  1455. msgstr "Batu orain"
  1456. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/invite/html_content.html:15
  1457. #, python-format
  1458. msgid "Learn more <a href=\"https://%(domain)s%(about_path)s\">about %(site_name)s</a>."
  1459. msgstr "Informazio gehiago <a href=\"https://%(domain)s%(about_path)s\">%(site_name)s buruz</a>."
  1460. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/invite/text_content.html:4
  1461. #, python-format
  1462. msgid "You're invited to join %(site_name)s! Click the link below to create an account."
  1463. msgstr "%(site_name)s-ra sartzera gonbidatuta zaude! Egin klik beheko estekan kontu bat sortzeko."
  1464. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/invite/text_content.html:8
  1465. #, python-format
  1466. msgid "Learn more about %(site_name)s:"
  1467. msgstr "Informazio gehiago %(site_name)s(r)i buruz:"
  1468. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/moderation_report/html_content.html:8
  1469. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/moderation_report/text_content.html:6
  1470. #, python-format
  1471. msgid "@%(reporter)s has flagged a link domain for moderation."
  1472. msgstr "@%(reporter)s(e)k esteka-domeinu bat markatu du moderatzeko."
  1473. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/moderation_report/html_content.html:14
  1474. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/moderation_report/text_content.html:10
  1475. #, python-format
  1476. msgid "@%(reporter)s has flagged behavior by @%(reportee)s for moderation."
  1477. msgstr "@%(reporter)s(e)k @%(reportee)s(e)n jokabidea salatu du gainbegiratzeko."
  1478. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/moderation_report/html_content.html:21
  1479. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/moderation_report/text_content.html:15
  1480. msgid "View report"
  1481. msgstr "Ikusi salaketak"
  1482. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/moderation_report/subject.html:2
  1483. #, python-format
  1484. msgid "New report for %(site_name)s"
  1485. msgstr "Txosten berria %(site_name)s"
  1486. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/password_reset/html_content.html:6
  1487. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/password_reset/text_content.html:4
  1488. #, python-format
  1489. msgid "You requested to reset your %(site_name)s password. Click the link below to set a new password and log in to your account."
  1490. msgstr "%(site_name)s(r)en pasahitza berrezartzeko eskatu duzu. Egin klik esteka honetan pasahitz berri bat ezartzeko eta zure kontuan saioa hasteko."
  1491. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/password_reset/html_content.html:9
  1492. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/password_reset.html:4
  1493. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/password_reset.html:10
  1494. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/password_reset_request.html:4
  1495. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/password_reset_request.html:10
  1496. msgid "Reset Password"
  1497. msgstr "Berrezarri pasahitza"
  1498. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/password_reset/html_content.html:13
  1499. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/password_reset/text_content.html:8
  1500. msgid "If you didn't request to reset your password, you can ignore this email."
  1501. msgstr "Pasahitza berrezartzeko eskatu ez baduzu, eposta hau baztertu dezakezu."
  1502. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/password_reset/subject.html:2
  1503. #, python-format
  1504. msgid "Reset your %(site_name)s password"
  1505. msgstr "Berrezarri zure %(site_name)s\" pasahitza"
  1506. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/test/html_content.html:6
  1507. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/test/text_content.html:4
  1508. msgid "This is a test email."
  1509. msgstr "Hau, proba mezu bat da."
  1510. #: bookwyrm/templates/email/test/subject.html:2
  1511. msgid "Test email"
  1512. msgstr "Proba mezua"
  1513. #: bookwyrm/templates/embed-layout.html:20 bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:31
  1514. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/layout.html:15
  1515. #: bookwyrm/templates/two_factor_auth/two_factor_login.html:18
  1516. #: bookwyrm/templates/two_factor_auth/two_factor_prompt.html:18
  1517. #, python-format
  1518. msgid "%(site_name)s home page"
  1519. msgstr "%(site_name)s hasierako orrialdea"
  1520. #: bookwyrm/templates/embed-layout.html:39
  1521. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/footer.html:12
  1522. msgid "Contact site admin"
  1523. msgstr "Administratzaileari idatzi"
  1524. #: bookwyrm/templates/embed-layout.html:45
  1525. msgid "Join BookWyrm"
  1526. msgstr "Elkartu BookWyrm-era"
  1527. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/direct_messages.html:8
  1528. #, python-format
  1529. msgid "Direct Messages with <a href=\"%(path)s\">%(username)s</a>"
  1530. msgstr "<a href=\"%(path)s\">%(username)s</a>-rekin mezu zuzenak"
  1531. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/direct_messages.html:10
  1532. #: bookwyrm/templates/user_menu.html:44
  1533. msgid "Direct Messages"
  1534. msgstr "Mezu zuzenak"
  1535. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/direct_messages.html:13
  1536. msgid "All messages"
  1537. msgstr "Mezu guztiak"
  1538. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/direct_messages.html:22
  1539. msgid "You have no messages right now."
  1540. msgstr "Ez duzu mezurik une honetan."
  1541. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/feed.html:55
  1542. msgid "There aren't any activities right now! Try following a user to get started"
  1543. msgstr "Oraintxe ez dago jarduerarik! Hasteko, saiatu erabiltzaile bat jarraitzen"
  1544. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/feed.html:56
  1545. msgid "Alternatively, you can try enabling more status types"
  1546. msgstr "Aukera gisa, estatu mota gehiago gaitzen saia zaitezke"
  1547. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/goal_card.html:6
  1548. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/layout.html:14
  1549. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/goal_form.html:6
  1550. #, python-format
  1551. msgid "%(year)s Reading Goal"
  1552. msgstr "%(year)s(e)ko irakurketa helburua"
  1553. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/goal_card.html:18
  1554. #, python-format
  1555. msgid "You can set or change your reading goal any time from your <a href=\"%(path)s\">profile page</a>"
  1556. msgstr "Irakurtzeko helburua edozein unetan ezar edo alda dezakezu zure <a href=\"%(path)s\">profileko orrialdean</a>"
  1557. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/layout.html:4
  1558. msgid "Updates"
  1559. msgstr "Eguneratzeak"
  1560. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/suggested_books.html:6
  1561. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:127
  1562. #: bookwyrm/templates/user_menu.html:39
  1563. msgid "Your Books"
  1564. msgstr "Zure liburuak"
  1565. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/suggested_books.html:10
  1566. msgid "There are no books here right now! Try searching for a book to get started"
  1567. msgstr "Une honetan ez dago libururik hemen! Hasteko, saiatu liburu bat bilatzen"
  1568. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/suggested_books.html:13
  1569. msgid "Do you have book data from another service like GoodReads?"
  1570. msgstr "Liburuei buruzko datuak Goodreads bezalako beste zerbitzuren batean dituzu?"
  1571. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/suggested_books.html:16
  1572. msgid "Import your reading history"
  1573. msgstr "Inportatu zure irakurketa-historia"
  1574. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/suggested_users.html:5
  1575. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/users.html:6
  1576. msgid "Who to follow"
  1577. msgstr "Nori jarraitu"
  1578. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/suggested_users.html:9
  1579. msgid "Don't show suggested users"
  1580. msgstr "Ez erakutsi iradokitako erabiltzaileak"
  1581. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/suggested_users.html:14
  1582. msgid "View directory"
  1583. msgstr "Ikusi direktorioa"
  1584. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/summary_card.html:21
  1585. msgid "The end of the year is the best moment to take stock of all the books read during the last 12 months. How many pages have you read? Which book is your best-rated of the year? We compiled these stats, and more!"
  1586. msgstr "Urtearen amaiera da azken 12 hilabeteetan irakurritako liburu guztien balantzea egiteko unerik onena. Zenbat orrialde irakurri dituzu? Zein izan da aurten zure libururik baloratuena? Estatistika horiek bildu ditugu, eta gehiago ere bai!"
  1587. #: bookwyrm/templates/feed/summary_card.html:26
  1588. #, python-format
  1589. msgid "Discover your stats for %(year)s!"
  1590. msgstr "Ezagutu zure %(year)s ko estatistikak!"
  1591. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/book_preview.html:6
  1592. #, python-format
  1593. msgid "Have you read %(book_title)s?"
  1594. msgstr "Irakurri duzu %(book_title)s?"
  1595. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/book_preview.html:7
  1596. msgid "Add to your books"
  1597. msgstr "Gehitu zure liburuetara"
  1598. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/book_preview.html:10
  1599. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:86 bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:37
  1600. #: bookwyrm/templatetags/
  1601. msgid "To Read"
  1602. msgstr "Irakurtzeko"
  1603. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/book_preview.html:11
  1604. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:87 bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:38
  1605. #: bookwyrm/templatetags/
  1606. msgid "Currently Reading"
  1607. msgstr "Orain irakurtzen"
  1608. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/book_preview.html:12
  1609. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:88
  1610. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/shelf_selector.html:46
  1611. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/shelve_button/shelve_button_dropdown_options.html:24
  1612. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/shelve_button/shelve_button_options.html:12
  1613. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:39 bookwyrm/templatetags/
  1614. msgid "Read"
  1615. msgstr "Irakurrita"
  1616. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/book_preview.html:13
  1617. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:89 bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:40
  1618. #: bookwyrm/templatetags/
  1619. msgid "Stopped Reading"
  1620. msgstr "Irakurtzeari utzita"
  1621. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/books.html:6
  1622. msgid "What are you reading?"
  1623. msgstr "Zer ari zara irakurtzen?"
  1624. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/books.html:9
  1625. #: bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:39 bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:213
  1626. msgid "Search for a book"
  1627. msgstr "Bilatu liburu bat"
  1628. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/books.html:11
  1629. #, python-format
  1630. msgid "No books found for \"%(query)s\""
  1631. msgstr "Ez da libururik aurkitu \"%(query)s\"-rako"
  1632. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/books.html:11
  1633. #, python-format
  1634. msgid "You can add books when you start using %(site_name)s."
  1635. msgstr "Liburuak gehitu ditzakezu %(site_name)s erabiltzen hasten zarenean."
  1636. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/books.html:16
  1637. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/books.html:17
  1638. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/users.html:18
  1639. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/users.html:19
  1640. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/members.html:15
  1641. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/members.html:16 bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:45
  1642. #: bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:46 bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:217
  1643. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/layout.html:5
  1644. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/layout.html:10
  1645. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/layout.html:32
  1646. msgid "Search"
  1647. msgstr "Bilatu"
  1648. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/books.html:27
  1649. msgid "Suggested Books"
  1650. msgstr "Gomendatutako liburuak"
  1651. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/books.html:33
  1652. msgid "Search results"
  1653. msgstr ""
  1654. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/books.html:46
  1655. #, python-format
  1656. msgid "Popular on %(site_name)s"
  1657. msgstr "Ezagunak %(site_name)s-en"
  1658. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/books.html:58
  1659. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:230
  1660. msgid "No books found"
  1661. msgstr "Ez da libururik aurkitu"
  1662. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/books.html:63
  1663. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/profile.html:64
  1664. msgid "Save &amp; continue"
  1665. msgstr "Gorde eta jarraitu"
  1666. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/layout.html:5
  1667. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/layout.html:5
  1668. msgid "Welcome"
  1669. msgstr "Ongi etorri"
  1670. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/layout.html:24
  1671. msgid "These are some first steps to get you started."
  1672. msgstr "Hauek dira hasteko lehen urrats batzuk."
  1673. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/layout.html:38
  1674. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/profile.html:6
  1675. msgid "Create your profile"
  1676. msgstr "Sortu zure profila"
  1677. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/layout.html:42
  1678. msgid "Add books"
  1679. msgstr "Gehitu liburuak"
  1680. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/layout.html:46
  1681. msgid "Find friends"
  1682. msgstr "Bilatu lagunak"
  1683. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/layout.html:52
  1684. msgid "Skip this step"
  1685. msgstr "Saltatu urrats hau"
  1686. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/layout.html:56
  1687. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:101
  1688. msgid "Finish"
  1689. msgstr "Amaitu"
  1690. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/profile.html:15
  1691. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:41
  1692. msgid "Display name:"
  1693. msgstr "Bistaratzeko izena:"
  1694. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/profile.html:29
  1695. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:47
  1696. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/edit_announcement.html:49
  1697. msgid "Summary:"
  1698. msgstr "Laburpena:"
  1699. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/profile.html:34
  1700. msgid "A little bit about you"
  1701. msgstr "Pixka bat zutaz"
  1702. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/profile.html:43
  1703. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:27
  1704. msgid "Avatar:"
  1705. msgstr "Abatarra:"
  1706. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/profile.html:52
  1707. msgid "Manually approve followers:"
  1708. msgstr "Jarraitzaileak eskuz onartu:"
  1709. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/profile.html:58
  1710. msgid "Show this account in suggested users:"
  1711. msgstr "Erakutsi kontu hau iradokitako erabiltzaileetan:"
  1712. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/profile.html:62
  1713. msgid "Your account will show up in the directory, and may be recommended to other BookWyrm users."
  1714. msgstr "Zure kontua direktorioan agertuko da eta BookWyrmeko beste erabiltzaile batzuei gomendatu ahal izango zaie."
  1715. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/users.html:8
  1716. msgid "You can follow users on other BookWyrm instances and federated services like Mastodon."
  1717. msgstr ""
  1718. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/users.html:11
  1719. msgid "Search for a user"
  1720. msgstr "Bilatu erabiltzaile bat"
  1721. #: bookwyrm/templates/get_started/users.html:13
  1722. #, python-format
  1723. msgid "No users found for \"%(query)s\""
  1724. msgstr "Ez da erabiltzailerik aurkitu \"%(query)s\"-rako"
  1725. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/create_form.html:5
  1726. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:32
  1727. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/groups.html:22
  1728. msgid "Create group"
  1729. msgstr "Sortu taldea"
  1730. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/created_text.html:4
  1731. #, python-format
  1732. msgid "Managed by <a href=\"%(path)s\">%(username)s</a>"
  1733. msgstr "<a href=\"%(path)s\">%(username)s</a>k kudeatzen du"
  1734. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/delete_group_modal.html:4
  1735. msgid "Delete this group?"
  1736. msgstr "Talde hau ezabatu nahi duzu?"
  1737. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/delete_group_modal.html:7
  1738. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/delete_list_modal.html:7
  1739. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/delete_readthrough_modal.html:12
  1740. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/complete_import_modal.html:7
  1741. msgid "This action cannot be un-done"
  1742. msgstr "Ekintza hau ezin da desegin"
  1743. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/delete_group_modal.html:17
  1744. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/delete_list_modal.html:19
  1745. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/delete_readthrough_modal.html:29
  1746. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcement.html:23
  1747. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcements.html:56
  1748. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_blocklist/email_blocklist.html:49
  1749. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/ip_blocklist/ip_blocklist.html:36
  1750. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/follow_request_buttons.html:12
  1751. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/join_invitation_buttons.html:14
  1752. msgid "Delete"
  1753. msgstr "Ezabatu"
  1754. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/edit_form.html:5
  1755. msgid "Edit Group"
  1756. msgstr "Editatu taldea"
  1757. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/form.html:8
  1758. msgid "Group Name:"
  1759. msgstr "Taldearen izena:"
  1760. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/form.html:12
  1761. msgid "Group Description:"
  1762. msgstr "Taldearen deskribapena:"
  1763. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/form.html:21
  1764. msgid "Delete group"
  1765. msgstr "Ezabatu taldea"
  1766. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/group.html:21
  1767. msgid "Members of this group can create group-curated lists."
  1768. msgstr "Talde honetako kideek taldean osatutako zerrendak sor ditzakete."
  1769. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/group.html:26
  1770. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/create_form.html:5
  1771. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/lists.html:20
  1772. msgid "Create List"
  1773. msgstr "Sortu zerrenda"
  1774. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/group.html:39
  1775. msgid "This group has no lists"
  1776. msgstr "Talde honek ez du zerrendarik"
  1777. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/layout.html:17
  1778. msgid "Edit group"
  1779. msgstr "Editatu taldea"
  1780. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/members.html:11
  1781. msgid "Search to add a user"
  1782. msgstr "Bilatu erabiltzaile bat gehitzeko"
  1783. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/members.html:32
  1784. msgid "Leave group"
  1785. msgstr "Utzi taldea"
  1786. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/members.html:54
  1787. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/suggested_users.html:35
  1788. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/suggested_users.html:31
  1789. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user_preview.html:39
  1790. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user_preview.html:47
  1791. msgid "Follows you"
  1792. msgstr "Jarraitzen dizu"
  1793. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/suggested_users.html:7
  1794. msgid "Add new members!"
  1795. msgstr "Gehitu kide berriak!"
  1796. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/suggested_users.html:20
  1797. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/suggested_users.html:16
  1798. #, python-format
  1799. msgid "%(mutuals)s follower you follow"
  1800. msgid_plural "%(mutuals)s followers you follow"
  1801. msgstr[0] "Jarraitzen duzun jarraitzaile %(mutuals)s"
  1802. msgstr[1] "Jarraitzen dituzun %(mutuals)s jarraitzaile"
  1803. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/suggested_users.html:27
  1804. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/suggested_users.html:23
  1805. #, python-format
  1806. msgid "%(shared_books)s book on your shelves"
  1807. msgid_plural "%(shared_books)s books on your shelves"
  1808. msgstr[0] "Liburu %(shared_books)s zure apaletan"
  1809. msgstr[1] "%(shared_books)s liburu zure apaletan"
  1810. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/suggested_users.html:43
  1811. #, python-format
  1812. msgid "No potential members found for \"%(user_query)s\""
  1813. msgstr "Ez da kide potentzialik aurkitu \"%(user_query)s\"(r)ekin"
  1814. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/user_groups.html:15
  1815. msgid "Manager"
  1816. msgstr "Kudeatzailea"
  1817. #: bookwyrm/templates/groups/user_groups.html:35
  1818. msgid "No groups found."
  1819. msgstr ""
  1820. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:10
  1821. msgid "This is home page of a book. Let's see what you can do while you're here!"
  1822. msgstr "Hau liburuaren hasiera orrialdea da. Ikus dezagun zer egin dezakezun hemen zauden bitartean!"
  1823. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:11
  1824. msgid "Book page"
  1825. msgstr "Liburuaren orrialdea"
  1826. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:19
  1827. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:19
  1828. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:22
  1829. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:29
  1830. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:56
  1831. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:19
  1832. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:19
  1833. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:19
  1834. msgid "End Tour"
  1835. msgstr "Amaitu bisitaldia"
  1836. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:26
  1837. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:50
  1838. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:74
  1839. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:97
  1840. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:122
  1841. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:146
  1842. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:170
  1843. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:194
  1844. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:219
  1845. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:243
  1846. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:268
  1847. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:274
  1848. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:26
  1849. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:49
  1850. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:72
  1851. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:95
  1852. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:74
  1853. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:97
  1854. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:121
  1855. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:146
  1856. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:171
  1857. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:195
  1858. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:29
  1859. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:53
  1860. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:76
  1861. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:100
  1862. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:123
  1863. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:36
  1864. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:63
  1865. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:89
  1866. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:116
  1867. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:140
  1868. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:26
  1869. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:50
  1870. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:73
  1871. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:96
  1872. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:26
  1873. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:50
  1874. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:73
  1875. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:97
  1876. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:26
  1877. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:49
  1878. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:72
  1879. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:95
  1880. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:118
  1881. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/pagination.html:30
  1882. msgid "Next"
  1883. msgstr "Hurrengoa"
  1884. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:31
  1885. msgid "This is where you can set a reading status for this book. You can press the button to move to the next stage, or use the drop down button to select the reading status you want to set."
  1886. msgstr "Hor ezar dezakezu irakurketa-egoera liburu honentzat. Sakatu botoia hurrengo urratsera pasatzeko, edo erabili goitik beherako botoia ezarri nahi duzun irakurketa-egoera hautatzeko."
  1887. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:32
  1888. msgid "Reading status"
  1889. msgstr "Irakurketa-egoera"
  1890. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:55
  1891. msgid "You can also manually add reading dates here. Unlike changing the reading status using the previous method, adding dates manually will not automatically add them to your <strong>Read</strong> or <strong>Reading</strong> shelves."
  1892. msgstr "Irakurketa-datak eskuz ere gehitu ditzakezu hemen. Aurreko metodoaren bitartez irakurketa-egoera aldatzean ez bezala, datak eskuz gehitzeak ez du liburua automatikoki gehituko zure <strong>Irakurrita</strong> edo <strong>Irakurtzeko</strong> apaletara."
  1893. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:55
  1894. msgid "Got a favourite you re-read every year? We've got you covered - you can add multiple read dates for the same book 😀"
  1895. msgstr "Urtero berriz irakurtzen duzun liburu maiteren bat daukazu? Ez dago arazorik&mdash;liburu berarentzako irakurketa-data bat baina gehiago ezarri dezakezu 😀"
  1896. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:79
  1897. msgid "There can be multiple editions of a book, in various formats or languages. You can choose which edition you want to use."
  1898. msgstr "Liburu batek edizio ugari izan ditzake, formatu edo hizkuntza ezberdinetan. Zein edizio erabili nahi duzun hautatu dezakezu."
  1899. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:80
  1900. msgid "Other editions"
  1901. msgstr "Beste edizio batzuk"
  1902. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:102
  1903. msgid "You can post a review, comment, or quote here."
  1904. msgstr "Kritika, iruzkin edo aipu bat bidal dezakezu hemen."
  1905. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:103
  1906. msgid "Share your thoughts"
  1907. msgstr "Partekatu zer pentsatzen duzun"
  1908. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:127
  1909. msgid "If you have read this book you can post a review including an optional star rating"
  1910. msgstr "Liburu hau irakurri baldin baduzu kritika bat bidal dezakezu, aukeran izar bidezko puntuazio bat ere emanez"
  1911. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:128
  1912. msgid "Post a review"
  1913. msgstr "Bildai kritika bat"
  1914. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:151
  1915. msgid "You can share your thoughts on this book generally with a simple comment"
  1916. msgstr "Liburu honen gaineko gogoeta orokorrak partekatu ditzakezu iruzkin sinple baten bitartez"
  1917. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:152
  1918. msgid "Post a comment"
  1919. msgstr "Bidali iruzkin bat"
  1920. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:175
  1921. msgid "Just read some perfect prose? Let the world know by sharing a quote!"
  1922. msgstr "Prosa perfektua irakurri berri duzu? Eman munduari jakitera aipu bat partekatuz!"
  1923. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:176
  1924. msgid "Share a quote"
  1925. msgstr "Partekatu aipu bat"
  1926. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:199
  1927. msgid "If your review or comment might ruin the book for someone who hasn't read it yet, you can hide your post behind a <strong>spoiler alert</strong>"
  1928. msgstr "Zure kritikak edo iruzkinak oraindik irakurri ez duen norbaiten liburuaren irakurketa hondatu badezake, <strong>spoiler-alerta</strong>baten atzean ezkuta dezakezu zure mezua"
  1929. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:200
  1930. msgid "Spoiler alerts"
  1931. msgstr "<em>Spoiler</em> alertak"
  1932. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:224
  1933. msgid "Choose who can see your post here. Post privacy can be <strong>Public</strong> (everyone can see), <strong>Unlisted</strong> (everyone can see, but it doesn't appear in public feeds or discovery pages), <strong>Followers</strong> (only your followers can see), or <strong>Private</strong> (only you can see)"
  1934. msgstr "Hautatu nork ikusiko duen hona bidaltzen duzuna. Bidalketen pribatutasuna <strong>Publikoa</strong> (edonork ikus dezake), <strong>Zerrendatu gabea</strong> (edonork ikus dezake, baina ez da agertzen jario publiko ezta Deskubritu orrialdeetan), <strong>Jarraitzaileak</strong> (zu jarraitzen zaituztenek bakarrik ikus dezakete) edo <strong>Pribatua</strong> (zuk bakarik ikus dezakezu) izan daiteke"
  1935. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:225
  1936. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/privacy_select.html:6
  1937. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/privacy_select_no_followers.html:6
  1938. msgid "Post privacy"
  1939. msgstr "Bidalketaren pribatutasuna"
  1940. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:248
  1941. msgid "Some ebooks can be downloaded for free from external sources. They will be shown here."
  1942. msgstr "Liburu elektroniko batzuk doan deskargatu daiteke kanpo-iturrien bitartez. Halakoak hemen erakutsiko dira."
  1943. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:249
  1944. msgid "Download links"
  1945. msgstr "Deskargatzeko estekak"
  1946. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:273
  1947. msgid "Continue the tour by selecting <strong>Your books</strong> from the drop down menu."
  1948. msgstr "Jarrai ezazu bisitaldia goitik beherako menuan <strong>Zure liburuak</strong> aukeratuz."
  1949. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/book.html:296
  1950. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:50
  1951. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:218
  1952. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:161
  1953. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:124
  1954. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:116
  1955. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:141
  1956. msgid "Ok"
  1957. msgstr "Ados"
  1958. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:10
  1959. msgid "Welcome to the page for your group! This is where you can add and remove users, create user-curated lists, and edit the group details."
  1960. msgstr "Ongi etorri zure taldearen orrialdera! Hemen erabiltzaileak gehitu eta ezabatu ditzakezu, taldean osatutako zerrendako sortu eta baita taldearen xehetasunak moldatu ere."
  1961. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:11
  1962. msgid "Your group"
  1963. msgstr "Zure taldea"
  1964. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:31
  1965. msgid "Use this search box to find users to join your group. Currently users must be members of the same Bookwyrm instance and be invited by the group owner."
  1966. msgstr "Erabili bilaketa-koadro hau zure taldean sartzeko erabiltzaileak aurkitzeko. Oraingoz, erabiltzaileek Bookwyrm instantzia bereko kide izan behar dute eta taldearen jabeak gonbidatu behar ditu."
  1967. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:32
  1968. msgid "Find users"
  1969. msgstr "Bilatu erabiltzaileak"
  1970. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:54
  1971. msgid "Your group members will appear here. The group owner is marked with a star symbol."
  1972. msgstr "Zure taldekideak hemen agertuko dira. Taldearen jabea izar formako ikur batekin markatua dago."
  1973. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:55
  1974. msgid "Group members"
  1975. msgstr "Taldekideak"
  1976. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:77
  1977. msgid "As well as creating lists from the Lists page, you can create a group-curated list here on the group's homepage. Any member of the group can create a list curated by group members."
  1978. msgstr "Zerrendak zerrenden orrialdean sor daitezke, baina baita taldearen hasiera orrialde honetan ere. Taldeko edozein kidek sor dezake kideek osatuko zerrenda bat."
  1979. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:78
  1980. msgid "Group lists"
  1981. msgstr "Taldeko zerrendak"
  1982. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:100
  1983. msgid "Congratulations, you've finished the tour! Now you know the basics, but there is lots more to explore on your own. Happy reading!"
  1984. msgstr "Zorionak, bisitaldia amaitu duzu! Orain badakizu oinarrizkoena, baina askoz gehiago dago zeure kabuz esploratzeko. Sorioneku irakurketa!"
  1985. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/group.html:115
  1986. msgid "End tour"
  1987. msgstr "Amaitu bisitaldia"
  1988. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:16
  1989. msgid "Welcome to Bookwyrm!<br><br>Would you like to take the guided tour to help you get started?"
  1990. msgstr "Ongi etorri Bookwyrmera!<br><br>Hasiera laguntzeko bisitaldi gidatua egin nahi al duzu?"
  1991. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:17
  1992. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:39
  1993. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/footer.html:20
  1994. msgid "Guided Tour"
  1995. msgstr "Gidatutako bisitaldia"
  1996. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:25
  1997. #: bookwyrm/templates/two_factor_auth/two_factor_prompt.html:36
  1998. msgid "No thanks"
  1999. msgstr "Ez, eskerrik asko"
  2000. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:33
  2001. msgid "Yes please!"
  2002. msgstr "Bai, mesedez!"
  2003. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:38
  2004. msgid "If you ever change your mind, just click on the Guided Tour link to start your tour"
  2005. msgstr "Edozein unetan iritziz aldatuko bazenu, egin klik Bisitaldi Gidatua estekan zure bisitaldia hasteko"
  2006. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:62
  2007. msgid "Search for books, users, or lists using this search box."
  2008. msgstr "Bilatu liburuak, erabiltzaileak edo zerrendak bilaketa eremu hau erabiliz."
  2009. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:63
  2010. msgid "Search box"
  2011. msgstr "Bilaketa eremua"
  2012. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:79
  2013. msgid "Search book records by scanning an ISBN barcode using your device's camera - great when you're in the bookstore or library!"
  2014. msgstr "Bilatu liburuen erregistroak ISBN barra-kodea irakurriz zure gailuaren kamerarekin—erabilgarria liburutegian edo liburu-dendan zaudenerako!"
  2015. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:80
  2016. msgid "Barcode reader"
  2017. msgstr "Bara-kode irakurgailua"
  2018. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:102
  2019. msgid "Use the <strong>Feed</strong>, <strong>Lists</strong> and <strong>Discover</strong> links to discover the latest news from your feed, lists of books by topic, and the latest happenings on this Bookwyrm server!"
  2020. msgstr "Erabili <strong>Jarioa</strong>, <strong>Zerrendak</strong> eta <strong>Deskubritu</strong> atalak zure jarioko azken berriak, gaikako liburu zerrendak eta Bookwyrm zerbitzari honetako azken jarduerak ezagutzeko!"
  2021. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:103
  2022. msgid "Navigation Bar"
  2023. msgstr "Nabigazio-barra"
  2024. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:126
  2025. msgid "Books on your reading status shelves will be shown here."
  2026. msgstr "Zure irakurketa-egoera apaletan dauden liburuak agertuko dira hemen."
  2027. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:151
  2028. msgid "Updates from people you are following will appear in your <strong>Home</strong> timeline.<br><br>The <strong>Books</strong> tab shows activity from anyone, related to your books."
  2029. msgstr "Jarraitzen dituzun pertsonen eguneraketak zure <strong>Hasiera</strong> denbora-lerroan agertuko dira. <br><br> <strong>Liburuak</strong> fitxan pertsona guztien jarduera agertzen da, zure liburuekin zerikusia duena."
  2030. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:152
  2031. msgid "Timelines"
  2032. msgstr "Denbora-lerroak"
  2033. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:176
  2034. msgid "The bell will light up when you have a new notification. When it does, click on it to find out what exciting thing has happened!"
  2035. msgstr "Kanpaia piztu egingo da jakinarazpen berriren bat duzunean. Hala egiten duenean, klikatu ezazu zer gauza zirraragarri gertatu den jakiteko!"
  2036. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:177
  2037. #: bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:75 bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:106
  2038. #: bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:107
  2039. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/notifications_page.html:5
  2040. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/notifications_page.html:10
  2041. msgid "Notifications"
  2042. msgstr "Jakinarazpenak"
  2043. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:200
  2044. msgid "Your profile, books, direct messages, and settings can be accessed by clicking on your name in the menu here."
  2045. msgstr "Zure profila, liburuak, mezu zuzenak eta ezarpenak hemengo menuan zure izenean klik eginda dituzu eskuragarri."
  2046. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:200
  2047. msgid "Try selecting <strong>Profile</strong> from the drop down menu to continue the tour."
  2048. msgstr "Saia zaitez <strong>Profila</strong> aukeratzen goitik beherako menuan bisitaldiarekin jarraitzeko."
  2049. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/home.html:201
  2050. msgid "Profile and settings menu"
  2051. msgstr "Profilaren eta ezarpenen menua"
  2052. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:13
  2053. msgid "This is the lists page where you can discover book lists created by any user. A List is a collection of books, similar to a shelf."
  2054. msgstr "Hau zerrenden orrialdea da. Hemen edozein erabiltzailek sortutako liburuen zerrendak deskubritu ditzakezu. Zerrenda bat liburu bilduma bat da, apalen antzerakoa."
  2055. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:13
  2056. msgid "Shelves are for organising books for yourself, whereas Lists are generally for sharing with others."
  2057. msgstr "Apalak zuretzat liburuak antolatzeko dira; zerrendak, berriz, beste batzuekin partekatzeko dira."
  2058. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:34
  2059. msgid "Let's see how to create a new list."
  2060. msgstr "Ikus dezagunzerrenda berri bat nola sortu."
  2061. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:34
  2062. msgid "Click the <strong>Create List</strong> button, then <strong>Next</strong> to continue the tour"
  2063. msgstr "Egin klik <strong>Sortu zerrenda</strong> botoian, eta ondotik <strong>Hurrengoa</strong> bisita jarraitzeko"
  2064. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:35
  2065. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:59
  2066. msgid "Creating a new list"
  2067. msgstr "Zerrenda berri bat sortzen"
  2068. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:58
  2069. msgid "You must give your list a name and can optionally give it a description to help other people understand what your list is about."
  2070. msgstr "Zerrendari izen bat eman behar diozu eta, nahi izanez gero, deskribapen bat ere bai, besteek uler dezaten zeri buruzkoa den zure zerrenda."
  2071. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:81
  2072. msgid "Choose who can see your list here. List privacy options work just like we saw when posting book reviews. This is a common pattern throughout Bookwyrm."
  2073. msgstr "Aukeratu hemen nork ikus dezakeen zure zerrenda. Pribatutasun-aukerek, liburu-aipamenak argitaratzean lehenago ikusi genuen bezala funtzionatzen dute. Bookwyrm osoan darabilen eredua da."
  2074. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:82
  2075. msgid "List privacy"
  2076. msgstr "Zerrendaren pribatutasuna"
  2077. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:105
  2078. msgid "You can also decide how your list is to be curated - only by you, by anyone, or by a group."
  2079. msgstr "Zure zerrenda nola kudeatu ere erabaki dezakezu –zuk bakarrik, guztiok edo talde batek–."
  2080. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:106
  2081. msgid "List curation"
  2082. msgstr "Zerrendaren osatzea"
  2083. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:128
  2084. msgid "Next in our tour we will explore Groups!"
  2085. msgstr "Orain gure bisitaldian, Taldeak esploratuko ditugu!"
  2086. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:129
  2087. msgid "Next: Groups"
  2088. msgstr "Hurrengoa: Taldeak"
  2089. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/lists.html:143
  2090. msgid "Take me there"
  2091. msgstr "Eraman nazazu hara"
  2092. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:16
  2093. msgid "If the book you are looking for is available on a remote catalogue such as Open Library, click on <strong>Import book</strong>."
  2094. msgstr "Bilatzen ari zaren liburua Open Library bezalako urruneko katalogo batean eskuragarrik baldin badago, klikatu <strong>Inportatu liburua</strong>."
  2095. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:17
  2096. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:44
  2097. msgid "Searching"
  2098. msgstr "Bilatzen"
  2099. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:43
  2100. msgid "If the book you are looking for is already on this Bookwyrm instance, you can click on the title to go to the book's page."
  2101. msgstr "Bilatzen ari zaren liburua dagoeneko Bookwyrmeko instantzia honetan badago, izenburuan klik egin dezakezu liburuaren orrialdera joateko."
  2102. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:71
  2103. msgid "If the book you are looking for is not listed, try loading more records from other sources like Open Library or Inventaire."
  2104. msgstr "Bilatzen ari zaren liburua ez baldin badago zerrendan, saia zaitez Open Library edo Inventaire bezalako beste iturrietako erregistroak kargatzen."
  2105. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:72
  2106. msgid "Load more records"
  2107. msgstr "Kargatu erregistro gehiago"
  2108. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:98
  2109. msgid "If your book is not in the results, try adjusting your search terms."
  2110. msgstr "Zure liburua ez bada emaitzen artean ageri, saia zaitez bilaketa terminoak doitzen."
  2111. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:99
  2112. msgid "Search again"
  2113. msgstr "Bilatu berriro"
  2114. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:121
  2115. msgid "If you still can't find your book, you can add a record manually."
  2116. msgstr "Zure liburua oraindik ere aurkitu ezinik bazabiltza, eskuz gehitu dezakezu erregistroa."
  2117. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:122
  2118. msgid "Add a record manually"
  2119. msgstr "Gehitu erregistro bat eskuz"
  2120. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:147
  2121. msgid "Import, manually add, or view an existing book to continue the tour."
  2122. msgstr "Inportatu, eskuz gehitu ala ikusi dagoeneko badagoen libururen bat bisitaldiarekin jarraitzeko."
  2123. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/search.html:148
  2124. msgid "Continue the tour"
  2125. msgstr "Jarraitu bisitaldia"
  2126. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:10
  2127. msgid "This is the page where your books are listed, organised into shelves."
  2128. msgstr "Orrialde honetan zure liburuak zerrendatzen dira, apaletan antolatuta."
  2129. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:11
  2130. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/books_header.html:4
  2131. msgid "Your books"
  2132. msgstr "Zure liburuak"
  2133. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:31
  2134. msgid "<strong>To Read</strong>, <strong>Currently Reading</strong>, <strong>Read</strong>, and <strong>Stopped Reading</strong> are default shelves. When you change the reading status of a book it will automatically be moved to the matching shelf. A book can only be on one default shelf at a time."
  2135. msgstr "<strong>Irakurtzeko</strong>, <strong>Irakurtzen</strong>, <strong>Irakurrita</strong> eta <strong>Irakurtzeari utzita</strong> lehenetsitako apalak dira. Liburu baten irakurketa-egoera aldatzen duzunean automatikoki aldatuko da dagokion apalera. Liburu bat lehentsitako apal bakarrean egon daiteke aldiko."
  2136. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:32
  2137. msgid "Reading status shelves"
  2138. msgstr "Irakurketa-egoera apalak"
  2139. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:55
  2140. msgid "You can create additional custom shelves to organise your books. A book on a custom shelf can be on any number of other shelves simultaneously, including one of the default reading status shelves"
  2141. msgstr "Zure liburuak antolatzeko apal pertsonalizatu gehiago sor ditzakezu. Apal pertsonalizatu batean dagoen liburu bat beste hainbat apaletan egon daiteke aldi berean, lehenetsitako irakurketa-egoera apal batean egoteaz gain"
  2142. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:56
  2143. msgid "Adding custom shelves."
  2144. msgstr "Apal pertsonalizatuak gehitzen."
  2145. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:78
  2146. msgid "If you have an export file from another service like Goodreads or LibraryThing, you can import it here."
  2147. msgstr "Goodreads edo LibraryThing bezalako beste zerbitzu bateko esportazio-fitxategi bat baldin badaukazu, hemen inportatu dezakezu."
  2148. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:79
  2149. msgid "Import from another service"
  2150. msgstr "Inportatu beste zerbitzu batetik"
  2151. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:101
  2152. msgid "Now that we've explored book shelves, let's take a look at a related concept: book lists!"
  2153. msgstr "Orain liburu-apalak aztertu ditugula, goazen eralzionatutako kontzeptu baten gainean aritzera: liburu-zerrendak!"
  2154. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_books.html:101
  2155. msgid "Click on the <strong>Lists</strong> link here to continue the tour."
  2156. msgstr "Klik egin <strong>Zerrendak</strong> estekan bisitaldiarekin jarraitzeko."
  2157. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:10
  2158. msgid "You can create or join a group with other users. Groups can share group-curated book lists, and in future will be able to do other things."
  2159. msgstr "Talde berri bat sor dezakezu edo existitzen den batean sar zaitezke. Taldeek, taldekideek osatutako liburuen zerrendak parteka ditzakete, eta etorkizunean gauza gehiago egin ahal izango dituzte."
  2160. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:11
  2161. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:55
  2162. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/groups.html:6 bookwyrm/templates/user/layout.html:85
  2163. msgid "Groups"
  2164. msgstr "Taldeak"
  2165. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:31
  2166. msgid "Let's create a new group!"
  2167. msgstr "Sor dezagun talde berri bat!"
  2168. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:31
  2169. msgid "Click the <strong>Create group</strong> button, then <strong>Next</strong> to continue the tour"
  2170. msgstr "Egin klik <strong>Sortu taldea</strong> botoian, ondoren <strong>Hurrengoa</strong> bisita jarraitzeko"
  2171. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:55
  2172. msgid "Give your group a name and describe what it is about. You can make user groups for any purpose - a reading group, a bunch of friends, whatever!"
  2173. msgstr "Ezarri zure taldeari izen bat, eta deskribatu zer den. Erabiltzaile-taldeak egin ditzakezu edozein helburutarako - irakurketa-talde bat, lagun pila bat, edozer dela ere!"
  2174. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:56
  2175. msgid "Creating a group"
  2176. msgstr "Taldea sortzen"
  2177. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:78
  2178. msgid "Groups have privacy settings just like posts and lists, except that group privacy cannot be <strong>Followers</strong>."
  2179. msgstr "Taldeek pribatutasun ezarpena dute, bidalketa eta zerrendek bexalaxe; baina taldeen pribatutasunak ezin du <strong>Jarraitzaileak</strong> izan."
  2180. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:79
  2181. msgid "Group visibility"
  2182. msgstr "Taldearen ikusgarritasuna"
  2183. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:102
  2184. msgid "Once you're happy with how everything is set up, click the <strong>Save</strong> button to create your new group."
  2185. msgstr "Behin ezarpen guztiekin gustora zaudenean, klik egin <strong>Gorde</strong> botoiari zure talde berria sortzeko."
  2186. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:102
  2187. msgid "Create and save a group to continue the tour."
  2188. msgstr "Sortu eta gorde talde bat bisitaldiarekin jarraitzeko."
  2189. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_groups.html:103
  2190. msgid "Save your group"
  2191. msgstr "Gorde zure taldea"
  2192. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:10
  2193. msgid "This is your user profile. All your latest activities will be listed here. Other Bookwyrm users can see parts of this page too - what they can see depends on your privacy settings."
  2194. msgstr "Hau zure erabiltzaile profila da. Zure azken jarduerak hemen zerrendatuko dira. Bookwyrm-en beste erabiltzaile batzuek ere ikus ditzakete orrialde honen zatiak - ikus dezaketena pribatutasun ezarpenen araberakoa da."
  2195. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:11
  2196. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/layout.html:19 bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:14
  2197. msgid "User Profile"
  2198. msgstr "Erabiltzailearen profila"
  2199. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:31
  2200. msgid "This tab shows everything you have read towards your annual reading goal, or allows you to set one. You don't have to set a reading goal if that's not your thing!"
  2201. msgstr "Fitxa honetan erakusten da irakurri duzun guztia urteko irakurketa-helburuari begira, edo irakurketa-helburu bat ezartzeko aukera ematen dizu. Ez duzu irakurketa-helbururik ezarri behar hori ez bada zure asmoetan!"
  2202. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:32
  2203. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/goal.html:6 bookwyrm/templates/user/layout.html:79
  2204. msgid "Reading Goal"
  2205. msgstr "Irakurketa-helburua"
  2206. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:54
  2207. msgid "Here you can see your groups, or create a new one. A group brings together Bookwyrm users and allows them to curate lists together."
  2208. msgstr "Hemen zure taldeak ikusi edo berri bat sor dezakezu. Talde batek Bookwyrmeko erabiltzaileak batzen ditu eta elkarren artean zerrendak osatzea posible egiten du."
  2209. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:77
  2210. msgid "You can see your lists, or create a new one, here. A list is a collection of books that have something in common."
  2211. msgstr "Zure zerrendak ikusi eta berriak sor ditzakezu hemen. Elkarren arteko loturaren bat duten liburu bildumak dira zerrendak."
  2212. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:100
  2213. msgid "The Books tab shows your book shelves. We'll explore this later in the tour."
  2214. msgstr "Liburuak fitxak zure liburu-apalak erakusten ditu. Bisitaldian aurrerago azalduko dugu hau."
  2215. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:123
  2216. msgid "Now you understand the basics of your profile page, let's add a book to your shelves."
  2217. msgstr "Orain, zure profilaren orrialdearen oinarriak ulertu dituzula, gehitu dezagun liburu bat zure apaletara."
  2218. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:123
  2219. msgid "Search for a title or author to continue the tour."
  2220. msgstr "Bilatu izenburu edo autore bat bisitaldiarekin jarraitzeko."
  2221. #: bookwyrm/templates/guided_tour/user_profile.html:124
  2222. msgid "Find a book"
  2223. msgstr "Aurkitu liburu bat"
  2224. #: bookwyrm/templates/hashtag.html:12
  2225. #, python-format
  2226. msgid "See tagged statuses in the local %(site_name)s community"
  2227. msgstr "Ikusi etiketatutako egoeran %(site_name)s komunitate lokalean"
  2228. #: bookwyrm/templates/hashtag.html:25
  2229. msgid "No activities for this hashtag yet!"
  2230. msgstr "Ez dago aktibitaterik oraindik traola honentzat!"
  2231. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:5
  2232. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:9
  2233. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:64
  2234. msgid "Import Books"
  2235. msgstr "Inportatu liburuak"
  2236. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:13
  2237. msgid "Not a valid CSV file"
  2238. msgstr "CSV fitxategia ez da baliozkoa"
  2239. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:21
  2240. #, python-format
  2241. msgid "Currently, you are allowed to import %(display_size)s books every %(import_limit_reset)s day."
  2242. msgid_plural "Currently, you are allowed to import %(import_size_limit)s books every %(import_limit_reset)s days."
  2243. msgstr[0] ""
  2244. msgstr[1] ""
  2245. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:27
  2246. #, python-format
  2247. msgid "You have %(display_left)s left."
  2248. msgstr ""
  2249. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:34
  2250. #, python-format
  2251. msgid "On average, recent imports have taken %(hours)s hours."
  2252. msgstr "Batezbeste, azken aldiko inportazioek %(hours)s ordu hartu dituzte."
  2253. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:38
  2254. #, python-format
  2255. msgid "On average, recent imports have taken %(minutes)s minutes."
  2256. msgstr "Batezbeste, azken aldiko inportazioek %(minutes)s minutu hartu dituzte."
  2257. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:53
  2258. msgid "Data source:"
  2259. msgstr "Datu iturria:"
  2260. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:59
  2261. msgid "Goodreads (CSV)"
  2262. msgstr "Goodreads (CSV)"
  2263. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:62
  2264. msgid "Storygraph (CSV)"
  2265. msgstr "Storygraph (CSV)"
  2266. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:65
  2267. msgid "LibraryThing (TSV)"
  2268. msgstr "LibraryThing (TSV)"
  2269. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:68
  2270. msgid "OpenLibrary (CSV)"
  2271. msgstr "OpenLibrary (CSV)"
  2272. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:71
  2273. msgid "Calibre (CSV)"
  2274. msgstr "Calibre (CSV)"
  2275. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:77
  2276. msgid "You can download your Goodreads data from the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">Import/Export page</a> of your Goodreads account."
  2277. msgstr "Zure Goodreadseko datuak deskargatu ditzakezu zure Goodreads kontuko <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">Inportatu/esportatu orrialdean</a>."
  2278. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:86
  2279. msgid "Data file:"
  2280. msgstr "Datu fitxategia:"
  2281. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:94
  2282. msgid "Include reviews"
  2283. msgstr "Gehitu kritikak"
  2284. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:99
  2285. msgid "Privacy setting for imported reviews:"
  2286. msgstr "Inportatutako berrikuspenen pribatutasun ezarpena:"
  2287. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:106
  2288. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:108
  2289. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/layout.html:35
  2290. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_blocklist.html:78
  2291. msgid "Import"
  2292. msgstr "Inportatu"
  2293. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:109
  2294. msgid "You've reached the import limit."
  2295. msgstr "Inportatu ditzakezun liburuen mugara heldu zara."
  2296. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:118
  2297. msgid "Imports are temporarily disabled; thank you for your patience."
  2298. msgstr "Inportazioak aldi baterako ezgaituta daude; eskerrik asko zure pazientziagatik."
  2299. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:125
  2300. msgid "Recent Imports"
  2301. msgstr "Azken inportazioak"
  2302. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:130
  2303. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:120
  2304. msgid "Date Created"
  2305. msgstr "Sortze-data"
  2306. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:133
  2307. msgid "Last Updated"
  2308. msgstr "Azken eguneratzea"
  2309. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:136
  2310. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:129
  2311. msgid "Items"
  2312. msgstr "Elementuak"
  2313. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import.html:145
  2314. msgid "No recent imports"
  2315. msgstr "Ez dago azken inportaziorik"
  2316. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:6
  2317. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:15
  2318. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:29
  2319. msgid "Import Status"
  2320. msgstr "Inportatu egoera"
  2321. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:13
  2322. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:27
  2323. msgid "Retry Status"
  2324. msgstr "Saiakeraren egoera"
  2325. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:22
  2326. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:45
  2327. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:6
  2328. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:9
  2329. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:82
  2330. msgid "Imports"
  2331. msgstr "Inportazioak"
  2332. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:39
  2333. msgid "Import started:"
  2334. msgstr "Inportazioa hasi da:"
  2335. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:48
  2336. msgid "In progress"
  2337. msgstr "Abian"
  2338. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:50
  2339. msgid "Refresh"
  2340. msgstr "Freskatu"
  2341. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:72
  2342. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:161
  2343. msgid "Stop import"
  2344. msgstr "Gelditu inportazioa"
  2345. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:78
  2346. #, python-format
  2347. msgid "%(display_counter)s item needs manual approval."
  2348. msgid_plural "%(display_counter)s items need manual approval."
  2349. msgstr[0] "elementu %(display_counter)sek eskuz onartzea behar du."
  2350. msgstr[1] "%(display_counter)s elementuk eskuz onartzea behar dute."
  2351. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:83
  2352. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/manual_review.html:8
  2353. msgid "Review items"
  2354. msgstr "Berrikusi artikuluak"
  2355. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:89
  2356. #, python-format
  2357. msgid "%(display_counter)s item failed to import."
  2358. msgid_plural "%(display_counter)s items failed to import."
  2359. msgstr[0] "Elementu %(display_counter)s inportatzeak huts egin du."
  2360. msgstr[1] "%(display_counter)s elementu inportatzeak huts egin du."
  2361. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:95
  2362. msgid "View and troubleshoot failed items"
  2363. msgstr "Huts egindako elementuen problemak ikusi eta konpondu"
  2364. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:107
  2365. msgid "Row"
  2366. msgstr "Errenkada"
  2367. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:110
  2368. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:148
  2369. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:170
  2370. msgid "Title"
  2371. msgstr "Izenburua"
  2372. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:113
  2373. msgid "ISBN"
  2374. msgstr "ISBN"
  2375. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:117
  2376. msgid "Openlibrary key"
  2377. msgstr "Openlibrary-ren giltza"
  2378. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:121
  2379. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:149
  2380. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:173
  2381. msgid "Author"
  2382. msgstr "Egilea"
  2383. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:124
  2384. msgid "Shelf"
  2385. msgstr "Apala"
  2386. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:127
  2387. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/manual_review.html:13
  2388. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/create_status.html:16
  2389. msgid "Review"
  2390. msgstr "Kritika"
  2391. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:131
  2392. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/link_domains/link_table.html:9
  2393. msgid "Book"
  2394. msgstr "Liburua"
  2395. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:142
  2396. msgid "Import preview unavailable."
  2397. msgstr "Inportazioaren aurretiko bista ez dago eskuragarri."
  2398. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:150
  2399. msgid "No items currently need review"
  2400. msgstr "Ez da oraingoz berrikusi beharreko artikulurik"
  2401. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:186
  2402. msgid "View imported review"
  2403. msgstr "Ikusi inportatutako kritika"
  2404. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:200
  2405. msgid "Imported"
  2406. msgstr "Inportatuta"
  2407. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:206
  2408. msgid "Needs manual review"
  2409. msgstr "Eskuz berrikusi behar da"
  2410. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:219
  2411. msgid "Retry"
  2412. msgstr "Saiatu berriro"
  2413. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:237
  2414. msgid "This import is in an old format that is no longer supported. If you would like to troubleshoot missing items from this import, click the button below to update the import format."
  2415. msgstr "Inportazio honek formatu zaharra du, eta jada ez da bateragarria. Inportazio honetan falta diren elementuak konpondu nahi badituzu, egin klik hurrengo botoian inportazio-formatua eguneratzeko."
  2416. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/import_status.html:239
  2417. msgid "Update import"
  2418. msgstr "Inportazioa eguneratu"
  2419. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/manual_review.html:5
  2420. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/troubleshoot.html:4
  2421. msgid "Import Troubleshooting"
  2422. msgstr "Inportazio-arazoak konpondu"
  2423. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/manual_review.html:21
  2424. msgid "Approving a suggestion will permanently add the suggested book to your shelves and associate your reading dates, reviews, and ratings with that book."
  2425. msgstr "Iradokizun bat onartzean, iradokitako liburua betirako utziko da zure apalategian, eta zure irakurketa-datak, berrikusketak, eta balorazioak liburu horrekin lotuko dira."
  2426. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/manual_review.html:58
  2427. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/curate.html:71
  2428. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/link_domains/link_domains.html:76
  2429. msgid "Approve"
  2430. msgstr "Onartu"
  2431. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/manual_review.html:66
  2432. msgid "Reject"
  2433. msgstr "Ezetsi"
  2434. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/troubleshoot.html:7
  2435. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:138
  2436. msgid "Failed items"
  2437. msgstr "Huts egindako elementuak"
  2438. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/troubleshoot.html:12
  2439. msgid "Troubleshooting"
  2440. msgstr "Arazoen konponketa"
  2441. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/troubleshoot.html:20
  2442. msgid "Re-trying an import can fix missing items in cases such as:"
  2443. msgstr "Inportazio bat berregiten saiatzeak falta diren elementuak konpon ditzake kasu hauetan:"
  2444. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/troubleshoot.html:23
  2445. msgid "The book has been added to the instance since this import"
  2446. msgstr "Liburua gehitu da instantziara inportazio hau gertatu zenetik"
  2447. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/troubleshoot.html:24
  2448. msgid "A transient error or timeout caused the external data source to be unavailable."
  2449. msgstr "Errore iragankor edo denbora-muga batek kanpoko datu-iturria eskuragarri ez egotea eragin dute."
  2450. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/troubleshoot.html:25
  2451. msgid "BookWyrm has been updated since this import with a bug fix"
  2452. msgstr "Inportazio hau egin eta gero, BookWyrm eguneratua izan da erroreen zuzenketa batekin"
  2453. #: bookwyrm/templates/import/troubleshoot.html:28
  2454. msgid "Contact your admin or <a href=''>open an issue</a> if you are seeing unexpected failed items."
  2455. msgstr "Jar zaitez harremanetan zure administratzailearekin edo <a href=''>arazo bat seinalatu</a> porrot egin duten ustegabeko elementuak ikusten badituzu."
  2456. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/invite.html:4
  2457. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/invite.html:8
  2458. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/login.html:48
  2459. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/reactivate.html:41
  2460. msgid "Create an Account"
  2461. msgstr "Sortu kontu bat"
  2462. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/invite.html:21
  2463. msgid "Permission Denied"
  2464. msgstr "Baimena ukatu da"
  2465. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/invite.html:22
  2466. msgid "Sorry! This invite code is no longer valid."
  2467. msgstr "Barkatu! Gonbidapen-kode honek jada ez du balio."
  2468. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/landing.html:9
  2469. msgid "Recent Books"
  2470. msgstr "Azken liburuak"
  2471. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/layout.html:17
  2472. msgid "Decentralized"
  2473. msgstr "Deszentralizatua"
  2474. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/layout.html:23
  2475. msgid "Friendly"
  2476. msgstr "Lagunkoia"
  2477. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/layout.html:29
  2478. msgid "Anti-Corporate"
  2479. msgstr "Korporazioen Aurkakoa"
  2480. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/layout.html:46
  2481. #, python-format
  2482. msgid "Join %(name)s"
  2483. msgstr "Sartu %(name)s(e)n"
  2484. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/layout.html:48
  2485. msgid "Request an Invitation"
  2486. msgstr "Eskatu gonbidapen bat"
  2487. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/layout.html:50
  2488. #, python-format
  2489. msgid "%(name)s registration is closed"
  2490. msgstr "%(name)s(e)n izena ematea itxita dago"
  2491. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/layout.html:61
  2492. msgid "Thank you! Your request has been received."
  2493. msgstr "Eskerrik asko! Zure eskaera jaso da."
  2494. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/layout.html:90
  2495. msgid "Your Account"
  2496. msgstr "Zure kontua"
  2497. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/login.html:4
  2498. msgid "Login"
  2499. msgstr "Hasi saioa"
  2500. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/login.html:7
  2501. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/login.html:36 bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:136
  2502. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/error.html:37
  2503. msgid "Log in"
  2504. msgstr "Hasi saioa"
  2505. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/login.html:15
  2506. msgid "Success! Email address confirmed."
  2507. msgstr "Ondo! Helbide elektronikoa baieztatu duzu."
  2508. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/login.html:21
  2509. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/reactivate.html:17
  2510. #: bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:127 bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/error.html:28
  2511. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/register_form.html:4
  2512. msgid "Username:"
  2513. msgstr "Erabiltzaile-izena:"
  2514. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/login.html:27
  2515. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/password_reset.html:26
  2516. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/reactivate.html:23
  2517. #: bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:131 bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/error.html:32
  2518. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/2fa.html:91
  2519. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/register_form.html:45
  2520. msgid "Password:"
  2521. msgstr "Pasahitza:"
  2522. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/login.html:39 bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:133
  2523. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/error.html:34
  2524. msgid "Forgot your password?"
  2525. msgstr "Zure pasahitza ahaztu duzu?"
  2526. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/login.html:61
  2527. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/reactivate.html:54
  2528. msgid "More about this site"
  2529. msgstr "Gune honi buruz gehiago jakin"
  2530. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/password_reset.html:43
  2531. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/change_password.html:33
  2532. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/delete_user.html:35
  2533. msgid "Confirm password:"
  2534. msgstr "Berretsi pasahitza:"
  2535. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/password_reset_request.html:14
  2536. #, python-format
  2537. msgid "A password reset link will be sent to <strong>%(email)s</strong> if there is an account using that email address."
  2538. msgstr "Pasahitza berrezartzeko esteka bat bidaliko da <strong>%(email)s</strong> helbidera, email helbide hori ezarrita duen kontu bat baldin badagu."
  2539. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/password_reset_request.html:20
  2540. msgid "A link to reset your password will be sent to your email address"
  2541. msgstr "Zure pasahitza berriz ezartzeko argibideak zure helbide elektronikora bidaliko dira"
  2542. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/password_reset_request.html:34
  2543. msgid "Reset password"
  2544. msgstr "Berrezarri pasahitza"
  2545. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/reactivate.html:4
  2546. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/reactivate.html:7
  2547. msgid "Reactivate Account"
  2548. msgstr "Berriz aktibatu kontua"
  2549. #: bookwyrm/templates/landing/reactivate.html:32
  2550. msgid "Reactivate account"
  2551. msgstr "Berriz aktibatu kontua"
  2552. #: bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:13
  2553. #, python-format
  2554. msgid "%(site_name)s search"
  2555. msgstr "%(site_name)s bilaketa"
  2556. #: bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:37
  2557. msgid "Search for a book, user, or list"
  2558. msgstr "Bilatu liburu, erabiltzaile edo zerrenda bat"
  2559. #: bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:52 bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:53
  2560. msgid "Scan Barcode"
  2561. msgstr "Eskaneatu barra-kodea"
  2562. #: bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:67
  2563. msgid "Main navigation menu"
  2564. msgstr "Nabigazio-menu nagusia"
  2565. #: bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:87
  2566. msgid "Feed"
  2567. msgstr "Jarioa"
  2568. #: bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:132 bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/error.html:33
  2569. msgid "password"
  2570. msgstr "pasahitza"
  2571. #: bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:144
  2572. msgid "Join"
  2573. msgstr "Sartu"
  2574. #: bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:179
  2575. msgid "Successfully posted status"
  2576. msgstr "Egoera ondo bidali da"
  2577. #: bookwyrm/templates/layout.html:180
  2578. msgid "Error posting status"
  2579. msgstr "Errorea egoera bidaltzean"
  2580. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/add_item_modal.html:8
  2581. #, python-format
  2582. msgid "Add \"<em>%(title)s</em>\" to this list"
  2583. msgstr "Gehitu \"<em>%(title)s</em>\" zerrenda honetara"
  2584. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/add_item_modal.html:12
  2585. #, python-format
  2586. msgid "Suggest \"<em>%(title)s</em>\" for this list"
  2587. msgstr "Iradoki \"<em>%(title)s</em>\" zerrenda honetarako"
  2588. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/add_item_modal.html:41
  2589. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:257
  2590. msgid "Suggest"
  2591. msgstr "Gomendatu"
  2592. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/bookmark_button.html:30
  2593. msgid "Un-save"
  2594. msgstr "Desegin gordetzea"
  2595. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/created_text.html:5
  2596. #, python-format
  2597. msgid "Created by <a href=\"%(userpath)s\">%(username)s</a> and managed by <a href=\"%(grouppath)s\">%(groupname)s</a>"
  2598. msgstr "<a href=\"%(userpath)s\">%(username)s</a>(e)k sortua eta <a href=\"%(grouppath)s\">%(groupname)s</a>(e)k kudeatua"
  2599. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/created_text.html:7
  2600. #, python-format
  2601. msgid "Created and curated by <a href=\"%(path)s\">%(username)s</a>"
  2602. msgstr "<a href=\"%(path)s\">%(username)s</a>(e)k sortu eta ondua"
  2603. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/created_text.html:9
  2604. #, python-format
  2605. msgid "Created by <a href=\"%(path)s\">%(username)s</a>"
  2606. msgstr "<a href=\"%(path)s\">%(username)s</a>(e)k sortua"
  2607. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/curate.html:12
  2608. msgid "Curate"
  2609. msgstr "Hautatu"
  2610. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/curate.html:21
  2611. msgid "Pending Books"
  2612. msgstr "Irakurtzeko dauden liburuak"
  2613. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/curate.html:24
  2614. msgid "You're all set!"
  2615. msgstr "Dena prest!"
  2616. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/curate.html:45
  2617. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:93
  2618. #, python-format
  2619. msgid "<a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a> says:"
  2620. msgstr "<a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a>(e)k hala dio:"
  2621. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/curate.html:55
  2622. msgid "Suggested by"
  2623. msgstr "Iradokizunak"
  2624. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/curate.html:77
  2625. msgid "Discard"
  2626. msgstr "Baztertu"
  2627. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/delete_list_modal.html:4
  2628. msgid "Delete this list?"
  2629. msgstr "Ezabatu nahi duzu zerrenda hau?"
  2630. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/edit_form.html:5
  2631. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/layout.html:23
  2632. msgid "Edit List"
  2633. msgstr "Editatu zerrenda"
  2634. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/embed-list.html:8
  2635. #, python-format
  2636. msgid "%(list_name)s, a list by %(owner)s"
  2637. msgstr "%(list_name)s, %(owner)s(e)k osatutako zerrenda bat"
  2638. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/embed-list.html:20
  2639. #, python-format
  2640. msgid "on <a href=\"/\">%(site_name)s</a>"
  2641. msgstr "<a href=\"/\">%(site_name)s</a> webgunean"
  2642. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/embed-list.html:29
  2643. msgid "This list is currently empty"
  2644. msgstr "Une honetan zerrenda hutsik dago"
  2645. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/form.html:19
  2646. msgid "List curation:"
  2647. msgstr "Zerrendaren osatzea:"
  2648. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/form.html:31
  2649. msgid "Closed"
  2650. msgstr "Itxia"
  2651. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/form.html:34
  2652. msgid "Only you can add and remove books to this list"
  2653. msgstr "Zu zara zerrenda honetara liburuak gehitu edo kendu ditzakeen bakarra"
  2654. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/form.html:48
  2655. msgid "Curated"
  2656. msgstr "Osatua"
  2657. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/form.html:51
  2658. msgid "Anyone can suggest books, subject to your approval"
  2659. msgstr "Edozeinek proposatu ditzake liburuak, baina zure oniritziarekin"
  2660. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/form.html:65
  2661. msgctxt "curation type"
  2662. msgid "Open"
  2663. msgstr "Irekia"
  2664. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/form.html:68
  2665. msgid "Anyone can add books to this list"
  2666. msgstr "Zerrenda honi liburuak edonork erantsi diezazkioke"
  2667. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/form.html:82
  2668. msgid "Group"
  2669. msgstr "Taldekoa"
  2670. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/form.html:85
  2671. msgid "Group members can add to and remove from this list"
  2672. msgstr "Taldeko kideek zerrenda honi erantsi eta kendu diezaiokete"
  2673. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/form.html:90
  2674. msgid "Select Group"
  2675. msgstr "Aukeratu taldea"
  2676. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/form.html:94
  2677. msgid "Select a group"
  2678. msgstr "Aukeratu taldea"
  2679. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/form.html:105
  2680. msgid "You don't have any Groups yet!"
  2681. msgstr "Ez duzu talderik oraindik!"
  2682. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/form.html:107
  2683. msgid "Create a Group"
  2684. msgstr "Sortu talde bat"
  2685. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/form.html:121
  2686. msgid "Delete list"
  2687. msgstr "Ezabatu zerrenda"
  2688. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/item_notes_field.html:7
  2689. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/edit_instance.html:86
  2690. msgid "Notes:"
  2691. msgstr "Oharrak:"
  2692. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/item_notes_field.html:19
  2693. msgid "An optional note that will be displayed with the book."
  2694. msgstr "Liburuarekin batera bistaratuko den hautazko oharra."
  2695. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:37
  2696. msgid "That book is already on this list."
  2697. msgstr "Liburu hori badago zerrenda honetan dagoeneko."
  2698. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:45
  2699. msgid "You successfully suggested a book for this list!"
  2700. msgstr "Arrakastaz iradoki duzu zerrenda honetarako liburu bat!"
  2701. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:47
  2702. msgid "You successfully added a book to this list!"
  2703. msgstr "Arrakastaz gehitu diozu liburu bat zerrenda honi!"
  2704. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:54
  2705. msgid "This list is currently empty."
  2706. msgstr "Une honetan zerrenda hutsik dago."
  2707. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:104
  2708. msgid "Edit notes"
  2709. msgstr "Editatu oharrak"
  2710. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:119
  2711. msgid "Add notes"
  2712. msgstr "Gehitu oharrak"
  2713. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:131
  2714. #, python-format
  2715. msgid "Added by <a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a>"
  2716. msgstr "<a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a>(e)k gehitua"
  2717. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:146
  2718. msgid "List position"
  2719. msgstr "Zerrenda posizioa"
  2720. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:152
  2721. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/link_domains/edit_domain_modal.html:23
  2722. msgid "Set"
  2723. msgstr "Ezarri"
  2724. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:167
  2725. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/remove_from_group_button.html:20
  2726. msgid "Remove"
  2727. msgstr "Kendu"
  2728. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:181
  2729. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:198
  2730. msgid "Sort List"
  2731. msgstr "Ordenatu zerrenda"
  2732. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:191
  2733. msgid "Direction"
  2734. msgstr "Norabidea"
  2735. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:205
  2736. msgid "Add Books"
  2737. msgstr "Gehitu liburuak"
  2738. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:207
  2739. msgid "Suggest Books"
  2740. msgstr "Iradoki Liburuak"
  2741. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:218
  2742. msgid "search"
  2743. msgstr "bilatu"
  2744. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:224
  2745. msgid "Clear search"
  2746. msgstr "Garbitu bilaketa"
  2747. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:229
  2748. #, python-format
  2749. msgid "No books found matching the query \"%(query)s\""
  2750. msgstr "\"%(query)s\" kontsultarekin bat datorren libururik ez da aurkitu"
  2751. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:268
  2752. msgid "Embed this list on a website"
  2753. msgstr "Zerrenda hau webgune batean txertatu"
  2754. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:276
  2755. msgid "Copy embed code"
  2756. msgstr "Kopiatu kapsulatze-kodea"
  2757. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list.html:278
  2758. #, python-format
  2759. msgid "%(list_name)s, a list by %(owner)s on %(site_name)s"
  2760. msgstr "%(list_name)s, %(owner)s(r)en zerrenda bat %(site_name)s(e)n"
  2761. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list_items.html:15
  2762. msgid "Saved"
  2763. msgstr "Gordeta"
  2764. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/list_items.html:50
  2765. msgid "No lists found."
  2766. msgstr ""
  2767. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/lists.html:14 bookwyrm/templates/user/lists.html:14
  2768. msgid "Your Lists"
  2769. msgstr "Zure zerrendak"
  2770. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/lists.html:36
  2771. msgid "All Lists"
  2772. msgstr "Zerrenda guztiak"
  2773. #: bookwyrm/templates/lists/lists.html:40
  2774. msgid "Saved Lists"
  2775. msgstr "Gordetako zerrendak"
  2776. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/accept.html:18
  2777. #, python-format
  2778. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> accepted your invitation to join group \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\""
  2779. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k zure <a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\" taldera batzeko gonbita onartu du"
  2780. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/accept.html:26
  2781. #, python-format
  2782. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a> accepted your invitation to join group \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\""
  2783. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k eta <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a>(e)k zure <a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\" taldera batzeko gonbita onartu dute"
  2784. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/accept.html:36
  2785. #, python-format
  2786. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and %(other_user_display_count)s others accepted your invitation to join group \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\""
  2787. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k eta %(other_user_display_count)s(e)k zure <a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\" taldera batzeko gonbita onartu dute"
  2788. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/add.html:33
  2789. #, python-format
  2790. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> added <em><a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a></em> to your list \"<a href=\"%(list_path)s\">%(list_name)s</a>\""
  2791. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k zure \"<a href=\"%(list_path)s\">%(list_name)s</a>\" zerrendari <em><a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a></em> gehitu zion"
  2792. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/add.html:39
  2793. #, python-format
  2794. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> suggested adding <em><a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a></em> to your list \"<a href=\"%(list_curate_path)s\">%(list_name)s</a>\""
  2795. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k <em><a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a></em> zure \"<a href=\"%(list_curate_path)s\">%(list_name)s</a>\" zerrendara gehitzea proposatu zuen"
  2796. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/add.html:47
  2797. #, python-format
  2798. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> added <em><a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a></em> and <em><a href=\"%(second_book_path)s\">%(second_book_title)s</a></em> to your list \"<a href=\"%(list_path)s\">%(list_name)s</a>\""
  2799. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k <em><a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a></em> eta <em><a href=\"%(second_book_path)s\">%(second_book_title)s</a></em> gehitu ditu zure \"<a href=\"%(list_path)s\">%(list_name)s</a>\" zerrendara"
  2800. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/add.html:54
  2801. #, python-format
  2802. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> suggested adding <em><a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a></em> and <em><a href=\"%(second_book_path)s\">%(second_book_title)s</a></em> to your list \"<a href=\"%(list_curate_path)s\">%(list_name)s</a>\""
  2803. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k iradoki du <em><a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a></em> eta <em><a href=\"%(second_book_path)s\">%(second_book_title)s</a></em> gehitzeko zure \"<a href=\"%(list_curate_path)s\">%(list_name)s</a>\" zerrendara"
  2804. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/add.html:66
  2805. #, python-format
  2806. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> added a book to one of your lists"
  2807. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k liburu bat gehitu zion zure zerrendetako bati"
  2808. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/add.html:72
  2809. #, python-format
  2810. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> added <em><a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a></em>, <em><a href=\"%(second_book_path)s\">%(second_book_title)s</a></em>, and %(display_count)s other book to your list \"<a href=\"%(list_path)s\">%(list_name)s</a>\""
  2811. msgid_plural "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> added <em><a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a></em>, <em><a href=\"%(second_book_path)s\">%(second_book_title)s</a></em>, and %(display_count)s other books to your list \"<a href=\"%(list_path)s\">%(list_name)s</a>\""
  2812. msgstr[0] "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k <em><a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a></em>, <em><a href=\"%(second_book_path)s\">%(second_book_title)s</a></em> eta beste liburu %(display_count)s gehitu ditu zure \"<a href=\"%(list_path)s\">%(list_name)s</a>\" zerrendara"
  2813. msgstr[1] "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k <em><a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a></em>, <em><a href=\"%(second_book_path)s\">%(second_book_title)s</a></em> eta beste %(display_count)s liburu gehitu ditu zure \"<a href=\"%(list_path)s\">%(list_name)s</a>\" zerrendara"
  2814. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/add.html:88
  2815. #, python-format
  2816. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> suggested adding <em><a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a></em>, <em><a href=\"%(second_book_path)s\">%(second_book_title)s</a></em>, and %(display_count)s other book to your list \"<a href=\"%(list_curate_path)s\">%(list_name)s</a>\""
  2817. msgid_plural "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> suggested adding <em><a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a></em>, <em><a href=\"%(second_book_path)s\">%(second_book_title)s</a></em>, and %(display_count)s other books to your list \"<a href=\"%(list_curate_path)s\">%(list_name)s</a>\""
  2818. msgstr[0] "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k iradoki du <em><a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a></em>, <em><a href=\"%(second_book_path)s\">%(second_book_title)s</a></em> eta beste liburu %(display_count)s gehitzeko zure \"<a href=\"%(list_curate_path)s\">%(list_name)s</a>\" zerrendara"
  2819. msgstr[1] "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k iradoki du <em><a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book_title)s</a></em>, <em><a href=\"%(second_book_path)s\">%(second_book_title)s</a></em> eta beste %(display_count)s liburu gehitzeko zure \"<a href=\"%(list_curate_path)s\">%(list_name)s</a>\" zerrendara"
  2820. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/boost.html:21
  2821. #, python-format
  2822. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> boosted your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">review of <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2823. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\"><em>%(book_title)s</em>(r)en kritika</a> bultzatu du"
  2824. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/boost.html:27
  2825. #, python-format
  2826. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a> boosted your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">review of <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2827. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> eta <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a>(e)k <em>%(book_title)s</em> liburuari buruzko zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">kritika</a> bultzatu dute"
  2828. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/boost.html:36
  2829. #, python-format
  2830. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and %(other_user_display_count)s others boosted your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">review of <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2831. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> eta beste %(other_user_display_count)s erabiltzailek <em>%(book_title)s</em> liburuari buruzko zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">kritika </a> bultzatu dute"
  2832. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/boost.html:44
  2833. #, python-format
  2834. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> boosted your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">comment on <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2835. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\"><em>%(book_title)s</em>(r)i buruzko iruzkina</a> bultzatu du"
  2836. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/boost.html:50
  2837. #, python-format
  2838. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a> boosted your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">comment on <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2839. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> eta <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a> (e)k <em>%(book_title)s</em> liburuari buruzko zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">iruzkina </a> bultzatu dute"
  2840. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/boost.html:59
  2841. #, python-format
  2842. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and %(other_user_display_count)s others boosted your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">comment on <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2843. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> eta %(other_user_display_count)s erabiltzailek <em>%(book_title)s</em> liburuari buruzko zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">iruzkina </a> bultzatu dute"
  2844. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/boost.html:67
  2845. #, python-format
  2846. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> boosted your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">quote from <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2847. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\"><em>%(book_title)s</em>(e)ko aipua</a> bultzatu du"
  2848. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/boost.html:73
  2849. #, python-format
  2850. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a> boosted your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">quote from <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2851. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> eta <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a>(e)k <em>%(book_title)s</em> liburuari buruzko zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">aipamena</a> bultzatu dute"
  2852. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/boost.html:82
  2853. #, python-format
  2854. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and %(other_user_display_count)s others boosted your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">quote from <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2855. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> eta beste %(other_user_display_count)s erabiltzailek <em>%(book_title)s</em> liburuari buruzko zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">aipamena </a> bultzatu dute"
  2856. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/boost.html:90
  2857. #, python-format
  2858. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> boosted your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">status</a>"
  2859. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">egoera</a> bultzatu du"
  2860. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/boost.html:96
  2861. #, python-format
  2862. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a> boosted your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">status</a>"
  2863. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> eta <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a>(e)k zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">egoera </a> bultzatu dute"
  2864. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/boost.html:105
  2865. #, python-format
  2866. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and %(other_user_display_count)s others boosted your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">status</a>"
  2867. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> eta %(other_user_display_count)s erabiltzailek zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">egoera</a> bultzatu dute"
  2868. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/fav.html:21
  2869. #, python-format
  2870. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> liked your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">review of <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2871. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k atsegin du zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\"><em>%(book_title)s</em>(r)en kritika</a>"
  2872. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/fav.html:27
  2873. #, python-format
  2874. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a> liked your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">review of <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2875. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> eta <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a>(e)k <em>%(book_title)s</em> liburuari buruzko zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">kritika</a> atsegin dute"
  2876. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/fav.html:36
  2877. #, python-format
  2878. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and %(other_user_display_count)s others liked your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">review of <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2879. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> eta beste %(other_user_display_count)s erabiltzailek <em>%(book_title)s</em> liburuari buruzko zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">kritika</a> maitatu zuten"
  2880. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/fav.html:44
  2881. #, python-format
  2882. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> liked your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">comment on <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2883. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k atsegin du zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\"><em>%(book_title)s</em>(r)i buruzko iruzkina</a>"
  2884. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/fav.html:50
  2885. #, python-format
  2886. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a> liked your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">comment on <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2887. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> eta <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a>(e)k <em>%(book_title)s</em> liburuari buruzko zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">iruzkina </a> atsegin dute"
  2888. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/fav.html:59
  2889. #, python-format
  2890. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and %(other_user_display_count)s others liked your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">comment on <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2891. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> eta beste %(other_user_display_count)s erabiltzailek <em>%(book_title)s</em> liburuari buruzko zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">iruzkina </a> maitatu zuten"
  2892. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/fav.html:67
  2893. #, python-format
  2894. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> liked your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">quote from <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2895. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k atsegin du zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\"><em>%(book_title)s</em>(e)ko aipua</a>"
  2896. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/fav.html:73
  2897. #, python-format
  2898. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a> liked your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">quote from <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2899. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> eta <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a>(e)k <em>%(book_title)s</em> liburuari buruzko zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">aipamena</a> atsegin dute"
  2900. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/fav.html:82
  2901. #, python-format
  2902. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and %(other_user_display_count)s others liked your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">quote from <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2903. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> eta beste %(other_user_display_count)s erabiltzailek <em>%(book_title)s</em> liburuari buruzko zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">aipamena </a> maitatu zuten"
  2904. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/fav.html:90
  2905. #, python-format
  2906. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> liked your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">status</a>"
  2907. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">egoera</a> maitatu zuen"
  2908. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/fav.html:96
  2909. #, python-format
  2910. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a> liked your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">status</a>"
  2911. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> eta <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a> (e)k zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">egoera</a> atsegin dute"
  2912. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/fav.html:105
  2913. #, python-format
  2914. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and %(other_user_display_count)s others liked your <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">status</a>"
  2915. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> eta %(other_user_display_count)s erabiltzailek zure <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">egoera</a> maitatu zuten"
  2916. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/follow.html:16
  2917. #, python-format
  2918. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> followed you"
  2919. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k jarraitu zaitu"
  2920. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/follow.html:20
  2921. #, python-format
  2922. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a> followed you"
  2923. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> eta <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a>(e)k jarraitu zaituzte"
  2924. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/follow.html:25
  2925. #, python-format
  2926. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and %(other_user_display_count)s others followed you"
  2927. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> eta beste %(other_user_display_count)s(e)k jaraitu zaituzte"
  2928. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/follow_request.html:15
  2929. #, python-format
  2930. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> sent you a follow request"
  2931. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k zu jarraitzeko eskaera bidali dizu"
  2932. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/import.html:14
  2933. #, python-format
  2934. msgid "Your <a href=\"%(url)s\">import</a> completed."
  2935. msgstr "Zure <a href=\"%(url)s\">importazioa</a> osatu da."
  2936. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/invite.html:16
  2937. #, python-format
  2938. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> invited you to join the group \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\""
  2939. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\" taldera batzera gonbidatu zaitu"
  2940. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/join.html:16
  2941. #, python-format
  2942. msgid "has joined your group \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\""
  2943. msgstr "zure \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\" taldean sartu da"
  2944. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/leave.html:18
  2945. #, python-format
  2946. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> has left your group \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\""
  2947. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k zure \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\" taldea utzi du"
  2948. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/leave.html:26
  2949. #, python-format
  2950. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a> have left your group \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\""
  2951. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> eta <a href=\"%(second_user_link)s\">%(second_user)s</a> zure \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\" taldetik atera dira"
  2952. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/leave.html:36
  2953. #, python-format
  2954. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> and %(other_user_display_count)s others have left your group \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\""
  2955. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> eta beste %(other_user_display_count)s erabiltzailek zure \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\" taldea utzi dute"
  2956. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/link_domain.html:15
  2957. #, python-format
  2958. msgid "A new <a href=\"%(path)s\">link domain</a> needs review"
  2959. msgid_plural "%(display_count)s new <a href=\"%(path)s\">link domains</a> need moderation"
  2960. msgstr[0] ""
  2961. msgstr[1] ""
  2962. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/mention.html:20
  2963. #, python-format
  2964. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> mentioned you in a <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">review of <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2965. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k <a href=\"%(related_path)s\"><em>%(book_title)s</em>(r)en kritika batean</a> aipatu zaitu"
  2966. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/mention.html:26
  2967. #, python-format
  2968. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> mentioned you in a <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">comment on <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2969. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> erabiltzaileak <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">iruzkin batean <em>%(book_title)s</em></a> aipatu zintuen"
  2970. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/mention.html:32
  2971. #, python-format
  2972. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> mentioned you in a <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">quote from <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2973. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> erabiltzaileak <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">aipamen batean <em>%(book_title)s</em></a> aipatu zintuen"
  2974. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/mention.html:38
  2975. #, python-format
  2976. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> mentioned you in a <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">status</a>"
  2977. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k aipatu egin zaitu <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">egoera</a> batean"
  2978. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/remove.html:17
  2979. #, python-format
  2980. msgid "has been removed from your group \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\""
  2981. msgstr "ezabatua izan da zure \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\" taldetik"
  2982. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/remove.html:23
  2983. #, python-format
  2984. msgid "You have been removed from the \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\" group"
  2985. msgstr "Ezabatua izan zara \"<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>\" taldetik"
  2986. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/reply.html:21
  2987. #, python-format
  2988. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">replied</a> to your <a href=\"%(parent_path)s\">review of <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2989. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k <em>%(book_title)s</em> liburuari buruzko zure <a href=\"%(parent_path)s\">kritikari </a> <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">erantzun zion</a>"
  2990. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/reply.html:27
  2991. #, python-format
  2992. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">replied</a> to your <a href=\"%(parent_path)s\">comment on <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2993. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k <em>%(book_title)s</em> liburuari buruzko zure <a href=\"%(parent_path)s\">iruzkinari </a><a href=\"%(related_path)s\">erantzun zion</a>"
  2994. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/reply.html:33
  2995. #, python-format
  2996. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">replied</a> to your <a href=\"%(parent_path)s\">quote from <em>%(book_title)s</em></a>"
  2997. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a>(e)k <em>%(book_title)s</em> liburuari buruzko zure <a href=\"%(parent_path)s\">aipamenari </a> <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">erantzun zion</a>"
  2998. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/reply.html:39
  2999. #, python-format
  3000. msgid "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s</a> <a href=\"%(related_path)s\">replied</a> to your <a href=\"%(parent_path)s\">status</a>"
  3001. msgstr "<a href=\"%(related_user_link)s\">%(related_user)s(e)k </a> zure <a href=\"%(parent_path)s\">egoerari </a><a href=\"%(related_path)s\">erantzun zion</a>"
  3002. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/report.html:15
  3003. #, python-format
  3004. msgid "A new <a href=\"%(path)s\">report</a> needs moderation"
  3005. msgid_plural "%(display_count)s new <a href=\"%(path)s\">reports</a> need moderation"
  3006. msgstr[0] "<a href=\"%(path)s\">Salaketa</a> berri batek moderatzea behar du"
  3007. msgstr[1] "%(display_count)s <a href=\"%(path)s\">salaketa</a> berrik moderatzea behar dute"
  3008. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/status_preview.html:4
  3009. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/content_status.html:73
  3010. msgid "Content warning"
  3011. msgstr "Edukiari buruzko abisua"
  3012. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/update.html:16
  3013. #, python-format
  3014. msgid "has changed the privacy level for <a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>"
  3015. msgstr "<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>(r)en pribatutasun maila aldatu du"
  3016. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/update.html:20
  3017. #, python-format
  3018. msgid "has changed the name of <a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>"
  3019. msgstr "<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>(r)en izena aldatu du"
  3020. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/items/update.html:24
  3021. #, python-format
  3022. msgid "has changed the description of <a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>"
  3023. msgstr "<a href=\"%(group_path)s\">%(group_name)s</a>(r)en deskribapena aldatu du"
  3024. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/notifications_page.html:19
  3025. msgid "Delete notifications"
  3026. msgstr "Ezabatu jakinarazpenak"
  3027. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/notifications_page.html:31
  3028. msgid "All"
  3029. msgstr "Denak"
  3030. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/notifications_page.html:35
  3031. msgid "Mentions"
  3032. msgstr "Aipamenak"
  3033. #: bookwyrm/templates/notifications/notifications_page.html:47
  3034. msgid "You're all caught up!"
  3035. msgstr "Egunean zaude!"
  3036. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/error.html:7
  3037. #, python-format
  3038. msgid "<strong>%(account)s</strong> is not a valid username"
  3039. msgstr "<strong>%(account)s</strong> ez da baliozko erabiltzaile-izena"
  3040. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/error.html:8
  3041. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/error.html:13
  3042. msgid "Check you have the correct username before trying again"
  3043. msgstr "Egaiztatu erabiltzaile-izen zuzena ezarri duzula berriro saiatu aurretik"
  3044. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/error.html:12
  3045. #, python-format
  3046. msgid "<strong>%(account)s</strong> could not be found or <code>%(remote_domain)s</code> does not support identity discovery"
  3047. msgstr "Ezin izan da <strong>%(account)s</strong> aurkitu ala <code>%(remote_domain)s</code>(e)k ez du identitate-aurkikuntza onartzen"
  3048. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/error.html:17
  3049. #, python-format
  3050. msgid "<strong>%(account)s</strong> was found but <code>%(remote_domain)s</code> does not support 'remote follow'"
  3051. msgstr "<strong>%(account)s</strong> aurkitu da baina <code>%(remote_domain)s</code>(e)k ez du urrunetik jarraitzea onartzen"
  3052. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/error.html:18
  3053. #, python-format
  3054. msgid "Try searching for <strong>%(user)s</strong> on <code>%(remote_domain)s</code> instead"
  3055. msgstr "Horren ordez, saia zaitez <strong>%(user)s</strong> <code>%(remote_domain)s</code>(e)n bilatzen"
  3056. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/error.html:46
  3057. #, python-format
  3058. msgid "Something went wrong trying to follow <strong>%(account)s</strong>"
  3059. msgstr "Zerbait gaizki atera da <strong>%(account)s</strong> jarraitzen saiatzean"
  3060. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/error.html:47
  3061. msgid "Check you have the correct username before trying again."
  3062. msgstr "Egaiztatu erabiltzaile-izen zuzena ezarri duzula berriro saiatu aurretik."
  3063. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/error.html:51
  3064. #, python-format
  3065. msgid "You have blocked <strong>%(account)s</strong>"
  3066. msgstr "<strong>%(account)s</strong> blokeatu duzu"
  3067. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/error.html:55
  3068. #, python-format
  3069. msgid "<strong>%(account)s</strong> has blocked you"
  3070. msgstr "<strong>%(account)s</strong>(e)k blokeatu egin zaitu"
  3071. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/error.html:59
  3072. #, python-format
  3073. msgid "You are already following <strong>%(account)s</strong>"
  3074. msgstr "<strong>%(account)s</strong> jarraitzen ari zara dagoeneko"
  3075. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/error.html:63
  3076. #, python-format
  3077. msgid "You have already requested to follow <strong>%(account)s</strong>"
  3078. msgstr "Dagoeneko egina duzu <strong>%(account)s</strong> jarraitzeko eskaera"
  3079. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/remote_follow.html:6
  3080. #, python-format
  3081. msgid "Follow %(username)s on the fediverse"
  3082. msgstr "Jarraitu %(username)s fedibertsoan"
  3083. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/remote_follow.html:33
  3084. #, python-format
  3085. msgid "Follow %(username)s from another Fediverse account like BookWyrm, Mastodon, or Pleroma."
  3086. msgstr "Jarrai ezazu %(username)s Bookwyrm, Mastodon ala Pleroma bezalako fedibertsoko beste kontu batetik."
  3087. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/remote_follow.html:40
  3088. msgid "User handle to follow from:"
  3089. msgstr "Harpidetzeko kontua:"
  3090. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/remote_follow.html:42
  3091. msgid "Follow!"
  3092. msgstr "Jarraitu!"
  3093. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/remote_follow_button.html:15
  3094. msgid "Follow on Fediverse"
  3095. msgstr "Jarraitu Fedibertsotik"
  3096. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/remote_follow_button.html:19
  3097. msgid "This link opens in a pop-up window"
  3098. msgstr "Esteka hau laster-leiho batean zabalduko da"
  3099. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/subscribe.html:8
  3100. #, python-format
  3101. msgid "Log in to %(sitename)s"
  3102. msgstr "%(sitename)s(e)ra sartu"
  3103. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/subscribe.html:10
  3104. #, python-format
  3105. msgid "Error following from %(sitename)s"
  3106. msgstr "Errorea %(sitename)s(e)tik jarraitzean"
  3107. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/subscribe.html:12
  3108. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/subscribe.html:22
  3109. #, python-format
  3110. msgid "Follow from %(sitename)s"
  3111. msgstr "%(sitename)s(e)tik jarraitu"
  3112. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/subscribe.html:18
  3113. msgid "Uh oh..."
  3114. msgstr "Oh, ez..."
  3115. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/subscribe.html:20
  3116. msgid "Let's log in first..."
  3117. msgstr "Sar gaitezen lehenengo..."
  3118. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/subscribe.html:51
  3119. #, python-format
  3120. msgid "Follow %(username)s"
  3121. msgstr "Jarraitu %(username)s"
  3122. #: bookwyrm/templates/ostatus/success.html:28
  3123. #, python-format
  3124. msgid "You are now following %(display_name)s!"
  3125. msgstr "%(display_name)s jarraitzen duzu orain!"
  3126. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/2fa.html:4
  3127. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/2fa.html:7
  3128. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/layout.html:24
  3129. msgid "Two Factor Authentication"
  3130. msgstr "Bi faktoreko egiaztatzea"
  3131. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/2fa.html:16
  3132. msgid "Successfully updated 2FA settings"
  3133. msgstr "Behar bezala eguneratu dira 2FA ezarpenak"
  3134. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/2fa.html:24
  3135. msgid "Write down or copy and paste these codes somewhere safe."
  3136. msgstr "Idatzi edo kopiatu eta pegatu kode hauek segurua den nonbaitean."
  3137. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/2fa.html:25
  3138. msgid "You must use them in order, and they will not be displayed again."
  3139. msgstr "Ordenean erabili behar dituzu, eta ez dira gehiago bistaratuko."
  3140. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/2fa.html:35
  3141. msgid "Two Factor Authentication is active on your account."
  3142. msgstr "Bi faktoreko egiaztatzea aktibo dago zure kontuan."
  3143. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/2fa.html:36
  3144. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/disable-2fa.html:4
  3145. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/disable-2fa.html:7
  3146. msgid "Disable 2FA"
  3147. msgstr "Desgaitu 2FA"
  3148. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/2fa.html:39
  3149. msgid "You can generate backup codes to use in case you do not have access to your authentication app. If you generate new codes, any backup codes previously generated will no longer work."
  3150. msgstr "Babes-kodeak sor ditzakezu, autentifikazio-aplikaziora sartzen ez baduzu lortzen. Kode berriak sortzen badituzu, lehenago sortutako segurtasun-kodeek ez dute funtzionatuko."
  3151. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/2fa.html:40
  3152. msgid "Generate backup codes"
  3153. msgstr "Sortu babeskopia-kodeak"
  3154. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/2fa.html:45
  3155. msgid "Scan the QR code with your authentication app and then enter the code from your app below to confirm your app is set up."
  3156. msgstr "Eskaneatu QR kodea zure egiaztatze-aplikazioarekin eta gero sartu zure aplikazioko kodea azpian, aplikazioa behar bezala ezarrita dagoela baieztatzeko."
  3157. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/2fa.html:52
  3158. msgid "Use setup key"
  3159. msgstr "Erabiltzailea ezartzeko klabea"
  3160. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/2fa.html:58
  3161. msgid "Account name:"
  3162. msgstr "Kontuaren izena:"
  3163. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/2fa.html:65
  3164. msgid "Code:"
  3165. msgstr "Kodea:"
  3166. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/2fa.html:73
  3167. msgid "Enter the code from your app:"
  3168. msgstr "Sartu zure aplikazioko kodea:"
  3169. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/2fa.html:83
  3170. msgid "You can make your account more secure by using Two Factor Authentication (2FA). This will require you to enter a one-time code using a phone app like <em>Authy</em>, <em>Google Authenticator</em> or <em>Microsoft Authenticator</em> each time you log in."
  3171. msgstr "Zure kontua babestu dezakezu bi faktoretako egiaztatzea (2FA) erabiliz. Honek zure mugikorreko <em>Authy</em>, <em>Google Authenticator</em> edo <em>Microsoft Authenticator</em> bezalako aplikazio baten bitartez lortuko duzun aldi bakarreko kode bat eskatuko du, pasahitzaz gain, sartu nahi duzun aldi bakoitzeko."
  3172. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/2fa.html:85
  3173. msgid "Confirm your password to begin setting up 2FA."
  3174. msgstr "Baieztatu zure pasahitza 2FA ezartzen hasteko."
  3175. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/2fa.html:95
  3176. #: bookwyrm/templates/two_factor_auth/two_factor_prompt.html:37
  3177. msgid "Set up 2FA"
  3178. msgstr "Ezarri 2FA"
  3179. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/blocks.html:4
  3180. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/blocks.html:7
  3181. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/layout.html:46
  3182. msgid "Blocked Users"
  3183. msgstr "Blokeatutako erabiltzaileak"
  3184. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/blocks.html:12
  3185. msgid "No users currently blocked."
  3186. msgstr "Ez dago erabiltzailerik blokeatuta une honetan."
  3187. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/change_password.html:4
  3188. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/change_password.html:7
  3189. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/change_password.html:37
  3190. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/layout.html:20
  3191. msgid "Change Password"
  3192. msgstr "Pasahitza aldatu"
  3193. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/change_password.html:15
  3194. msgid "Successfully changed password"
  3195. msgstr "Pasahitza behar bezala aldatu da"
  3196. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/change_password.html:22
  3197. msgid "Current password:"
  3198. msgstr "Oraingo pasahitza:"
  3199. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/change_password.html:28
  3200. msgid "New password:"
  3201. msgstr "Pasahitz Berria:"
  3202. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/delete_user.html:4
  3203. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/delete_user.html:7
  3204. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/delete_user.html:40
  3205. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/layout.html:28
  3206. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/delete_user_form.html:22
  3207. msgid "Delete Account"
  3208. msgstr "Ezabatu kontua"
  3209. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/delete_user.html:12
  3210. msgid "Deactivate account"
  3211. msgstr "Desaktibatu kontua"
  3212. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/delete_user.html:15
  3213. msgid "Your account will be hidden. You can log back in at any time to re-activate your account."
  3214. msgstr "Zure kontua ezkutatu egingo da. Edozein unetan hona itzul zaitezke eta zure kontua berriz aktibatu."
  3215. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/delete_user.html:20
  3216. msgid "Deactivate Account"
  3217. msgstr "Desaktibatu kontua"
  3218. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/delete_user.html:26
  3219. msgid "Permanently delete account"
  3220. msgstr "Behin-betirako ezabatu kontua"
  3221. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/delete_user.html:29
  3222. msgid "Deleting your account cannot be undone. The username will not be available to register in the future."
  3223. msgstr "Zure kontua ezabatzea ezin da desegin. Erabiltzaile-izena ez da erabilgarri egongo etorkizunean izena emateko."
  3224. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/disable-2fa.html:12
  3225. msgid "Disable Two Factor Authentication"
  3226. msgstr "Desgaitu bi faktoreko egiaztatzea"
  3227. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/disable-2fa.html:14
  3228. msgid "Disabling 2FA will allow anyone with your username and password to log in to your account."
  3229. msgstr "2FA desgaitzeako zure erabiltzaile eta pasahitza dituen edonori zure konturako sarbidea emango dio."
  3230. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/disable-2fa.html:20
  3231. msgid "Turn off 2FA"
  3232. msgstr "Itzali 2FA"
  3233. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:4
  3234. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:7
  3235. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/layout.html:15
  3236. msgid "Edit Profile"
  3237. msgstr "Editatu profila"
  3238. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:12
  3239. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:25
  3240. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:7
  3241. #: bookwyrm/templates/user_menu.html:29
  3242. msgid "Profile"
  3243. msgstr "Profila"
  3244. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:13
  3245. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:64
  3246. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:11
  3247. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:89
  3248. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/config.html:91
  3249. msgid "Display"
  3250. msgstr "Bistaratzea"
  3251. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:14
  3252. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:112
  3253. msgid "Privacy"
  3254. msgstr "Pribatutasuna"
  3255. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:69
  3256. msgid "Show reading goal prompt in feed"
  3257. msgstr "Erakutsi irakurketa-helburua zehazteko eremua jarioan"
  3258. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:75
  3259. msgid "Show suggested users"
  3260. msgstr "Erakutsi iradokitako erabiltzaileak"
  3261. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:81
  3262. msgid "Show this account in suggested users"
  3263. msgstr "Erakutsi kontu hau iradokitako erabiltzaileen artean"
  3264. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:85
  3265. #, python-format
  3266. msgid "Your account will show up in the <a href=\"%(path)s\">directory</a>, and may be recommended to other BookWyrm users."
  3267. msgstr "Zure kontua <a href=\"%(path)s\">direktorioan</a> agertuko da, eta BookWyrmeko beste erabiltzaile batzuei gomendatu ahal izango zaie."
  3268. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:89
  3269. msgid "Preferred Timezone: "
  3270. msgstr "Hobetsitako ordu-eremua: "
  3271. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:101
  3272. msgid "Theme:"
  3273. msgstr "Azala:"
  3274. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:117
  3275. msgid "Manually approve followers"
  3276. msgstr "Eskuz onartu jarraitzaileak"
  3277. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:123
  3278. msgid "Hide followers and following on profile"
  3279. msgstr "Ezkutatu jarraitzaile eta jarraituak profilean"
  3280. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:128
  3281. msgid "Default post privacy:"
  3282. msgstr "Lehenetsitako pribatutasuna bidalketentzat:"
  3283. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/edit_user.html:136
  3284. #, python-format
  3285. msgid "Looking for shelf privacy? You can set a separate visibility level for each of your shelves. Go to <a href=\"%(path)s\">Your Books</a>, pick a shelf from the tab bar, and click \"Edit shelf.\""
  3286. msgstr "Apalen pribatutasunaren bila zabiltza? Zure apal bakoitzarentzat berariazko ikusgarritasun maila ezarri dezakezu. Zoaz <a href=\"%(path)s\">Zure liburuak</a> atalera, hautatu apal bat fitxa-barran eta klikatu \"Editatu apala\"."
  3287. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/export.html:4
  3288. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/export.html:7
  3289. msgid "CSV Export"
  3290. msgstr "Esportatu CSVra"
  3291. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/export.html:13
  3292. msgid "Your export will include all the books on your shelves, books you have reviewed, and books with reading activity."
  3293. msgstr "Esportazioak eduki guzti hauek hartuko ditu: zure apaletako liburu guztiak, kritikatu dituzun liburuak eta irakurketa-aktibitateren bat duten liburuak."
  3294. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/export.html:20
  3295. msgid "Download file"
  3296. msgstr "Deskargatu fitxategia"
  3297. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/layout.html:11
  3298. msgid "Account"
  3299. msgstr "Kontua"
  3300. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/layout.html:31
  3301. msgid "Data"
  3302. msgstr "Datuak"
  3303. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/layout.html:39
  3304. msgid "CSV export"
  3305. msgstr "Esportatu CSVra"
  3306. #: bookwyrm/templates/preferences/layout.html:42
  3307. msgid "Relationships"
  3308. msgstr "Harremanak"
  3309. #: bookwyrm/templates/reading_progress/finish.html:5
  3310. #, python-format
  3311. msgid "Finish \"%(book_title)s\""
  3312. msgstr "\"%(book_title)s\" bukatu"
  3313. #: bookwyrm/templates/reading_progress/start.html:5
  3314. #, python-format
  3315. msgid "Start \"%(book_title)s\""
  3316. msgstr "\"%(book_title)s\" hasi"
  3317. #: bookwyrm/templates/reading_progress/stop.html:5
  3318. #, python-format
  3319. msgid "Stop Reading \"%(book_title)s\""
  3320. msgstr "Utzi \"%(book_title)s\" irakurtzeari"
  3321. #: bookwyrm/templates/reading_progress/want.html:5
  3322. #, python-format
  3323. msgid "Want to Read \"%(book_title)s\""
  3324. msgstr "\"%(book_title)s\" irakurri nahi dut"
  3325. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/delete_readthrough_modal.html:4
  3326. msgid "Delete these read dates?"
  3327. msgstr "Ezabatu irakurketa-data hauek?"
  3328. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/delete_readthrough_modal.html:8
  3329. #, python-format
  3330. msgid "You are deleting this readthrough and its %(count)s associated progress updates."
  3331. msgstr "Irakurketa hau eta hari lotutako %(count)s egoera-eguneratzeak ezabatzen ari zara."
  3332. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/readthrough.html:6
  3333. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/readthrough_modal.html:8
  3334. #, python-format
  3335. msgid "Update read dates for \"<em>%(title)s</em>\""
  3336. msgstr "Eguneratu irakurketa-datak \"<em>%(title)s</em>\"(r)entzat"
  3337. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/readthrough_form.html:10
  3338. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/readthrough_modal.html:38
  3339. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/reading_modals/finish_reading_modal.html:24
  3340. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/reading_modals/start_reading_modal.html:21
  3341. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/reading_modals/stop_reading_modal.html:24
  3342. msgid "Started reading"
  3343. msgstr "Irakurtzen hasita"
  3344. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/readthrough_form.html:18
  3345. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/readthrough_modal.html:56
  3346. msgid "Progress"
  3347. msgstr "Egoera"
  3348. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/readthrough_form.html:25
  3349. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/readthrough_modal.html:63
  3350. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/reading_modals/finish_reading_modal.html:32
  3351. msgid "Finished reading"
  3352. msgstr "Irakurtzen bukatuta"
  3353. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/readthrough_list.html:9
  3354. msgid "Progress Updates:"
  3355. msgstr "Egoeraren eguneratzeak:"
  3356. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/readthrough_list.html:14
  3357. msgid "finished"
  3358. msgstr "amaituta"
  3359. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/readthrough_list.html:16
  3360. msgid "stopped"
  3361. msgstr "geldituta"
  3362. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/readthrough_list.html:27
  3363. msgid "Show all updates"
  3364. msgstr "Erakutsi eguneratze guztiak"
  3365. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/readthrough_list.html:43
  3366. msgid "Delete this progress update"
  3367. msgstr "Ezabatu egoera-eguneratze hau"
  3368. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/readthrough_list.html:55
  3369. msgid "started"
  3370. msgstr "irakurtzen hasi"
  3371. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/readthrough_list.html:62
  3372. msgid "Edit read dates"
  3373. msgstr "Editatu irakurketa datak"
  3374. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/readthrough_list.html:70
  3375. msgid "Delete these read dates"
  3376. msgstr "Ezabatu irakurketa-data houek"
  3377. #: bookwyrm/templates/readthrough/readthrough_modal.html:12
  3378. #, python-format
  3379. msgid "Add read dates for \"<em>%(title)s</em>\""
  3380. msgstr "Gehitu irakurketa-datak \"<em>%(title)s</em>\"(r)entzat"
  3381. #: bookwyrm/templates/report.html:5
  3382. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/report_button.html:13
  3383. msgid "Report"
  3384. msgstr "Salatu"
  3385. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/barcode_modal.html:5
  3386. msgid "\n"
  3387. " Scan Barcode\n"
  3388. " "
  3389. msgstr "\n"
  3390. "Eskaneatu barra-kodea "
  3391. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/barcode_modal.html:21
  3392. msgid "Requesting camera..."
  3393. msgstr "Kamera eskatzen..."
  3394. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/barcode_modal.html:22
  3395. msgid "Grant access to the camera to scan a book's barcode."
  3396. msgstr "Eman kamerarako sarbidea liburu baten barra-kodea eskaneatu ahal izateko."
  3397. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/barcode_modal.html:27
  3398. msgid "Could not access camera"
  3399. msgstr "Ezin izan da kamara eskuratu"
  3400. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/barcode_modal.html:31
  3401. msgctxt "barcode scanner"
  3402. msgid "Scanning..."
  3403. msgstr "Eskaneatzen..."
  3404. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/barcode_modal.html:32
  3405. msgid "Align your book's barcode with the camera."
  3406. msgstr "Lerrokatu zure liburuaren barra-kodea kamerarekin."
  3407. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/barcode_modal.html:36
  3408. msgctxt "barcode scanner"
  3409. msgid "ISBN scanned"
  3410. msgstr "ISBN eskaneatua"
  3411. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/barcode_modal.html:37
  3412. msgctxt "followed by ISBN"
  3413. msgid "Searching for book:"
  3414. msgstr "Liburua bilatzen:"
  3415. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/book.html:25
  3416. #, python-format
  3417. msgid "%(formatted_review_count)s review"
  3418. msgid_plural "%(formatted_review_count)s reviews"
  3419. msgstr[0] "%(formatted_review_count)s iritzi"
  3420. msgstr[1] "%(formatted_review_count)s iritzi"
  3421. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/book.html:34
  3422. #, python-format
  3423. msgid "(published %(pub_year)s)"
  3424. msgstr "(%(pub_year)s(e)an argitaratua)"
  3425. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/book.html:50
  3426. msgid "Results from"
  3427. msgstr "Honen emaitza"
  3428. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/book.html:89
  3429. msgid "Import book"
  3430. msgstr "Inportatu liburua"
  3431. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/book.html:113
  3432. msgid "Load results from other catalogues"
  3433. msgstr "Beste katalogoetako emaitzak kargatu"
  3434. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/book.html:117
  3435. msgid "Manually add book"
  3436. msgstr "Eskuz gehitu liburua"
  3437. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/book.html:122
  3438. msgid "Log in to import or add books."
  3439. msgstr "Hasi saioa liburuak inportatzeko edo gehitzeko."
  3440. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/layout.html:17
  3441. msgid "Search query"
  3442. msgstr "Bilaketa-kontsulta"
  3443. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/layout.html:20
  3444. msgid "Search type"
  3445. msgstr "Bilaketa mota"
  3446. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/layout.html:24
  3447. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/layout.html:47
  3448. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_blocklist/email_blocklist.html:27
  3449. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_list.html:52
  3450. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:36
  3451. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user.html:13
  3452. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_admin.html:5
  3453. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_admin.html:12
  3454. msgid "Users"
  3455. msgstr "Erabiltzaileak"
  3456. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/layout.html:59
  3457. #, python-format
  3458. msgid "No results found for \"%(query)s\""
  3459. msgstr "Ez da emaitzarik aurkitu \"%(query)s\"-rako"
  3460. #: bookwyrm/templates/search/layout.html:61
  3461. #, python-format
  3462. msgid "%(result_count)s result found"
  3463. msgid_plural "%(result_count)s results found"
  3464. msgstr[0] "emaitza %(result_count)s aurkitu da"
  3465. msgstr[1] "%(result_count)s emaitza aurkitu dira"
  3466. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcement.html:5
  3467. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcement.html:8
  3468. msgid "Announcement"
  3469. msgstr "Iragarpenak"
  3470. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcement.html:16
  3471. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:93
  3472. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/status_options.html:25
  3473. msgid "Edit"
  3474. msgstr "Editatu"
  3475. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcement.html:32
  3476. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcements.html:3
  3477. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcements.html:5
  3478. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/edit_announcement.html:15
  3479. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:99
  3480. msgid "Announcements"
  3481. msgstr "Iragarpenak"
  3482. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcement.html:45
  3483. msgid "Visible:"
  3484. msgstr "Ikusgai:"
  3485. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcement.html:49
  3486. msgid "True"
  3487. msgstr "Egia"
  3488. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcement.html:51
  3489. msgid "False"
  3490. msgstr "Gezurra"
  3491. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcement.html:57
  3492. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/edit_announcement.html:79
  3493. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/dashboard.html:80
  3494. msgid "Start date:"
  3495. msgstr "Hasiera data:"
  3496. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcement.html:62
  3497. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/edit_announcement.html:89
  3498. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/dashboard.html:86
  3499. msgid "End date:"
  3500. msgstr "Amaiera data:"
  3501. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcement.html:66
  3502. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/edit_announcement.html:109
  3503. msgid "Active:"
  3504. msgstr "Aktiboa:"
  3505. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcements.html:9
  3506. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/edit_announcement.html:8
  3507. msgid "Create Announcement"
  3508. msgstr "Sortu iragarpena"
  3509. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcements.html:21
  3510. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_list.html:40
  3511. msgid "Date added"
  3512. msgstr "Gehitze data"
  3513. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcements.html:25
  3514. msgid "Preview"
  3515. msgstr "Aurrebista"
  3516. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcements.html:29
  3517. msgid "Start date"
  3518. msgstr "Hasiera data"
  3519. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcements.html:33
  3520. msgid "End date"
  3521. msgstr "Amaiera data"
  3522. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcements.html:50
  3523. msgid "active"
  3524. msgstr "aktiboa"
  3525. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcements.html:50
  3526. msgid "inactive"
  3527. msgstr "inaktiboa"
  3528. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/announcements.html:63
  3529. msgid "No announcements found"
  3530. msgstr "Ez da iragarpenik aurkitu"
  3531. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/edit_announcement.html:6
  3532. msgid "Edit Announcement"
  3533. msgstr "Editatu iragarpena"
  3534. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/edit_announcement.html:45
  3535. msgid "Announcement content"
  3536. msgstr "Jakinarazpenaren edukia"
  3537. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/edit_announcement.html:57
  3538. msgid "Details:"
  3539. msgstr "Xehetasunak:"
  3540. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/edit_announcement.html:65
  3541. msgid "Event date:"
  3542. msgstr "Ekitaldiaren data:"
  3543. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/edit_announcement.html:73
  3544. msgid "Display settings"
  3545. msgstr "Bistaratzearen ezarpenak"
  3546. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/announcements/edit_announcement.html:98
  3547. msgid "Color:"
  3548. msgstr "Kolorea:"
  3549. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:7
  3550. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:11
  3551. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:61
  3552. msgid "Auto-moderation rules"
  3553. msgstr "Auto-moderaziorako arauak"
  3554. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:18
  3555. msgid "Auto-moderation rules will create reports for any local user or status with fields matching the provided string."
  3556. msgstr "Auto-moderaziorako arauek salaketak sortuko dituzte emandako kateekin bat datozen eremuak dituzten edozein erabiltzaile lokal edo egoeratarako."
  3557. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:19
  3558. msgid "Users or statuses that have already been reported (regardless of whether the report was resolved) will not be flagged."
  3559. msgstr "Dagoeneko salatuta dauden erabiltzaile edo egoerak (salaketa argituta egon ala ez) ez dira markatuko."
  3560. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:26
  3561. msgid "Schedule:"
  3562. msgstr "Programazioa:"
  3563. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:33
  3564. msgid "Last run:"
  3565. msgstr "Azken aldiz exekutatua:"
  3566. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:40
  3567. msgid "Total run count:"
  3568. msgstr "Betearazpenak, guztira:"
  3569. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:47
  3570. msgid "Enabled:"
  3571. msgstr "Gaituta:"
  3572. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:59
  3573. msgid "Delete schedule"
  3574. msgstr "Ezabatu programazioa"
  3575. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:63
  3576. msgid "Run now"
  3577. msgstr "Exekutatu berehala"
  3578. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:64
  3579. msgid "Last run date will not be updated"
  3580. msgstr "Azkenekoz exekutatutako data ez da eguneratuko"
  3581. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:69
  3582. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:92
  3583. msgid "Schedule scan"
  3584. msgstr "Progamatu eskaneatzea"
  3585. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:101
  3586. msgid "Successfully added rule"
  3587. msgstr "Arau berria behar bezala gehitu da"
  3588. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:107
  3589. msgid "Add Rule"
  3590. msgstr "Gehitu araua"
  3591. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:116
  3592. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:160
  3593. msgid "String match"
  3594. msgstr "Katearekin bat etortzea"
  3595. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:126
  3596. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:163
  3597. msgid "Flag users"
  3598. msgstr "Markatu erabiltzaileak"
  3599. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:133
  3600. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:166
  3601. msgid "Flag statuses"
  3602. msgstr "Markatzeko egoerak"
  3603. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:140
  3604. msgid "Add rule"
  3605. msgstr "Gehitu araua"
  3606. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:147
  3607. msgid "Current Rules"
  3608. msgstr "Uneko arauak"
  3609. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:151
  3610. msgid "Show rules"
  3611. msgstr "Erakutsi arauak"
  3612. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/automod/rules.html:188
  3613. msgid "Remove rule"
  3614. msgstr "Ezabatu araua"
  3615. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:6
  3616. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:8
  3617. msgid "Celery Status"
  3618. msgstr "Celery-ren egoera"
  3619. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:14
  3620. msgid "You can set up monitoring to check if Celery is running by querying:"
  3621. msgstr ""
  3622. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:22
  3623. msgid "Queues"
  3624. msgstr "Ilarak"
  3625. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:26
  3626. msgid "Streams"
  3627. msgstr ""
  3628. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:32
  3629. msgid "Broadcasts"
  3630. msgstr "Emanaldiak"
  3631. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:38
  3632. msgid "Inbox"
  3633. msgstr ""
  3634. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:51
  3635. msgid "Import triggered"
  3636. msgstr ""
  3637. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:57
  3638. msgid "Connectors"
  3639. msgstr ""
  3640. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:64
  3641. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:91
  3642. msgid "Images"
  3643. msgstr "Irudiak"
  3644. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:70
  3645. msgid "Suggested Users"
  3646. msgstr ""
  3647. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:83
  3648. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:43
  3649. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/email_filter.html:5
  3650. msgid "Email"
  3651. msgstr "Eposta"
  3652. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:89
  3653. msgid "Misc"
  3654. msgstr ""
  3655. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:96
  3656. msgid "Low priority"
  3657. msgstr "Lehentasun txikia"
  3658. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:102
  3659. msgid "Medium priority"
  3660. msgstr "Lehentasun ertaina"
  3661. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:108
  3662. msgid "High priority"
  3663. msgstr "Lehentasun handia"
  3664. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:118
  3665. msgid "Could not connect to Redis broker"
  3666. msgstr "Ezin izan da Redis brokerera konektatu"
  3667. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:126
  3668. msgid "Active Tasks"
  3669. msgstr "Zeregin aktiboak"
  3670. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:131
  3671. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:113
  3672. msgid "ID"
  3673. msgstr "IDa"
  3674. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:132
  3675. msgid "Task name"
  3676. msgstr "Zereginaren izena"
  3677. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:133
  3678. msgid "Run time"
  3679. msgstr "Exekuzio-denbora"
  3680. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:134
  3681. msgid "Priority"
  3682. msgstr "Lehentasuna"
  3683. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:139
  3684. msgid "No active tasks"
  3685. msgstr "Egiteko aktiborike z"
  3686. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:157
  3687. msgid "Workers"
  3688. msgstr "Langileak"
  3689. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:162
  3690. msgid "Uptime:"
  3691. msgstr "Erabilgarri egon den denbora:"
  3692. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:172
  3693. msgid "Could not connect to Celery"
  3694. msgstr "Ezin izan da Celeryra konektatu"
  3695. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:178
  3696. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:201
  3697. msgid "Clear Queues"
  3698. msgstr ""
  3699. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:182
  3700. msgid "Clearing queues can cause serious problems including data loss! Only play with this if you really know what you're doing. You must shut down the Celery worker before you do this."
  3701. msgstr ""
  3702. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/celery.html:208
  3703. msgid "Errors"
  3704. msgstr "Erroreak"
  3705. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/dashboard.html:6
  3706. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/dashboard.html:8
  3707. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:28
  3708. msgid "Dashboard"
  3709. msgstr "Arbela"
  3710. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/dashboard.html:15
  3711. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/dashboard.html:109
  3712. msgid "Total users"
  3713. msgstr "Erabiltzaileak guztira"
  3714. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/dashboard.html:21
  3715. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/user_chart.html:16
  3716. msgid "Active this month"
  3717. msgstr "Aktibo hilabete honetan"
  3718. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/dashboard.html:27
  3719. msgid "Statuses"
  3720. msgstr "Egoerak"
  3721. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/dashboard.html:33
  3722. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/works_chart.html:11
  3723. msgid "Works"
  3724. msgstr "Liburuak"
  3725. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/dashboard.html:74
  3726. msgid "Instance Activity"
  3727. msgstr "Instantziaren aktibitatea"
  3728. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/dashboard.html:92
  3729. msgid "Interval:"
  3730. msgstr "Tartea:"
  3731. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/dashboard.html:96
  3732. msgid "Days"
  3733. msgstr "Egunak"
  3734. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/dashboard.html:97
  3735. msgid "Weeks"
  3736. msgstr "Asteak"
  3737. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/dashboard.html:115
  3738. msgid "User signup activity"
  3739. msgstr "Erabiltzaileen izen-emate aktibitatea"
  3740. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/dashboard.html:121
  3741. msgid "Status activity"
  3742. msgstr "Egoeren aktibitatea"
  3743. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/dashboard.html:127
  3744. msgid "Works created"
  3745. msgstr "Sortutako liburuak"
  3746. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/registration_chart.html:10
  3747. msgid "Registrations"
  3748. msgstr "Izen-ematea"
  3749. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/status_chart.html:11
  3750. msgid "Statuses posted"
  3751. msgstr "Bidalitako egoerak"
  3752. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/user_chart.html:11
  3753. msgid "Total"
  3754. msgstr "Guztira"
  3755. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/warnings/domain_review.html:9
  3756. #, python-format
  3757. msgid "%(display_count)s domain needs review"
  3758. msgid_plural "%(display_count)s domains need review"
  3759. msgstr[0] "Domeinu %(display_count)sek gainbegiratzea behar du"
  3760. msgstr[1] "%(display_count)s domeinuk gainbegiratzea behar dute"
  3761. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/warnings/email_config.html:8
  3762. #, python-format
  3763. msgid "Your outgoing email address, <code>%(email_sender)s</code>, may be misconfigured."
  3764. msgstr "Zure kanporako email helbidea, <code>%(email_sender)s</code>, gaizki konfiguratua egon daiteke."
  3765. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/warnings/email_config.html:11
  3766. msgid "Check the <code>EMAIL_SENDER_NAME</code> and <code>EMAIL_SENDER_DOMAIN</code> in your <code>.env</code> file."
  3767. msgstr "Egiaztatu <code>EMAIL_SENDER_NAME</code> eta <code>EMAIL_SENDER_DOMAIN</code> zure <code>.env</code> fitxategian."
  3768. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/warnings/invites.html:9
  3769. #, python-format
  3770. msgid "%(display_count)s invite request"
  3771. msgid_plural "%(display_count)s invite requests"
  3772. msgstr[0] "gonbidapen eskaera %(display_count)s"
  3773. msgstr[1] "%(display_count)s gonbidapen eskaera"
  3774. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/warnings/missing_conduct.html:8
  3775. msgid "Your instance is missing a code of conduct."
  3776. msgstr "Zure instantziak jokabide-kodea falta du."
  3777. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/warnings/missing_privacy.html:8
  3778. msgid "Your instance is missing a privacy policy."
  3779. msgstr "Zure instantziak pribatutasun-politika falta du."
  3780. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/warnings/reports.html:9
  3781. #, python-format
  3782. msgid "%(display_count)s open report"
  3783. msgid_plural "%(display_count)s open reports"
  3784. msgstr[0] "salaketa %(display_count)s zabalik"
  3785. msgstr[1] "%(display_count)s salaketa zabalik"
  3786. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/dashboard/warnings/update_version.html:8
  3787. #, python-format
  3788. msgid "An update is available! You're running v%(current)s and the latest release is %(available)s."
  3789. msgstr "Eguneraketa bat eskuragarri dago! %(current)s bertsioa darabilzu eta %(available)s bertsioa erabilgarri da."
  3790. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_blocklist/domain_form.html:5
  3791. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_blocklist/email_blocklist.html:10
  3792. msgid "Add domain"
  3793. msgstr "Gehitu domeinua"
  3794. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_blocklist/domain_form.html:11
  3795. msgid "Domain:"
  3796. msgstr "Domeinua:"
  3797. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_blocklist/email_blocklist.html:5
  3798. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_blocklist/email_blocklist.html:7
  3799. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:65
  3800. msgid "Email Blocklist"
  3801. msgstr "Blokeatutako emailen zerrenda"
  3802. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_blocklist/email_blocklist.html:18
  3803. msgid "When someone tries to register with an email from this domain, no account will be created. The registration process will appear to have worked."
  3804. msgstr "Norbait domeinu honetako mezu elektroniko batekin erregistratzen saiatzen denean, ez da konturik sortuko. Erregistratze-prozesuak funtzionatu balu bezala agertuko da."
  3805. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_blocklist/email_blocklist.html:29
  3806. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/ip_blocklist/ip_blocklist.html:27
  3807. msgid "Options"
  3808. msgstr "Aukerak"
  3809. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_blocklist/email_blocklist.html:38
  3810. #, python-format
  3811. msgid "%(display_count)s user"
  3812. msgid_plural "%(display_count)s users"
  3813. msgstr[0] "erabiltzaile %(display_count)s"
  3814. msgstr[1] "%(display_count)s erabiltzaile"
  3815. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_blocklist/email_blocklist.html:59
  3816. msgid "No email domains currently blocked"
  3817. msgstr "Ez dago email domeinurik bloketatua une honetan"
  3818. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_config.html:6
  3819. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_config.html:8
  3820. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:90
  3821. msgid "Email Configuration"
  3822. msgstr "Epostaren konfigurazioa"
  3823. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_config.html:16
  3824. msgid "Error sending test email:"
  3825. msgstr "Errorea proba mezua igortzean:"
  3826. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_config.html:24
  3827. msgid "Successfully sent test email."
  3828. msgstr "Proba mezua behar bezala igorria."
  3829. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_config.html:32
  3830. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/config.html:102
  3831. msgid "Email sender:"
  3832. msgstr "Emailen bidaltzailea:"
  3833. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_config.html:39
  3834. msgid "Email backend:"
  3835. msgstr "Mezularitzaren konfigurazioa:"
  3836. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_config.html:46
  3837. msgid "Host:"
  3838. msgstr "Zerbitzaria:"
  3839. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_config.html:53
  3840. msgid "Host user:"
  3841. msgstr "Zerbitzariaren erabiltzailea:"
  3842. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_config.html:60
  3843. msgid "Port:"
  3844. msgstr "Ataka:"
  3845. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_config.html:67
  3846. msgid "Use TLS:"
  3847. msgstr "TLSaren erabilpena:"
  3848. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_config.html:74
  3849. msgid "Use SSL:"
  3850. msgstr "SSLaren erabilpena:"
  3851. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_config.html:83
  3852. #, python-format
  3853. msgid "Send test email to %(email)s"
  3854. msgstr "Igorri proba mezua honi: %(email)s"
  3855. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/email_config.html:90
  3856. msgid "Send test email"
  3857. msgstr "Proba mezua igorri"
  3858. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/edit_instance.html:3
  3859. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/edit_instance.html:6
  3860. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/edit_instance.html:15
  3861. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/edit_instance.html:32
  3862. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_blocklist.html:3
  3863. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_blocklist.html:32
  3864. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_list.html:9
  3865. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_list.html:10
  3866. msgid "Add instance"
  3867. msgstr "Gehitu instantzia"
  3868. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/edit_instance.html:12
  3869. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:24
  3870. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_blocklist.html:12
  3871. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_list.html:3
  3872. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_list.html:5
  3873. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:47
  3874. msgid "Federated Instances"
  3875. msgstr "Federatutako instantziak"
  3876. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/edit_instance.html:28
  3877. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_blocklist.html:28
  3878. msgid "Import block list"
  3879. msgstr "Inportatu bloketatutakoen zerrenda"
  3880. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/edit_instance.html:43
  3881. msgid "Instance:"
  3882. msgstr "Instantzia:"
  3883. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/edit_instance.html:52
  3884. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:46
  3885. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:113
  3886. msgid "Status:"
  3887. msgstr "Egoera:"
  3888. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/edit_instance.html:66
  3889. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:40
  3890. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:107
  3891. msgid "Software:"
  3892. msgstr "Softwarea:"
  3893. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/edit_instance.html:76
  3894. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:43
  3895. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:110
  3896. msgid "Version:"
  3897. msgstr "Bertsioa:"
  3898. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:17
  3899. msgid "Refresh data"
  3900. msgstr "Freskatu datuak"
  3901. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:37
  3902. msgid "Details"
  3903. msgstr "Xehetasunak"
  3904. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:53
  3905. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/layout.html:69
  3906. msgid "Activity"
  3907. msgstr "Jarduera"
  3908. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:56
  3909. msgid "Users:"
  3910. msgstr "Erabiltzaileak:"
  3911. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:59
  3912. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:65
  3913. msgid "View all"
  3914. msgstr "Ikusi guztiak"
  3915. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:62
  3916. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:60
  3917. msgid "Reports:"
  3918. msgstr "Salaketak:"
  3919. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:68
  3920. msgid "Followed by us:"
  3921. msgstr "Guk jarraitzen ditugu:"
  3922. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:73
  3923. msgid "Followed by them:"
  3924. msgstr "Haiek jarraituta:"
  3925. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:78
  3926. msgid "Blocked by us:"
  3927. msgstr "Guk bloketatuta:"
  3928. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:90
  3929. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:117
  3930. msgid "Notes"
  3931. msgstr "Oharrak"
  3932. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:97
  3933. msgid "<em>No notes</em>"
  3934. msgstr "<em>Ez dago oharrik</em>"
  3935. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:116
  3936. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/link_domains/link_domains.html:87
  3937. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/block_button.html:5
  3938. msgid "Block"
  3939. msgstr "Blokeatu"
  3940. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:117
  3941. msgid "All users from this instance will be deactivated."
  3942. msgstr "Instantzia honetako erabiltzaile guztiak desaktibatuko dira."
  3943. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:122
  3944. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/block_button.html:10
  3945. msgid "Un-block"
  3946. msgstr "Desblokeatu"
  3947. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance.html:123
  3948. msgid "All users from this instance will be re-activated."
  3949. msgstr "Instantzia honetako erabiltzaile guztiak berriro aktibatuko dira."
  3950. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_blocklist.html:6
  3951. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_blocklist.html:15
  3952. msgid "Import Blocklist"
  3953. msgstr "Inportatu blokeatutakoen zerrenda"
  3954. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_blocklist.html:38
  3955. msgid "Success!"
  3956. msgstr "Arrakasta!"
  3957. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_blocklist.html:42
  3958. msgid "Successfully blocked:"
  3959. msgstr "Behar bezala blokeatuta:"
  3960. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_blocklist.html:44
  3961. msgid "Failed:"
  3962. msgstr "Huts egin du:"
  3963. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_blocklist.html:62
  3964. msgid "Expects a json file in the format provided by FediBlock, with a list of entries that have <code>instance</code> and <code>url</code> fields. For example:"
  3965. msgstr "FediBlock-ek ematen duen formatuko json fitxategi bat espero da sarrera-zerrenda batekin. Sarrera-zerrenda horrek <code>instantzia</code> eta <code>url</code> eremuak ditu. Adibidez:"
  3966. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_list.html:36
  3967. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/server_filter.html:5
  3968. msgid "Instance name"
  3969. msgstr "Instantziaren Izena"
  3970. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_list.html:44
  3971. msgid "Last updated"
  3972. msgstr "Azken eguneratzea"
  3973. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_list.html:48
  3974. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/software_filter.html:5
  3975. msgid "Software"
  3976. msgstr "Softwarea"
  3977. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/federation/instance_list.html:70
  3978. msgid "No instances found"
  3979. msgstr "Ez da instantziarik aurkitu"
  3980. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/complete_import_modal.html:4
  3981. msgid "Stop import?"
  3982. msgstr "Gelditu inportazioa?"
  3983. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:19
  3984. msgid "Disable starting new imports"
  3985. msgstr "Desgaitu inportazio berriak abiaraztea"
  3986. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:30
  3987. msgid "This is only intended to be used when things have gone very wrong with imports and you need to pause the feature while addressing issues."
  3988. msgstr "Erabiltzen da hori inportazioekin gauzak benetan gaizki doazenean eta arazoak konpontzen dituzun bitartean, jardunari etenaldi bat egin behar zaionean."
  3989. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:31
  3990. msgid "While imports are disabled, users will not be allowed to start new imports, but existing imports will not be affected."
  3991. msgstr ""
  3992. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:36
  3993. msgid "Disable imports"
  3994. msgstr "Desgaitu inportazioak"
  3995. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:50
  3996. msgid "Users are currently unable to start new imports"
  3997. msgstr "Erabiltzaileek ezin dituzte inportazio berriak abiatu une honetan"
  3998. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:55
  3999. msgid "Enable imports"
  4000. msgstr "Gaitu inportatzea"
  4001. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:63
  4002. msgid "Limit the amount of imports"
  4003. msgstr "Mugatu inportazio kopurua"
  4004. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:74
  4005. msgid "Some users might try to import a large number of books, which you want to limit."
  4006. msgstr "Erabiltzaile batzuk liburu kopuru handi bat inportatzen saia daitezke, eta baliteke hau mugatu nahi izatea."
  4007. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:75
  4008. msgid "Set the value to 0 to not enforce any limit."
  4009. msgstr "Ezarri 0 balioa inolako mugarik jarri nahi ez baduzu."
  4010. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:78
  4011. msgid "Set import limit to"
  4012. msgstr "Ezarri inportatzeko mugua kopurua"
  4013. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:80
  4014. msgid "books every"
  4015. msgstr "liburutara, "
  4016. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:82
  4017. msgid "days."
  4018. msgstr "egunero."
  4019. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:86
  4020. msgid "Set limit"
  4021. msgstr "Ezarri muga"
  4022. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:102
  4023. msgid "Completed"
  4024. msgstr "Osatuta"
  4025. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:116
  4026. msgid "User"
  4027. msgstr "Erabiltzailea"
  4028. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:125
  4029. msgid "Date Updated"
  4030. msgstr "Eguneraketa-data"
  4031. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:132
  4032. msgid "Pending items"
  4033. msgstr "Zain dauden elementuak"
  4034. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:135
  4035. msgid "Successful items"
  4036. msgstr "Elementu arrakastatsuak"
  4037. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/imports/imports.html:170
  4038. msgid "No matching imports found."
  4039. msgstr "Ez da aurkitu bat datorren inportaziorik."
  4040. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:4
  4041. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:11
  4042. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:25
  4043. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invites.html:11
  4044. msgid "Invite Requests"
  4045. msgstr "Gonbidapen eskaerak"
  4046. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:15
  4047. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invites.html:3
  4048. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invites.html:15
  4049. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:42
  4050. #: bookwyrm/templates/user_menu.html:60
  4051. msgid "Invites"
  4052. msgstr "Gonbidapenak"
  4053. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:23
  4054. msgid "Ignored Invite Requests"
  4055. msgstr "Ezikusiarena egindako gonbidapen eskaerak"
  4056. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:36
  4057. msgid "Date requested"
  4058. msgstr "Eskaeraren data"
  4059. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:40
  4060. msgid "Date accepted"
  4061. msgstr "Onarpen-data"
  4062. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:45
  4063. msgid "Answer"
  4064. msgstr "Erantzun"
  4065. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:51
  4066. msgid "Action"
  4067. msgstr "Ekintza"
  4068. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:54
  4069. msgid "No requests"
  4070. msgstr "Ez dago eskaerarik"
  4071. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:66
  4072. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/status_filter.html:16
  4073. msgid "Accepted"
  4074. msgstr "Onartuta"
  4075. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:68
  4076. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/status_filter.html:12
  4077. msgid "Sent"
  4078. msgstr "Bidalita"
  4079. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:70
  4080. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/status_filter.html:8
  4081. msgid "Requested"
  4082. msgstr "Eskatuta"
  4083. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:80
  4084. msgid "Send invite"
  4085. msgstr "Gonbidapena bidali"
  4086. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:82
  4087. msgid "Re-send invite"
  4088. msgstr "Birbidali gonbidapena"
  4089. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:102
  4090. msgid "Ignore"
  4091. msgstr "Ez ikusi"
  4092. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:104
  4093. msgid "Un-ignore"
  4094. msgstr "Desegin ezikusiarena egitea"
  4095. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:116
  4096. msgid "Back to pending requests"
  4097. msgstr "Itzuli zain dauden eskaeratara"
  4098. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invite_requests.html:118
  4099. msgid "View ignored requests"
  4100. msgstr "Ikusi ezikusiarena egindako eskaerak"
  4101. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invites.html:21
  4102. msgid "Generate New Invite"
  4103. msgstr "Sortu gonbidapen berria"
  4104. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invites.html:27
  4105. msgid "Expiry:"
  4106. msgstr "Iraungitzea:"
  4107. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invites.html:33
  4108. msgid "Use limit:"
  4109. msgstr "Erabilera muga:"
  4110. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invites.html:40
  4111. msgid "Create Invite"
  4112. msgstr "Sortu gonbidapena"
  4113. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invites.html:48
  4114. msgid "Expires"
  4115. msgstr "Iraungitzea"
  4116. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invites.html:49
  4117. msgid "Max uses"
  4118. msgstr "Gehienezko erabilerak"
  4119. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invites.html:50
  4120. msgid "Times used"
  4121. msgstr "Erabilitako aldiak"
  4122. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/invites/manage_invites.html:53
  4123. msgid "No active invites"
  4124. msgstr "Ez dago gonbidapen aktiborik"
  4125. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/ip_blocklist/ip_address_form.html:5
  4126. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/ip_blocklist/ip_blocklist.html:10
  4127. msgid "Add IP address"
  4128. msgstr "Gehitu IP helbidea"
  4129. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/ip_blocklist/ip_address_form.html:11
  4130. msgid "Use IP address blocks with caution, and consider using blocks only temporarily, as IP addresses are often shared or change hands. If you block your own IP, you will not be able to access this page."
  4131. msgstr "Tentuz erabili IP heblide bidezko blokeoak, eta aintzat hartu blokeo hauek aldi baterako bakarrik erabiltzea, IP helbideak askotan partekatuak baitira edo sarri eskuz aldatzen baitira. Zure IPa blokeatzen baduzu ezingo duzu orrialde hau atzitu."
  4132. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/ip_blocklist/ip_address_form.html:18
  4133. msgid "IP Address:"
  4134. msgstr "IP helbidea:"
  4135. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/ip_blocklist/ip_address_form.html:24
  4136. msgid "You can block IP ranges using CIDR syntax."
  4137. msgstr "IP biterteak blokea ditzakezu CIDR sintaxia erabiliz."
  4138. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/ip_blocklist/ip_blocklist.html:5
  4139. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/ip_blocklist/ip_blocklist.html:7
  4140. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:69
  4141. msgid "IP Address Blocklist"
  4142. msgstr "Blokeatutako IP helbide zerrenda"
  4143. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/ip_blocklist/ip_blocklist.html:18
  4144. msgid "Any traffic from this IP address will get a 404 response when trying to access any part of the application."
  4145. msgstr "IP helbide horretatik datorren edozein trafikok 404 erantzuna jasoko du aplikazioaren edozein zatitan sartzen saiatzen denean."
  4146. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/ip_blocklist/ip_blocklist.html:24
  4147. msgid "Address"
  4148. msgstr "Helbidea"
  4149. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/ip_blocklist/ip_blocklist.html:46
  4150. msgid "No IP addresses currently blocked"
  4151. msgstr "Ez dago IP helbiderik blokeatuta gaur egun"
  4152. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:4
  4153. msgid "Administration"
  4154. msgstr "Administrazioa"
  4155. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:31
  4156. msgid "Manage Users"
  4157. msgstr "Kudeatu erabiltzaileak"
  4158. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:53
  4159. msgid "Moderation"
  4160. msgstr "Moderazioa"
  4161. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:57
  4162. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/reports.html:8
  4163. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/reports.html:17
  4164. msgid "Reports"
  4165. msgstr "Salaketak"
  4166. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:73
  4167. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/link_domains/link_domains.html:5
  4168. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/link_domains/link_domains.html:7
  4169. msgid "Link Domains"
  4170. msgstr "Esteka domeinuak"
  4171. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:78
  4172. msgid "System"
  4173. msgstr "Sistema"
  4174. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:86
  4175. msgid "Celery status"
  4176. msgstr "Celery-ren egoera"
  4177. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:95
  4178. msgid "Instance Settings"
  4179. msgstr "Instantziaren ezarpenak"
  4180. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:103
  4181. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:4
  4182. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:6
  4183. msgid "Site Settings"
  4184. msgstr "Gunearen ezarpenak"
  4185. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:109
  4186. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:112
  4187. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration.html:4
  4188. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration.html:6
  4189. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration_limited.html:4
  4190. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration_limited.html:6
  4191. msgid "Registration"
  4192. msgstr "Izen-ematea"
  4193. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/layout.html:118
  4194. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:107
  4195. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/themes.html:4
  4196. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/themes.html:6
  4197. msgid "Themes"
  4198. msgstr "Azalak"
  4199. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/link_domains/edit_domain_modal.html:5
  4200. #, python-format
  4201. msgid "Set display name for %(url)s"
  4202. msgstr "Ezarri bistaratzeko izena %(url)s(e)rako"
  4203. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/link_domains/link_domains.html:11
  4204. msgid "Link domains must be approved before they are shown on book pages. Please make sure that the domains are not hosting spam, malicious code, or deceptive links before approving."
  4205. msgstr "Esteka domeinuak onartu egin behar dira liburuen orrialdeetan agertu aurretik. Mesedez, ziurtatu zaitez domeinuek ez dutela zaborrik, kode maltzurrik, ezta esteka engainagarririk berauek onartu aurretik."
  4206. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/link_domains/link_domains.html:45
  4207. msgid "Set display name"
  4208. msgstr "Ezarri bistaratzeko izena"
  4209. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/link_domains/link_domains.html:53
  4210. msgid "View links"
  4211. msgstr "Ikusi estekak"
  4212. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/link_domains/link_domains.html:96
  4213. msgid "No domains currently approved"
  4214. msgstr "Ez dago domeinurik onartuta une honetan"
  4215. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/link_domains/link_domains.html:98
  4216. msgid "No domains currently pending"
  4217. msgstr "Ez dago domeinurik zain une honetan"
  4218. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/link_domains/link_domains.html:100
  4219. msgid "No domains currently blocked"
  4220. msgstr "Ez dago domeinurik blokeatuta une honetan"
  4221. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/link_domains/link_table.html:43
  4222. msgid "No links available for this domain."
  4223. msgstr "Ez dago estekarik eskuragarri domeinu honetarako."
  4224. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration.html:13
  4225. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration_limited.html:13
  4226. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:21
  4227. msgid "Settings saved"
  4228. msgstr "Ezarpenak gordeta"
  4229. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration.html:22
  4230. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration_limited.html:22
  4231. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:30
  4232. msgid "Unable to save settings"
  4233. msgstr "Ezin izan dira ezarpenak gorde"
  4234. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration.html:38
  4235. msgid "Allow registration"
  4236. msgstr "Baimendu izen-ematea"
  4237. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration.html:43
  4238. msgid "Default access level:"
  4239. msgstr "Lehenetsitako sarbide maila:"
  4240. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration.html:61
  4241. msgid "Require users to confirm email address"
  4242. msgstr "Eskatu erabiltzaileei email helbidea baieztatzeko"
  4243. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration.html:63
  4244. msgid "(Recommended if registration is open)"
  4245. msgstr "(Gomendatua izen-ematea irekita badago)"
  4246. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration.html:68
  4247. msgid "Allow invite requests"
  4248. msgstr "Onartu gonbidapen eskaerak"
  4249. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration.html:72
  4250. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration_limited.html:42
  4251. msgid "Invite request text:"
  4252. msgstr "Gonbidapen eskaeretarako testua:"
  4253. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration.html:80
  4254. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration_limited.html:50
  4255. msgid "Set a question for invite requests"
  4256. msgstr "Ezarri galdera bat gonbidapen eskakizunentzat"
  4257. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration.html:85
  4258. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration_limited.html:55
  4259. msgid "Question:"
  4260. msgstr "Galdera:"
  4261. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration.html:90
  4262. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration_limited.html:67
  4263. msgid "Registration closed text:"
  4264. msgstr "Izen-emateak itxita daudenean mezua:"
  4265. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/registration_limited.html:29
  4266. msgid "Registration is enabled on this instance"
  4267. msgstr "Erregistroa gaituta dago instantzia honetan"
  4268. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report.html:13
  4269. msgid "Back to reports"
  4270. msgstr "Itzuli salaketatara"
  4271. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report.html:25
  4272. msgid "Message reporter"
  4273. msgstr "Mezuaren salatzailea"
  4274. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report.html:29
  4275. msgid "Update on your report:"
  4276. msgstr "Eguneraketa zure salaketari buruz:"
  4277. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report.html:37
  4278. msgid "Reported status"
  4279. msgstr "Salaketa-egoera"
  4280. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report.html:39
  4281. msgid "Status has been deleted"
  4282. msgstr "Egoera ezabatu da"
  4283. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report.html:48
  4284. msgid "Reported links"
  4285. msgstr "Salatutako estekak"
  4286. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report.html:66
  4287. msgid "Moderation Activity"
  4288. msgstr ""
  4289. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report.html:73
  4290. #, python-format
  4291. msgid "<a href=\"%(user_link)s\">%(user)s</a> opened this report"
  4292. msgstr ""
  4293. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report.html:86
  4294. #, python-format
  4295. msgid "<a href=\"%(user_link)s\">%(user)s</a> commented on this report:"
  4296. msgstr ""
  4297. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report.html:90
  4298. #, python-format
  4299. msgid "<a href=\"%(user_link)s\">%(user)s</a> took an action on this report:"
  4300. msgstr ""
  4301. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report_header.html:6
  4302. #, python-format
  4303. msgid "Report #%(report_id)s: Status posted by @%(username)s"
  4304. msgstr "#%(report_id)s salaketa: @%(username)s(e)k bidalitako egoera"
  4305. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report_header.html:13
  4306. #, python-format
  4307. msgid "Report #%(report_id)s: Link added by @%(username)s"
  4308. msgstr "#%(report_id)s salaketa: @%(username)s(e)k gehitutako esteka"
  4309. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report_header.html:17
  4310. #, python-format
  4311. msgid "Report #%(report_id)s: Link domain"
  4312. msgstr "#%(report_id)s salaketa: estekaren domeinua"
  4313. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report_header.html:24
  4314. #, python-format
  4315. msgid "Report #%(report_id)s: User @%(username)s"
  4316. msgstr "#%(report_id)s salaketa: @%(username)s erabiltzailea"
  4317. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report_links_table.html:19
  4318. msgid "Approve domain"
  4319. msgstr ""
  4320. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report_links_table.html:26
  4321. msgid "Block domain"
  4322. msgstr "Blokeatu domeinua"
  4323. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report_preview.html:17
  4324. msgid "No notes provided"
  4325. msgstr "Ez da oharrik eman"
  4326. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report_preview.html:24
  4327. #, python-format
  4328. msgid "Reported by <a href=\"%(path)s\">@%(username)s</a>"
  4329. msgstr "<a href=\"%(path)s\">@%(username)s</a>(e)k salatuta"
  4330. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report_preview.html:34
  4331. msgid "Re-open"
  4332. msgstr "Berriro ireki"
  4333. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/report_preview.html:36
  4334. msgid "Resolve"
  4335. msgstr "Ebatzi"
  4336. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/reports.html:6
  4337. #, python-format
  4338. msgid "Reports: %(instance_name)s"
  4339. msgstr "Salaketak: %(instance_name)s"
  4340. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/reports.html:14
  4341. #, python-format
  4342. msgid "Reports: <small>%(instance_name)s</small>"
  4343. msgstr "Salaketak: <small>%(instance_name)s</small>"
  4344. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/reports.html:25
  4345. msgid "Open"
  4346. msgstr "Irekia"
  4347. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/reports.html:28
  4348. msgid "Resolved"
  4349. msgstr "Ebatzita"
  4350. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/reports/reports.html:37
  4351. msgid "No reports found."
  4352. msgstr "Ez da salaketarik aurkitu."
  4353. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:10
  4354. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:43
  4355. msgid "Instance Info"
  4356. msgstr "Instantziaren informazioa"
  4357. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:12
  4358. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:122
  4359. msgid "Footer Content"
  4360. msgstr "Orri-oinaren edukia"
  4361. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:46
  4362. msgid "Instance Name:"
  4363. msgstr "Instantziaren izena:"
  4364. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:50
  4365. msgid "Tagline:"
  4366. msgstr "Lema:"
  4367. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:54
  4368. msgid "Instance description:"
  4369. msgstr "Instantziaren deskribapena:"
  4370. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:58
  4371. msgid "Short description:"
  4372. msgstr "Azalpen laburra:"
  4373. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:59
  4374. msgid "Used when the instance is previewed on Does not support HTML or Markdown."
  4375. msgstr "Instantzia aurreikusita dagoenean erabiltzen da. Ez du HTML edo Markdown onartzen."
  4376. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:63
  4377. msgid "Code of conduct:"
  4378. msgstr "Jokabide-kodea:"
  4379. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:67
  4380. msgid "Privacy Policy:"
  4381. msgstr "Pribatutasun-politika:"
  4382. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:72
  4383. msgid "Impressum:"
  4384. msgstr "Lege oharrak:"
  4385. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:77
  4386. msgid "Include impressum:"
  4387. msgstr "Sartu lege oharrak:"
  4388. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:94
  4389. msgid "Logo:"
  4390. msgstr "Logoa:"
  4391. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:98
  4392. msgid "Logo small:"
  4393. msgstr "Logo txikia:"
  4394. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:102
  4395. msgid "Favicon:"
  4396. msgstr "Favicon:"
  4397. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:110
  4398. msgid "Default theme:"
  4399. msgstr "Lehenetsitako azala:"
  4400. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:125
  4401. msgid "Support link:"
  4402. msgstr "Laguntzarako esteka:"
  4403. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:129
  4404. msgid "Support title:"
  4405. msgstr "Laguntzaren izenburua:"
  4406. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:133
  4407. msgid "Admin email:"
  4408. msgstr "Admin emaila:"
  4409. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/site.html:137
  4410. msgid "Additional info:"
  4411. msgstr "Informazio gehigarria:"
  4412. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/themes.html:10
  4413. msgid "Set instance default theme"
  4414. msgstr "Ezarri instantziaren lehenetsitako azala"
  4415. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/themes.html:19
  4416. msgid "Successfully added theme"
  4417. msgstr "Azala behar bezala gehitu da"
  4418. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/themes.html:26
  4419. msgid "How to add a theme"
  4420. msgstr "Azal bat nola gehitu"
  4421. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/themes.html:29
  4422. msgid "Copy the theme file into the <code>bookwyrm/static/css/themes</code> directory on your server from the command line."
  4423. msgstr "Kopiatu azalaren fitxategia zure zerbitzarik <code>bookwyrm/static/css/themes</code> direktoriora komando-lerrotik."
  4424. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/themes.html:32
  4425. msgid "Run <code>./bw-dev compile_themes</code> and <code>./bw-dev collectstatic</code>."
  4426. msgstr "Exekutatu <code>./bw-dev compile_themes</code> eta <code>./bw-dev collectstatic</code>."
  4427. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/themes.html:35
  4428. msgid "Add the file name using the form below to make it available in the application interface."
  4429. msgstr "Gehitu fitxategiaren izena honako inprimakiaren bitartez aplikazioaren interfazean erabilgarri egon dadin."
  4430. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/themes.html:42
  4431. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/themes.html:82
  4432. msgid "Add theme"
  4433. msgstr "Gehitu azala"
  4434. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/themes.html:48
  4435. msgid "Unable to save theme"
  4436. msgstr "Ezin izan da azala gorde"
  4437. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/themes.html:63
  4438. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/themes.html:93
  4439. msgid "Theme name"
  4440. msgstr "Azalaren izena"
  4441. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/themes.html:73
  4442. msgid "Theme filename"
  4443. msgstr "Azalaren fitxategi-izena"
  4444. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/themes.html:88
  4445. msgid "Available Themes"
  4446. msgstr "Azal erabilgarriak"
  4447. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/themes.html:96
  4448. msgid "File"
  4449. msgstr "Fitxategia"
  4450. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/themes.html:111
  4451. msgid "Remove theme"
  4452. msgstr "Ezabatu azala"
  4453. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/delete_user_form.html:5
  4454. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_moderation_actions.html:38
  4455. msgid "Permanently delete user"
  4456. msgstr "Behin-betirako ezabatu erabiltzailea"
  4457. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/delete_user_form.html:12
  4458. #, python-format
  4459. msgid "Are you sure you want to delete <strong>%(username)s</strong>'s account? This action cannot be undone. To proceed, please enter your password to confirm deletion."
  4460. msgstr "Ziur zaude <strong>%(username)s</strong> erabiltzailearen kontua ezabatu nahi duzula? Ekintza hori ezin da desegin. Horretarako, sartu pasahitza ezabaketa baieztatzeko."
  4461. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/delete_user_form.html:17
  4462. msgid "Your password:"
  4463. msgstr "Zure pasahitza:"
  4464. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_admin.html:9
  4465. #, python-format
  4466. msgid "Users: <small>%(instance_name)s</small>"
  4467. msgstr "Erabiltzaileak: <small>%(instance_name)s</small>"
  4468. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_admin.html:29
  4469. msgid "Deleted users"
  4470. msgstr "Ezabatutako erabiltzaileak"
  4471. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_admin.html:44
  4472. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/username_filter.html:5
  4473. msgid "Username"
  4474. msgstr "Erabiltzaile-izena"
  4475. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_admin.html:48
  4476. msgid "Date Added"
  4477. msgstr "Gehitze data"
  4478. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_admin.html:52
  4479. msgid "Last Active"
  4480. msgstr "Azken jarduera"
  4481. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_admin.html:61
  4482. msgid "Remote instance"
  4483. msgstr "Urruneko instantzia"
  4484. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_admin.html:86
  4485. msgid "Deleted"
  4486. msgstr "Ezabatuta"
  4487. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_admin.html:92
  4488. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:32
  4489. msgid "Inactive"
  4490. msgstr "Inaktiboa"
  4491. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_admin.html:101
  4492. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:127
  4493. msgid "Not set"
  4494. msgstr "Ezarri gabe"
  4495. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:16
  4496. msgid "View user profile"
  4497. msgstr "Ikusi erablitzailearen profila"
  4498. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:19
  4499. msgid "Go to user admin"
  4500. msgstr "Joan erabiltzaileen administraziora"
  4501. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:40
  4502. msgid "Local"
  4503. msgstr "Lokala"
  4504. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:42
  4505. msgid "Remote"
  4506. msgstr "Urrunekoa"
  4507. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:51
  4508. msgid "User details"
  4509. msgstr "Erabiltzailearen xehetasunak"
  4510. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:55
  4511. msgid "Email:"
  4512. msgstr "Eposta:"
  4513. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:65
  4514. msgid "(View reports)"
  4515. msgstr "(Ikusi salaketak)"
  4516. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:71
  4517. msgid "Blocked by count:"
  4518. msgstr "Zenbatek blokeatu duten:"
  4519. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:74
  4520. msgid "Date added:"
  4521. msgstr "Noiz gehitua:"
  4522. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:77
  4523. msgid "Last active date:"
  4524. msgstr "Azkenekoz aktibo:"
  4525. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:80
  4526. msgid "Manually approved followers:"
  4527. msgstr "Eskuz onartutako jarraitzaileak:"
  4528. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:83
  4529. msgid "Discoverable:"
  4530. msgstr "Aurkigarria:"
  4531. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:87
  4532. msgid "Deactivation reason:"
  4533. msgstr "Desaktibatzeko arrazoia:"
  4534. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:102
  4535. msgid "Instance details"
  4536. msgstr "Instantziaren xehetasunak"
  4537. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_info.html:124
  4538. msgid "View instance"
  4539. msgstr "Ikusi instantzia"
  4540. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_moderation_actions.html:5
  4541. msgid "Permanently deleted"
  4542. msgstr "Behin-betirako ezabatuta"
  4543. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_moderation_actions.html:8
  4544. msgid "User Actions"
  4545. msgstr "Erabiltzailearen ekintzak"
  4546. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_moderation_actions.html:21
  4547. msgid "Activate user"
  4548. msgstr "Aktibatu erabiltzailea"
  4549. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_moderation_actions.html:27
  4550. msgid "Suspend user"
  4551. msgstr "Bertan behera utzi erabiltzailea"
  4552. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_moderation_actions.html:32
  4553. msgid "Un-suspend user"
  4554. msgstr "Desegin erabiltzailea bertan behera uztea"
  4555. #: bookwyrm/templates/settings/users/user_moderation_actions.html:54
  4556. msgid "Access level:"
  4557. msgstr "Sarbide-maila:"
  4558. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/admin.html:5
  4559. msgid "Set up BookWyrm"
  4560. msgstr "Konfiguratu Bookwyrm"
  4561. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/admin.html:7
  4562. msgid "Your account as a user and an admin"
  4563. msgstr "Zure kontua erabiltzaile eta admin gisa"
  4564. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/admin.html:13
  4565. msgid "Create your account"
  4566. msgstr "Sortu zure kontua"
  4567. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/admin.html:20
  4568. msgid "Admin key:"
  4569. msgstr "Admin klabea:"
  4570. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/admin.html:32
  4571. msgid "An admin key was created when you installed BookWyrm. You can get your admin key by running <code>./bw-dev admin_code</code> from the command line on your server."
  4572. msgstr "BookWyrm instalatu zenean administrazio-gako bat sortu zen. Zure administrazio-gakoa lortzeko, exekutatu dezakezu <code>./bw-dev admin_code</code> zerbitzariko komando-lerrotik."
  4573. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/admin.html:45
  4574. msgid "As an admin, you'll be able to configure the instance name and information, and moderate your instance. This means you will have access to private information about your users, and are responsible for responding to reports of bad behavior or spam."
  4575. msgstr "Administratzaile gisa, insantziaren izena eta informazioa ezarri eta instantzia moderatzeko gaitasuna izango duzu. Honek esan nahi du zure erabiltzaileei buruzko informazio pribatura sarbidea izango duzula, eta jokabide txarrak edo spam salaketei erantzun egokia emateko erantzule zarela."
  4576. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/admin.html:51
  4577. msgid "Once the instance is set up, you can promote other users to moderator or admin roles from the admin panel."
  4578. msgstr "Behin instantzia konfiguratuta dagoenean, moderatzaile edo admin izateko hautatu ditzakezu beste erabiltzaile batzuk administrazio panelaren bitartez."
  4579. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/admin.html:55
  4580. msgid "Learn more about moderation"
  4581. msgstr "Jakin gehiago moderazioari buruz"
  4582. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/config.html:5
  4583. msgid "Instance Configuration"
  4584. msgstr "Instantziaren konfigurazioa"
  4585. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/config.html:7
  4586. msgid "Make sure everything looks right before proceeding"
  4587. msgstr "Ziurtatu guztiak itxura ona duela aurrera jarraitu aurretik"
  4588. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/config.html:18
  4589. msgid "You are running BookWyrm in <strong>debug</strong> mode. This should <strong>never</strong> be used in a production environment."
  4590. msgstr "Bookwyrm <strong>arazketa</strong> moduan exekutatzen ari zara. Hau ez litzateke <strong>inoiz</strong> erabili behar produkzio testuinguru batean."
  4591. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/config.html:30
  4592. msgid "Your domain appears to be misconfigured. It should not include protocol or slashes."
  4593. msgstr "Zure domeinua gaizki ezarria dagoela dirudi. Ez luke protokoloa edo barra etzanik izan behar."
  4594. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/config.html:42
  4595. msgid "You are running BookWyrm in production mode without https. <strong>USE_HTTPS</strong> should be enabled in production."
  4596. msgstr "https gabe exekutatzen ari zara BookWyrm produkzio moduan. <strong>USE_HTTPS</strong> gaituta egon beharko litzateke produkzio testuinguruetan."
  4597. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/config.html:52 bookwyrm/templates/user_menu.html:49
  4598. msgid "Settings"
  4599. msgstr "Ezarpenak"
  4600. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/config.html:56
  4601. msgid "Instance domain:"
  4602. msgstr "Instantziaren domeinua:"
  4603. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/config.html:63
  4604. msgid "Protocol:"
  4605. msgstr "Protokoloa:"
  4606. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/config.html:81
  4607. msgid "Using S3:"
  4608. msgstr "S3 erabiltzen:"
  4609. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/config.html:95
  4610. msgid "Default interface language:"
  4611. msgstr "Lehenetsitako interfazearen hizkuntza:"
  4612. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/config.html:109
  4613. msgid "Enable preview images:"
  4614. msgstr "Gaitu irudien aurrebista:"
  4615. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/config.html:116
  4616. msgid "Enable image thumbnails:"
  4617. msgstr "Gaitu irudien miniaturak:"
  4618. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/config.html:128
  4619. msgid "Does everything look right?"
  4620. msgstr "Itxura ona al du guztiak?"
  4621. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/config.html:130
  4622. msgid "This is your last chance to set your domain and protocol."
  4623. msgstr "Azken aukera duzu hau domeinua eta protokoloa ezartzeko."
  4624. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/config.html:144
  4625. msgid "You can change your instance settings in the <code>.env</code> file on your server."
  4626. msgstr "Zure instantziaren ezarpenak zure zerbitzarian dagoen <code>.env</code> fitxategian alda ditzakezu."
  4627. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/config.html:148
  4628. msgid "View installation instructions"
  4629. msgstr "Ikus instalatzeko jarraibideak"
  4630. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/layout.html:5
  4631. msgid "Instance Setup"
  4632. msgstr "Instantziaren konfigurazioa"
  4633. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/layout.html:21
  4634. msgid "Installing BookWyrm"
  4635. msgstr "Bookwyrm instalatzen"
  4636. #: bookwyrm/templates/setup/layout.html:24
  4637. msgid "Need help?"
  4638. msgstr "Laguntzarik behar?"
  4639. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/create_shelf_form.html:5
  4640. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:72
  4641. msgid "Create shelf"
  4642. msgstr "Sortu apala"
  4643. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/edit_shelf_form.html:5
  4644. msgid "Edit Shelf"
  4645. msgstr "Editatu apala"
  4646. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:24
  4647. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/relationships/followers.html:18
  4648. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/relationships/following.html:18
  4649. msgid "User profile"
  4650. msgstr "Erabiltzailearen profila"
  4651. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:39
  4652. #: bookwyrm/templatetags/ bookwyrm/views/shelf/
  4653. msgid "All books"
  4654. msgstr "Liburu guztiak"
  4655. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:97
  4656. #, python-format
  4657. msgid "%(formatted_count)s book"
  4658. msgid_plural "%(formatted_count)s books"
  4659. msgstr[0] "liburu %(formatted_count)s"
  4660. msgstr[1] "%(formatted_count)s liburu"
  4661. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:104
  4662. #, python-format
  4663. msgid "(showing %(start)s-%(end)s)"
  4664. msgstr "(%(start)s-%(end)s tartea bistaratzen)"
  4665. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:116
  4666. msgid "Edit shelf"
  4667. msgstr "Editatu apala"
  4668. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:124
  4669. msgid "Delete shelf"
  4670. msgstr "Ezabatu apala"
  4671. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:152
  4672. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:178
  4673. msgid "Shelved"
  4674. msgstr "Apalean jarrita"
  4675. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:153
  4676. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:181
  4677. msgid "Started"
  4678. msgstr "Noiz hasia"
  4679. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:154
  4680. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:184
  4681. msgid "Finished"
  4682. msgstr "Amaituta"
  4683. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:154
  4684. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:184
  4685. msgid "Until"
  4686. msgstr "Noiz arte"
  4687. #: bookwyrm/templates/shelf/shelf.html:210
  4688. msgid "This shelf is empty."
  4689. msgstr "Apal hau hutsik dago."
  4690. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/add_to_group_button.html:16
  4691. msgid "Invite"
  4692. msgstr "Gonbidatu"
  4693. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/add_to_group_button.html:25
  4694. msgid "Uninvite"
  4695. msgstr "Gonbidapena bertan behera utzi"
  4696. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/add_to_group_button.html:29
  4697. #, python-format
  4698. msgid "Remove @%(username)s"
  4699. msgstr "Ezabatu @%(username)s"
  4700. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/announcement.html:28
  4701. #, python-format
  4702. msgid "Posted by <a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a>"
  4703. msgstr "<a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a>(e)k bidalita"
  4704. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/authors.html:22
  4705. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/trimmed_list.html:14
  4706. #, python-format
  4707. msgid "and %(remainder_count_display)s other"
  4708. msgid_plural "and %(remainder_count_display)s others"
  4709. msgstr[0] "eta beste %(remainder_count_display)s"
  4710. msgstr[1] "eta beste %(remainder_count_display)s"
  4711. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/book_cover.html:63
  4712. msgid "No cover"
  4713. msgstr "Azalik ez"
  4714. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/book_titleby.html:11
  4715. #, python-format
  4716. msgid "<a href=\"%(path)s\">%(title)s</a> by"
  4717. msgstr "<a href=\"%(path)s\">%(title)s</a>, "
  4718. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/boost_button.html:20
  4719. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/boost_button.html:21
  4720. msgid "Boost"
  4721. msgstr "Bultzatu"
  4722. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/boost_button.html:33
  4723. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/boost_button.html:34
  4724. msgid "Un-boost"
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  4726. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/create_status.html:36
  4727. msgid "Quote"
  4728. msgstr "Aipua"
  4729. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/create_status/comment.html:15
  4730. msgid "Some thoughts on the book"
  4731. msgstr "Hausnarketa batzuk liburuaren inguruan"
  4732. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/create_status/comment.html:27
  4733. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/reading_modals/progress_update_modal.html:18
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  4745. #, python-format
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  4763. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/create_status/content_warning_field.html:27
  4764. msgid "Spoilers ahead!"
  4765. msgstr "Spoilerrak datoz!"
  4766. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/create_status/layout.html:45
  4767. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/reading_modals/form.html:7
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  4773. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/create_status/post_options_block.html:21
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  4778. msgstr "Aipua:"
  4779. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/create_status/quotation.html:24
  4780. #, python-format
  4781. msgid "An excerpt from '%(book_title)s'"
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  4783. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/create_status/quotation.html:31
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  4786. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/create_status/quotation.html:44
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  4792. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/create_status/quotation.html:69
  4793. msgid "to"
  4794. msgstr ""
  4795. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/create_status/review.html:24
  4796. #, python-format
  4797. msgid "Your review of '%(book_title)s'"
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  4799. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/create_status/review.html:39
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  4803. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/fav_button.html:17
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  4806. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/fav_button.html:30
  4807. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/fav_button.html:31
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  4820. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/filters_panel/filters_panel.html:43
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  4822. msgstr "Ezarri iragazkiak"
  4823. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/follow_button.html:20
  4824. #, python-format
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  4830. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/follow_button.html:31
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  4833. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/follow_button.html:36
  4834. #, python-format
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  4847. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/footer.html:42
  4848. #, python-format
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  4850. msgstr "Babestu %(site_name)s hemen: <a href=\"%(support_link)s\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">%(support_title)s</a>"
  4851. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/footer.html:49
  4852. msgid "BookWyrm's source code is freely available. You can contribute or report issues on <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">GitHub</a>."
  4853. msgstr "Bookwyrmen iturburu-kodea era librean eskuragarri dago. Ekarpenak egin edo arazoen berri emateko <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">GitHub</a> erabil dezakezu."
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  4859. #, python-format
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  4863. msgstr[1] "%(half_rating)s izar"
  4864. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/form_rate_stars.html:64
  4865. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/stars.html:7
  4866. #, python-format
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  4872. #, python-format
  4873. msgid "set a goal to read %(counter)s book in %(year)s"
  4874. msgid_plural "set a goal to read %(counter)s books in %(year)s"
  4875. msgstr[0] "(e)k liburu %(counter)s irakurtzeko helburua ezarri du %(year)s(e)an"
  4876. msgstr[1] "(e)k %(counter)s liburu irakurtzeko helburua ezarri du %(year)s(e)an"
  4877. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/generated_status/rating.html:3
  4878. #, python-format
  4879. msgid "rated <em><a href=\"%(path)s\">%(title)s</a></em>: %(display_rating)s star"
  4880. msgid_plural "rated <em><a href=\"%(path)s\">%(title)s</a></em>: %(display_rating)s stars"
  4881. msgstr[0] "<em><a href=\"%(path)s\">%(title)s</a></em> puntuatu du: izar %(display_rating)s"
  4882. msgstr[1] "<em><a href=\"%(path)s\">%(title)s</a></em> puntuatu du: %(display_rating)s izar"
  4883. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/generated_status/review_pure_name.html:4
  4884. #, python-format
  4885. msgid "Review of \"%(book_title)s\" (%(display_rating)s star): %(review_title)s"
  4886. msgid_plural "Review of \"%(book_title)s\" (%(display_rating)s stars): %(review_title)s"
  4887. msgstr[0] "\"%(book_title)s\"(r)en kritika (izar %(display_rating)s): %(review_title)s"
  4888. msgstr[1] "\"%(book_title)s\"(r)en kritika (%(display_rating)s izar): %(review_title)s"
  4889. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/generated_status/review_pure_name.html:12
  4890. #, python-format
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  4892. msgstr "\"%(book_title)s\"(r)en kritika: %(review_title)s"
  4893. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/goal_form.html:4
  4894. #, python-format
  4895. msgid "Set a goal for how many books you'll finish reading in %(year)s, and track your progress throughout the year."
  4896. msgstr "Ezarri helburu gisa zenbat liburu irakurri nahi dituzun %(year)s(e)an, eta egin zure aurrerapenen jarraipena urtean zehar."
  4897. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/goal_form.html:16
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  4900. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/goal_form.html:21
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  4903. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/goal_form.html:26
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  4905. msgstr "Helburuaren pribatutasuna:"
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  4915. msgid "Success!"
  4916. msgstr "Arrakasta!"
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  4918. #, python-format
  4919. msgid "%(percent)s%% complete!"
  4920. msgstr "%(percent)s%% osatuta!"
  4921. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/goal_progress.html:12
  4922. #, python-format
  4923. msgid "You've read <a href=\"%(path)s\">%(read_count)s of %(goal_count)s books</a>."
  4924. msgstr "<a href=\"%(path)s\">%(goal_count)s liburutik %(read_count)s</a> irakurri dituzu dagoeneko."
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  4926. #, python-format
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  4928. msgstr "%(username)s(e)k <a href=\"%(path)s\">%(goal_count)s liburutik %(read_count)s</a> irakurri ditu."
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  4952. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/rate_action.html:20
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  4956. #, python-format
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  4958. msgstr "Bukatu\"<em>%(book_title)s</em>\""
  4959. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/reading_modals/form.html:9
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  4966. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/reading_modals/start_reading_modal.html:6
  4967. #, python-format
  4968. msgid "Start \"<em>%(book_title)s</em>\""
  4969. msgstr "Hasi \"<em>%(book_title)s</em>\""
  4970. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/reading_modals/stop_reading_modal.html:6
  4971. #, python-format
  4972. msgid "Stop Reading \"<em>%(book_title)s</em>\""
  4973. msgstr "\"<em>%(book_title)s</em>\" irakurtzeari utzi"
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  4979. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/reading_modals/want_to_read_modal.html:6
  4980. #, python-format
  4981. msgid "Want to Read \"<em>%(book_title)s</em>\""
  4982. msgstr "\"<em>%(book_title)s</em>\" irakurri nahi dut"
  4983. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/register_form.html:18
  4984. msgid "Choose wisely! Your username cannot be changed."
  4985. msgstr "Zentzuz aukeratu! Zure erabiltzaile-izena ezin da aldatu."
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  4988. msgstr "Izena eman"
  4989. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/report_modal.html:8
  4990. #, python-format
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  4994. #, python-format
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  4997. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/report_modal.html:12
  4998. #, python-format
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  5000. msgstr "Salatu @%(username)s"
  5001. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/report_modal.html:34
  5002. #, python-format
  5003. msgid "This report will be sent to %(site_name)s's moderators for review."
  5004. msgstr "Salaketa hau %(site_name)s(e)ko moderatzaileei bidaliko zaie gainbegiratu dezaten."
  5005. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/report_modal.html:36
  5006. msgid "Links from this domain will be removed until your report has been reviewed."
  5007. msgstr "Domeinu honetako estekak ezabatu egingo dira zure salaketa gainbegiratzen den bitartean."
  5008. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/report_modal.html:41
  5009. msgid "More info about this report:"
  5010. msgstr "Informazio gehiago salaketa honi buruz:"
  5011. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/shelf_selector.html:7
  5012. msgid "Move book"
  5013. msgstr "Mugitu liburua"
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  5015. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/shelve_button/shelve_button_dropdown_options.html:17
  5016. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/shelve_button/shelve_button_options.html:33
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  5019. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/shelf_selector.html:60
  5020. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/shelve_button/shelve_button_dropdown_options.html:38
  5021. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/shelve_button/shelve_button_options.html:55
  5022. msgid "Want to read"
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  5024. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/shelf_selector.html:81
  5025. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/shelf_selector.html:95
  5026. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/shelve_button/shelve_button_dropdown_options.html:73
  5027. #, python-format
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  5029. msgstr "Ezabatu %(name)s(e)tik"
  5030. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/shelve_button/shelve_button_dropdown.html:5
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  5032. msgstr "Apal gehiago"
  5033. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/shelve_button/shelve_button_dropdown_options.html:31
  5034. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/shelve_button/shelve_button_options.html:48
  5035. msgid "Stop reading"
  5036. msgstr "Utzi irakurtzeari"
  5037. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/shelve_button/shelve_button_options.html:40
  5038. msgid "Finish reading"
  5039. msgstr "Bukatu irakurtzen"
  5040. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/content_status.html:80
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  5042. msgstr "Erakutsi egoera"
  5043. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/content_status.html:102
  5044. #, python-format
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  5046. msgstr ""
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  5048. #, python-format
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  5051. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/content_status.html:104
  5052. #, python-format
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  5055. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/content_status.html:104
  5056. #, python-format
  5057. msgid " - %(endpercent)s%%"
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  5062. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/content_status.html:148
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  5065. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/header.html:45
  5066. #, python-format
  5067. msgid "edited %(date)s"
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  5069. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/headers/comment.html:8
  5070. #, python-format
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  5072. msgstr "(e)k <a href=\"%(author_path)s\">%(author_name)s</a>(r)en <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a>(r)i buruzko iruzkina egin du"
  5073. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/headers/comment.html:15
  5074. #, python-format
  5075. msgid "commented on <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a>"
  5076. msgstr "(e)k <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a>(r)i buruzko iruzkina egin du"
  5077. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/headers/note.html:8
  5078. #, python-format
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  5080. msgstr "<a href=\"%(user_path)s\">%(username)s</a>(r)en <a href=\"%(status_path)s\">egoera</a>ri erantzun dio"
  5081. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/headers/quotation.html:8
  5082. #, python-format
  5083. msgid "quoted <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a> by <a href=\"%(author_path)s\">%(author_name)s</a>"
  5084. msgstr "aipatu zuen <a href=\"%(author_path)s\">%(author_name)s</a>(r)en <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a>"
  5085. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/headers/quotation.html:15
  5086. #, python-format
  5087. msgid "quoted <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a>"
  5088. msgstr "<a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a> aipatu du"
  5089. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/headers/rating.html:3
  5090. #, python-format
  5091. msgid "rated <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a>:"
  5092. msgstr "<a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a> puntuatu du:"
  5093. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/headers/read.html:10
  5094. #, python-format
  5095. msgid "finished reading <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a> by <a href=\"%(author_path)s\">%(author_name)s</a>"
  5096. msgstr "(e)k <a href=\"%(author_path)s\">%(author_name)s</a>(r)en <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a> irakurtzen bukatu du"
  5097. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/headers/read.html:17
  5098. #, python-format
  5099. msgid "finished reading <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a>"
  5100. msgstr "(e)k <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a> irakurtzen bukatu du"
  5101. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/headers/reading.html:10
  5102. #, python-format
  5103. msgid "started reading <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a> by <a href=\"%(author_path)s\">%(author_name)s</a>"
  5104. msgstr ", <a href=\"%(author_path)s\">%(author_name)s</a>(r)en <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a> irakurtzen hasi da"
  5105. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/headers/reading.html:17
  5106. #, python-format
  5107. msgid "started reading <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a>"
  5108. msgstr ", <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a> irakurtzen hasi da"
  5109. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/headers/review.html:8
  5110. #, python-format
  5111. msgid "reviewed <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a> by <a href=\"%(author_path)s\">%(author_name)s</a>"
  5112. msgstr "(e)k <a href=\"%(author_path)s\">%(author_name)s</a>(r)en <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a> kritika egin du"
  5113. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/headers/review.html:15
  5114. #, python-format
  5115. msgid "reviewed <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a>"
  5116. msgstr "(e)k <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a>(r)en kritika egin du"
  5117. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/headers/stopped_reading.html:10
  5118. #, python-format
  5119. msgid "stopped reading <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a> by <a href=\"%(author_path)s\">%(author_name)s</a>"
  5120. msgstr "<a href=\"%(author_path)s\">%(author_name)s</a>(r)en <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a> irakurtzeari utzi dio"
  5121. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/headers/stopped_reading.html:17
  5122. #, python-format
  5123. msgid "stopped reading <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a>"
  5124. msgstr "<a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a> irakurtzeari utzi dio"
  5125. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/headers/to_read.html:10
  5126. #, python-format
  5127. msgid "wants to read <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a> by <a href=\"%(author_path)s\">%(author_name)s</a>"
  5128. msgstr "(e)k <a href=\"%(author_path)s\">%(author_name)s</a>(r)en <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a> irakurri nahi du"
  5129. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/headers/to_read.html:17
  5130. #, python-format
  5131. msgid "wants to read <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a>"
  5132. msgstr "(e)k <a href=\"%(book_path)s\">%(book)s</a> irakurri nahi du"
  5133. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/layout.html:24
  5134. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/status_options.html:17
  5135. msgid "Delete status"
  5136. msgstr "Ezabatu egoera"
  5137. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/layout.html:57
  5138. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/layout.html:58
  5139. msgid "Boost status"
  5140. msgstr "Bultzatu egoera"
  5141. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/layout.html:61
  5142. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/layout.html:62
  5143. msgid "Like status"
  5144. msgstr "Atsegin egoera"
  5145. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/status.html:10
  5146. msgid "boosted"
  5147. msgstr "bultzatuta"
  5148. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/status/status_options.html:7
  5149. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/user_options.html:7
  5150. msgid "More options"
  5151. msgstr "Aukera gehiago"
  5152. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/switch_edition_button.html:5
  5153. msgid "Switch to this edition"
  5154. msgstr "Aldatu edizio honetara"
  5155. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/table-sort-header.html:6
  5156. msgid "Sorted ascending"
  5157. msgstr "Ordenatu gorantz"
  5158. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/table-sort-header.html:10
  5159. msgid "Sorted descending"
  5160. msgstr "Ordenatu beherantz"
  5161. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/trimmed_text.html:17
  5162. msgid "Show more"
  5163. msgstr "Erakutsi gehiago"
  5164. #: bookwyrm/templates/snippets/trimmed_text.html:35
  5165. msgid "Show less"
  5166. msgstr "Erakutsi gutxiago"
  5167. #: bookwyrm/templates/two_factor_auth/two_factor_login.html:29
  5168. msgid "2FA check"
  5169. msgstr "2FA egiaztatzea"
  5170. #: bookwyrm/templates/two_factor_auth/two_factor_login.html:37
  5171. msgid "Enter the code from your authenticator app:"
  5172. msgstr "Sartu zure egiaztapenerako aplikazioko kodea:"
  5173. #: bookwyrm/templates/two_factor_auth/two_factor_login.html:41
  5174. msgid "Confirm and Log In"
  5175. msgstr "Baieztatu eta sartu"
  5176. #: bookwyrm/templates/two_factor_auth/two_factor_prompt.html:29
  5177. msgid "2FA is available"
  5178. msgstr "2FA erabilgarri dago"
  5179. #: bookwyrm/templates/two_factor_auth/two_factor_prompt.html:34
  5180. msgid "You can secure your account by setting up two factor authentication in your user preferences. This will require a one-time code from your phone in addition to your password each time you log in."
  5181. msgstr "Zure kontua babestu dezakezu zure erabiltzaile-hobespenetan bi faktoretako egiaztapena ezarriz. Honek zure mugikorraren bitartez lortuko duzun aldi bakarreko kode bat eskatuko du, pasahitzaz gain, sartu nahi duzun aldi bakoitzeko."
  5182. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/books_header.html:9
  5183. #, python-format
  5184. msgid "%(username)s's books"
  5185. msgstr "%(username)s(r)en liburuak"
  5186. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/goal.html:12
  5187. #, python-format
  5188. msgid "%(year)s Reading Progress"
  5189. msgstr "%(year)s(e)ko irakurketa-aurerapena"
  5190. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/goal.html:16
  5191. msgid "Edit Goal"
  5192. msgstr "Editatu helburua"
  5193. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/goal.html:32
  5194. #, python-format
  5195. msgid "%(name)s hasn't set a reading goal for %(year)s."
  5196. msgstr "%(name)s(e)k ez du irakurketa-helburu bat ezarri %(year)s(e)rako."
  5197. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/goal.html:44
  5198. #, python-format
  5199. msgid "Your %(year)s Books"
  5200. msgstr "Zure %(year)s urteko liburuak"
  5201. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/goal.html:46
  5202. #, python-format
  5203. msgid "%(username)s's %(year)s Books"
  5204. msgstr "%(username)s(r)en %(year)s(e)ko liburuak"
  5205. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/groups.html:14
  5206. msgid "Your Groups"
  5207. msgstr "Zure taldeak"
  5208. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/groups.html:16
  5209. #, python-format
  5210. msgid "Groups: %(username)s"
  5211. msgstr "Taldeak: %(username)s"
  5212. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/layout.html:50
  5213. msgid "Follow Requests"
  5214. msgstr "Jarraitzeko eskaerak"
  5215. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/layout.html:73
  5216. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/reviews_comments.html:6
  5217. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/reviews_comments.html:12
  5218. msgid "Reviews and Comments"
  5219. msgstr "Kritikak eta Iruzkinak"
  5220. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/lists.html:16
  5221. #, python-format
  5222. msgid "Lists: %(username)s"
  5223. msgstr "Zerrendak: %(username)s"
  5224. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/lists.html:22 bookwyrm/templates/user/lists.html:34
  5225. msgid "Create list"
  5226. msgstr "Sortu zerrenda"
  5227. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/relationships/followers.html:31
  5228. #, python-format
  5229. msgid "%(username)s has no followers"
  5230. msgstr "%(username)s erabiltzaileak ez du jarraitzailerik"
  5231. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/relationships/following.html:6
  5232. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/relationships/following.html:11
  5233. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/relationships/following.html:21
  5234. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/relationships/layout.html:15
  5235. msgid "Following"
  5236. msgstr "Jarraitzen"
  5237. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/relationships/following.html:30
  5238. #, python-format
  5239. msgid "%(username)s isn't following any users"
  5240. msgstr "%(username)s ez da ari erabiltzailerik jarraitzen"
  5241. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/reviews_comments.html:26
  5242. msgid "No reviews or comments yet!"
  5243. msgstr "Ez dago oraindik kritikarik ez eta iruzkinik!"
  5244. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:20
  5245. msgid "Edit profile"
  5246. msgstr "Editatu profila"
  5247. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:42
  5248. #, python-format
  5249. msgid "View all %(size)s"
  5250. msgstr "%(size)s guztiak ikusi"
  5251. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:61
  5252. msgid "View all books"
  5253. msgstr "Ikusi liburu guztiak"
  5254. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:69
  5255. #, python-format
  5256. msgid "%(current_year)s Reading Goal"
  5257. msgstr "%(current_year)s Irakurketa xedea"
  5258. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:76
  5259. msgid "User Activity"
  5260. msgstr "Erabiltzailearen aktibitatea"
  5261. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:82
  5262. msgid "Show RSS Options"
  5263. msgstr "Erakutsi RSS aukerak"
  5264. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:88
  5265. msgid "RSS feed"
  5266. msgstr "RSS jarioa"
  5267. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:104
  5268. msgid "Complete feed"
  5269. msgstr "Jario osoa"
  5270. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:109
  5271. msgid "Reviews only"
  5272. msgstr "Kritikak bakarrik"
  5273. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:114
  5274. msgid "Quotes only"
  5275. msgstr "Aipuak bakarrik"
  5276. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:119
  5277. msgid "Comments only"
  5278. msgstr "Iruzkinak bakarrik"
  5279. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user.html:135
  5280. msgid "No activities yet!"
  5281. msgstr "Ez dago aktibitaterik oraindik!"
  5282. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user_preview.html:22
  5283. #, python-format
  5284. msgid "Joined %(date)s"
  5285. msgstr "%(date)s(e)an batu zen"
  5286. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user_preview.html:26
  5287. #, python-format
  5288. msgid "%(display_count)s follower"
  5289. msgid_plural "%(display_count)s followers"
  5290. msgstr[0] ""
  5291. msgstr[1] ""
  5292. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user_preview.html:31
  5293. #, python-format
  5294. msgid "%(counter)s following"
  5295. msgstr "%(counter)s jarraitzen"
  5296. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user_preview.html:45
  5297. #, python-format
  5298. msgid "%(mutuals_display)s follower you follow"
  5299. msgid_plural "%(mutuals_display)s followers you follow"
  5300. msgstr[0] "Jarraitzen duzun jarraitzaile %(mutuals_display)s"
  5301. msgstr[1] "Jarraitzen dituzun %(mutuals_display)s jarraitzaile"
  5302. #: bookwyrm/templates/user/user_preview.html:49
  5303. msgid "No followers you follow"
  5304. msgstr "Ez dago jarraitzen duzun jarraitzailerik"
  5305. #: bookwyrm/templates/user_menu.html:7
  5306. msgid "View profile and more"
  5307. msgstr "Ikusi profila eta gehiago"
  5308. #: bookwyrm/templates/user_menu.html:82
  5309. msgid "Log out"
  5310. msgstr "Amaitu saioa"
  5311. #: bookwyrm/templates/widgets/clearable_file_input_with_warning.html:28
  5312. msgid "File exceeds maximum size: 10MB"
  5313. msgstr "Fitxategiak gehienezko tamaina gainditzen du: 10 Mb"
  5314. #: bookwyrm/templatetags/
  5315. #, python-format
  5316. msgid "Book List: %(name)s"
  5317. msgstr "Liburu zerrenda: %(name)s"
  5318. #: bookwyrm/templatetags/
  5319. #, python-format
  5320. msgid "%(num)d book - by %(user)s"
  5321. msgid_plural "%(num)d books - by %(user)s"
  5322. msgstr[0] "liburu %(num)d - %(user)s"
  5323. msgstr[1] "%(num)d liburu - %(user)s"
  5324. #: bookwyrm/templatetags/
  5325. #, python-format
  5326. msgid "%(title)s: %(subtitle)s"
  5327. msgstr "%(title)s: %(subtitle)s"
  5328. #: bookwyrm/views/
  5329. #, python-brace-format
  5330. msgid "Status updates from {obj.display_name}"
  5331. msgstr "{obj.display_name}-ren egoera eguneratzeak"
  5332. #: bookwyrm/views/
  5333. #, python-brace-format
  5334. msgid "Reviews from {obj.display_name}"
  5335. msgstr "{obj.display_name}(r)en kritikak"
  5336. #: bookwyrm/views/
  5337. #, python-brace-format
  5338. msgid "Quotes from {obj.display_name}"
  5339. msgstr "{obj.display_name}(r)en aipuak"
  5340. #: bookwyrm/views/
  5341. #, python-brace-format
  5342. msgid "Comments from {obj.display_name}"
  5343. msgstr "{obj.display_name}(r)en iruzkinak"
  5344. #: bookwyrm/views/
  5345. #, python-format
  5346. msgid "Load %(count)d unread status"
  5347. msgid_plural "Load %(count)d unread statuses"
  5348. msgstr[0] "Kargatu irakurri gabeko egoera %(count)d"
  5349. msgstr[1] "Kargatu %(count)d irakurri gabeko egoera"